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Survey Title
National Family Research of Japan: Special Survey 2001
The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
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This is a survey aiming at describing changes and traditions in Japanese families during the past half-century of post-war through collecting nationwide data and analyzing it in sociology.
After the war, the Japanese families were greatly changed. Then, how have the families been changed (or, have not been changed)? This survey was conducted in such an awareness of the issues. Married women of birth in 1960's from 1920's (women who married after the war) were asked to respond to the questionnaires about family's history and event by the recollection.
This survey clarifies Japanese family's change and continuation in postwar days through comparing data between cohorts.
The survey items were family's history-marriage, birth, cohabitation with parents, occupation, caregiving and housing, and a variety of life experiences of accompanying them.
This survey was conducted under the National Family Research committee of the Japanese Society of Family Sociology, and funded by a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (Basic research: category A).
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Women 32 - 81 years of age as of December 31, 2001. (Women who were the born between January 1, 1920 and December 31, 1969)
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
5,000 sample women, 3,475 effective response (69.5%)
Date of Collection
2002-01-24 ~ 2002-03-03
January 24 - May 3, 2002
Time Period
2002 ~ 2002
Spatial Unit
All over Japan
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire
A report system (in which field workers visited the respondents to collect the questionnaires)
The National Family Research (NFRJ) committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
The fieldwork was entrusted to Shin Joho Center, Inc.
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Zenkoku Chosa "Sengo Nihon no Kazoku no Ayumi" (NFRJ-S01) Hokokusho. [Report of the National survey "Trails of Families in Post-War Japan" (NFRJ-S01)], March, 2003, Sonoko (Kumagai) Matsuda (Ed.), the National Family Research (NFRJ) committee of the Japanese Society of Family Sociology.
Kôhôto Hikaku ni yoru Sengo Nihon no Kazoku Hendo no Kenkyu (Dai 2ji Hokokusho) [Study of Changes of Families in Post-War Japan by Cohort Comparison (The second report)], May, 2005, Sonoko (Kumagai) Matsuda and Takaji Ohkubo (Eds.), the National Family Research (NFRJ) committee of the Japanese Society of Family Sociology.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
(1) Experience of marriage, sociodemographic characteristics of spouse (Q1-Q16)
Marriage, year of marriage, arranged marriage or romantic marriage, last names of respondent and spouse after the marriage, wedding ceremony, go-between, wedding banquet, place of wedding banquet.
First marriage or remarriage, birth year of spouse, number of spouse's siblings, relationship to the parents (oldest son or not), number of spouse's sisters, spouse's occupation when married, spouse's experience of job change (changed or not, frequency), occupation which spouse had for the longest period of time, experience of job-related separation (experienced or not, frequency, years in total), experience of unemployment (experienced or not, frequency), spouse's current occupation, position, father-in-law's occupation when married, final academic background, etc.
(2) Experience of divorce or widowhood, remarried (Q17-Q19)
Experience of divorce or widowhood, when respondent divorced or became widowed, experience of remarried, when respondent remarried, and sociodemographic characteristics of spouse of first marriage.
(3) Living arrangement with parents after marriage (Q20-Q23)
Experience of coresidence with (own/spouse's) parents and experience of living near (own/spouse's) parents (experienced or not, frequency, and when respondent started coresidence, whether stopped coresidence, when stopped coresidence).
(4) Sociodemographic characteristics of children (Q24-Q27)
Total number of children, number of children who are currently alive, information of children (first child - fifth child) (sex, birth year, finished education, experience of marriage, whether alive or deceased, whether living with respondent), birth of first child (which sex respondent thought she liked to have, who applied child's name, whether the name of the first child share part of either respondent or her husband's name), life when first child was around one year old (where respondent lived, total number of people respondent lived with, structure of family, who was the head of respondent's household), life when first child was young (younger than three years old) (whether respondent's spouse regularly took care of that child, and supporter of taking care of that child, how of family to sleep, when that child was given his/her "own room").
(5) Living arrangement with children who have ever married (Q28-Q31)
Which child married first and when that child married, experience of coresidence with children who have ever married and experience of living near children who have ever married, that children's relationship with respondent, whether respondent have grandchild or not, and when first grandchild was born.
(6) Respondent's coming from (Q32-Q38)
Respondent's birth year/month and age, where respondent lived when she was around fifteen years old (in Japan or not, prefecture, area), job of respondent's father when respondent was about fifteen years old, job of respondent's mother when respondent was about fifteen years old, respondent's finished education, and respondent's father's finished education.
(7) Respondent's work experience (Q39)
Whether respondent have ever had job or not, when respondent started first job, position in employing, whether respondent still have that job, when respondent quitted that job, whether respondent had a job after quitted first job, information of job (Second time - eighth time) (when respondent started that job, and when respondent quitted that job, position in employing).
(8) Caregiving/nursing of parents (Q40-Q43)
Whether (own/spouse's) parents are alive or deceased, when they died, whether (own/spouse's) parents required caregiving/nursing, main person that involved in caregiving/nursing, and where the caregiving/nursing was mainly done.
(9) Respondent's caregiving/nursing experience (Q44)
Whether respondent involved caregiving/nursing or not, first caregiving (for whom, when that caregiving/nursing activity began, that caregiving/nursing activity ended or not, reason to end nursing/caregiving, when that caregiving/nursing activity ended), and caregiving/nursing activities after the first one (whether respondent involved or not, for whom, when that caregiving/nursing activities began, when that caregiving/nursing activities ended).
(10) Respondent's siblings (Q45)
Total number of siblings, number of siblings who reached adulthood, sibling's relationship to the parents (oldest son or not), whether respondent have a brother, how respondent's parents treated respondent and her siblings, parents' estate, and how parents' estate was distributed.
(11) Housing after marriage and experience of moving (Q46-48)
Whether respondent moved after marriage, frequency, whether respondent have ever purchased or inherited her own house, when respondent owned the first house, whether respondent received economic support at that time, content of support, and people who currently live with respondent (total number, structure of family, who is the head of respondent's household).
Date of Release
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1 : 2005-03-13
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