University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0001
Survey Title Labor Market Research among New Graduates (Junior High School), 1953
Depositor Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
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Educational Purpose Only available for research.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary How are lower secondary school graduates and the present and future of the Japanese industry related to each other? This research attempts to answer this question by analyzing "the amount of accumulated capital within the state" and "its direction"; the relations between industries and school/skill training; the (social) strata-specific living standards and customs, especially in relation to the class-differentiation of peasantry; "the transformation of household labor into occupational labor"; and "the problems of unemployment among the pre-employed and low-wage industries" or "forms of existence of the reserve army." The research cross-classifies this particular labor market by industry, size, and region, and concludes: The labor market of the male graduates of lower secondary schools in Kanagawa Prefecture is structured into the following three strata and five regions: (1) "the top Stratum A of the Keihin Region labor market which covers the entire Prefecture"; (2) the second Stratum B which consists of "Yokosuka Region," "Chubu (Central) Region centering around Shonan cities," and "Seibu (West) Region" centering around Odawara City; and (3) the lowest Stratum C which represents an "agrarian region" encompassing Koza, Aiko, and Tsukui Counties. Inter-regional labor mobility takes two forms: a "direct form" in which labor moves from C to A or from B to A ; and a "chain form" in which labor moves from C to B and then to A. The "momentum of (such) labor mobility" is conditioned by disparities in working conditions which are manifested most intensively in wages, and behind the disparities are regional differences in the industrial structure and structural differences among companies of different sizes. The labor market of female counterparts differs from that of male graduates in that the former is characterized by a large extent of "regional blockade" as shown, for example, by their Keihin Region labor market which, unlike males', does not cover the entire prefecture. Also, regardless of region, female graduates' starting salaries are lower than males,' and their regional disparities as well as dispersion are wider than those of male graduates.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe All of the 1953 March graduates of the 188 public lower secondary schools (about 20,000 males and 19,000 females) in Kanagawa Prefecture.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size See "Universe" above.
Date of Collection 1953-07-01 ~ 1953-07-01
July, 1953
Time Period 1953 ~ 1953
Spatial Unit kanagawa
Kanagawa Prefecture
Sampling Procedure
Mode of Data Collection Face-to-face interview
Self-administered questionnaire
The researcher first distributed questionnaires (of the four, Ko, Otsu, Hei, and Tei types) to every school under the names of Kanagawa Prefecture and the School Board of Kanagawa Prefecture, requesting the teaching staff in charge of placement guidance to fill them out (on October 31, 1953), and then collected them on November 30 in the same year. In addition, interviewers were sent to some areas in which they visited students' houses with "Individual Questionnaires" and filled them out as they interviewed.
The Society for the Research and Study of Labor Issues (Rodo mondai chosa kenkyu-kai) (with Kazuo Okochi, Masajiro Ujihara, Eiichi Eguchi, Koichi Sekiya, and Akira Takanashi)
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0001
Sponsors (Funds)
The Ministry of Education (the Scientific Study Funds) and the Planning Office at the Kanagawa Prefectural Government (the Expert Committee Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) The Kanagawa Prefectural Government (ed) with Masajiro Ujihara, Eiichi Eguchi, Akira Takanashi, and Koichi Sekiya (March, 1955) Rodoryoku jukyu chosa hokoku-sho [Report of Survey on Labor Demand and Supply]. Kanagawa Prefecture: The Kanagawa Prefectural Government. (418pp. Not for sale)
Okochi, Kazuo and Masajiro Ujihara (eds.) (September, 1955) Rodo-shijo no kenkyu-Chuggako sotsugyei no shushoku mondai [Labor Market Study: Employment Problems among Secondary High School Graduates]. Tokyo: The University of Tokyo Press. (411pp)

The Planning Section (ed) (February, 1954) Showa 28-nen shinki chugakko sotsugyosha no shushoku jokyo chosa (Shukei kekka-hyo bassui) [Survey of the Employment Condition of Newly Graduates of Secondary High Schools in 1953 (Selected Charts of Aggregated Data)]. Kanagawa Prefecture: The Kanagawa Prefectural Government. (Not for sale)
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Region of origin, family occupation, high school enrollment and employment, employer (industry, size, region, and working conditions), etc.
Date of Release 1998/04/01
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Compulsory and pre-school education
Labour relations/conflict
Working conditions
Social and occupational mobility
Topics in SSJDA Employment/Labor
Version 1 : 1998-04-01
Notes for Users Computerized original questionnaires have been made public.
Data Sets are written in Japanese.