University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0015
Survey Title Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 1982
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' at SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary The purpose of this survey series is to chronologically grasp and provide basic data on the state of life insurance coverage among ordinary households, their conceptions of life insurance, preparation of livelihood security against aging and for a surviving family, and knowledge on life insurance. Since 1965 a survey had been conducted by the Japan Life Insurance Association about every three years until the establishment of the current Institute in 1976, which has taken over the task since then.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe The heads of ordinary households with at least two members.
Unit of Observation Household
Sample Size 5,079 responses from a sample of 6,500 such heads. (Rate of return: 78.1%)
Date of Collection 1982-07-01 ~ 1982-07-26
July 1 -26, 1982
Time Period 1982 ~ 1982
Spatial Unit Japan
All over Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Stratified random sub-sampling
Mode of Data Collection Face-to-face interview
Face-to-face interview (combined with record system when unavoidable.)
Japan Institute of Life Insurance. The field work was performed by the New Information Center.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0015
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Japan Institute of Life Insurance (February, 1983) Showa 57-nendo seimei hoken ni kansuru zenkoku jittai chosa [The 1982 National Life Insurance Survey]
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Demographic items:
Sex of household head; number of family members living with Respondent; their composition; number and composition of unmarried children; annual household income; annual income of household head; age of household head; education of household head; occupation of household head; spouse's occupation; type of dwelling; and housing loan obligations.
Questionnaire items:
(1) Head's and household's coverage by private, postal, and agricultural cooperative life insurance schemes (coverage, persons insured, number of policies held, insurance money [amount paid upon maturity, amount paid upon ordinary death, and amount paid upon death from casualty], annual premiums, method of payment of private insurance premiums, and number of private insurers, etc.); (2) coverage by individual pension schemes (type of scheme, and person covered);(3)private insurance policies held since 1977(person insured, route of purchase, reasons for purchase, purpose of purchase, decision-maker of purchase, relations with sales staff, degree of understanding policy details, etc.); (4) how R feels about payment of premiums, and affordable amount; (5) feeling of sufficiency with current insurance money; uncovered people's needs for life insurance; and intentions for new/additional private coverage; (6) degree of anxiety about senior life and emergency; necessary reserve funds for such occasions; (7) means and methods to count on (to cope with emergency, sickness, accidents, and senior life); (8) type of insurance desired; (9)cancellation and invalidation (cases, period held, reasons for cancellation and invalidation; and reasons for switching to other private or fraternal insurance schemes), and insurance money received for death after 1972 and its use; and (10) degree of knowledge on life insurance.
Date of Release 1998/04/01
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Income, property and investment/saving
Specific social services: use and availability
Topics in SSJDA Social Security/Welfare
Version 1 : 1998-04-01
1.1 : 2002-10-31
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.