University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0340
Survey Title Nationwide Fact-finding Survey on Life Insurance, 2003
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary The purpose of this survey was to provide basic statistical data by gaining an understanding of chronological shifts in people’s attitudes to life security, with a focus on the actual state of enrollment in life insurance in common households. This survey has been conducted by the Life Insurance Association of Japan almost once every three years since 1965. It was handed over to the Japan Institute of Life Insurance following its foundation in 1976. The method of this survey was changed and its content was revised in 1988, and some minor revisions have been made since then.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Common households with two or more members
Unit of Observation Household
Sample Size Sample size: 6,500, number of responses: 4,725 (response rate: 72.7%)
Date of Collection 2003-05-02 ~ 2003-06-08
2003/05/02 – 06/08
Time Period 2003 ~ 2003
Spatial Unit Japan
Japan (436 locations)
Sampling Procedure Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified (secondary) random sampling method
Mode of Data Collection Placement (self-administered, drop-off/pick-up) method
Investigator Japan Institute of Life Insurance, survey carried out by Shin Joho Center, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0340
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items Questionnaire items:
(1) Household’s and household members’ life insurance enrollment status (private, postal, JA): whether or not enrolled, number of enrollments, number of insured members, value of coverage (maturity insurance, ordinary death insurance, illness hospitalization benefit), annual insurance premiums paid, number of private insurance companies subscribed

(2) State of enrollment in pension-type products and personal pension insurance:
Whether or not enrolled and type, insured person, annual basic pension amount, payment method and annual insurance premiums paid

(3) State of enrollment in private life insurance with specific coverage and riders: cancer insurance/cancer rider, specified disease insurance/specified disease rider, specified disease insurance/specified disease rider, disabling disease and injury rider/severe chronic illness rider, long-term care insurance/long-term care rider

(4) Life insurance enrolled recently (Heisei 10 (1998) onward) (private, postal): main insured members, person who decided on purchase, person who pays premium, reason for enrollment, purpose of enrollment, purchase channel, experience enrolling with a salesperson’s assistance

(5) Status of cancellation/expiration of private life insurance: Experience of cancellation/expiration, continuation period, person enrolled (insured person), purpose of enrollment, use of cancellation refund, reasons

(6) Sense of satisfaction with insurance coverage, insurance premiums respondent can pay

(7) Thoughts on life protection (i. financial preparations in case the head of household should be in need, ii. financial preparations for expenses outside the scope of health insurance medical treatment in the event the head of household is hospitalized for two to three months, iii. financial preparations related to respondent’s and spouse’s life in old age, iv. financial preparations for expenses outside the scope of public long-term care insurance in the event the head of household or spouse is in need of long-term care), necessary funds, number of years required, anxiety about preparing funds, expected means for financial preparations

(8) Intention to enroll in and add life insurance in the future: intention, insured person at that time, contents of coverage, reason for not intending to enroll in or add insurance, life insurance premium deduction and intention to enroll/continue (thoughts about public protection and private protection in life protection, thoughts about the life insurance premium deduction system, response if the life insurance premium deduction system changes)

Face items:
Head of household’s gender, Head of household’s age, spouse’s age, presence/number/situation of children living separately, head of household’s occupation, workplace size by number of employees, spouse’s occupation, head of household’s annual income, spouse’s annual income, household annual income, type of housing, whether respondent has a loan, financial assets, number/composition of household family members, number/situation of unmarried pre-school and school-aged children in household, number of unmarried children who have completed schooling
Date of Release 2004/06/17
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Topics in SSJDA Social Security/Welfare
Version 1 : 2004-06-17
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.