University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0175
Survey Title Questionnaire Survey on Future Life, 1997
Depositor Dai-ichi Life Research Institute
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary With the dramatic change in society, people's lives and consciousness has been drastically changing. As we approach the 21 century, the following factors have contributed to the changes in society: globalization, development of information technology, technological innovation, deregulation, aging of society, changes in the composition of family, etc. This survey is conducted every other year in order to clarify the changes in people's lives and consciousness in a chronological order. This survey is the second survey following the first one in 1995. Minor changes were made to the survey items, but basically the survey items are identical to the ones used in the first survey. A special theme for this 1997 survey is "life education".
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Male and female individuals between the age of 18 to 69.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 3,000 people sampled, effective responses from 2,372 people (79.1%)
Date of Collection 1997-01-01 ~ 1997-01-01
Time Period 1997 ~ 1997
Spatial Unit Japan
All over Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Respondents were asked by the researchers to fill out questionnaires.
Investigator Life Design Institute. Field work was conducted by Chuo Chosasha.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0175
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Life Design Institute, December 1997, Life Design White Paper 1998-99 (Raifu Dezain Hakusho 1998-99).
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Questionnaire items
(1) Health: physical health condition; mental/emotional health condition; tips to maintain health. (2) weekend and holiday life/life time education; the extent to which the respondent has free time; length of weekends and holidays; ways to spend weekends and holidays; people with whom the respondent go out; frequency; whether the respondent has a life work; age at which the respondent realized what his/her life work is; type of life work; education you had in the past 1-2 years, and your desire for future education; way of learning; reasons for learning; frequency of learning; expenses for learning; expected length of time for learning; accomplishment; reasons for not wanting to have further education. (3) personal relationships and one's raison d'etre: current personal relationships and raison d'etre; how you wish to extend your relationships. (4) home and family: the respondent's image of an ideal marital relationship; marital status; age at which the respondent got married; current condition of your marital relationship; desirable parent/child relationship; number of children and their ages; current condition of your relationship with your children; number of children you wish to have in the future, ideal number of children; reasons for not wanting to have children. (5) children's education: ideas and thoughts on your children's education; children's allowance; children's curfew and its observance; worries about your children's education. (6) occupation and condition of employment: experiences of changing jobs and/or starting an independent business; current condition of employment and future plans; retirement system; intentions of changing jobs and/or starting an independent business; reasons to work and for wanting to work; desirable retiring age; reasons for wanting to keep working after age 60. (7) financial situation: financial affluence; where your additional expenses will go if you become more affluent; last year's savings. (8) anxiety and preparation to cope with your anxiety: contents and extent of worries and anxiety (personal, family, society); preparation to cope with your anxiety and worries. (9) housing: type of housing; housing loans; house ownership, plans for inheriting a house; reasons for not planning to own a house; particular places you wish to reside permanently. (10) advanced age life and nursing: preparation for one's advanced age life; type of housing you wish to have in your advanced age; experience of nursing; family members who needs nursing; way of nursing; your ideas and thoughts on future nursing (way of nursing for your parents and spouse, your desirable way of nursing). (11) importance of life, satisfaction of life, optimistic view on life (10 question items). (12) life plan: image of life planning; extent to which you have planed your life; time range of your life plan; reasons for not planning things for your life; things to plan (financial aspect, non-financial aspect); things which made you to plan your life; whether you have dreams or not, and contents of your "dreams".
Demographic items:
Sex; age(of the respondent, and of his/her spouse); siblings (of the respondent, and of his/her spouse); occupation (of the respondent, and of his/her spouse); number of cohabiting family members; composition of cohabiting family members; respondent's annual income; annual income of the household.
Date of Release 2001/02/21
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Life-long/continuing education
Social behaviour and attitudes
Social conditions and indicators
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Version 1 : 2001-02-21
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.