University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0514
Survey Title The Questionnaire Survey on Work and Life of Workers, 2005.4
Depositor JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

- Apply to SSJDA. SSJDA's approval is required.
Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
Access to Datasets Download
SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This survey aims to clarify economic, employment, and living trends as seen from the perspective of workers and to obtain basic information with which to consider policy issues from the perspective of improving employment and quality of life. This is done by periodically exploring workers’ attitudes toward economic trends in Japan and their current state of work and living.

The survey has been conducted regularly in April and October of every year since the first survey in April 2001, and this is the 9th survey. All previous surveys are archived in the SSJDA.

Topical questions, which explore the nature of policy needs and problems from time to time, have been set this time to ascertain the opinions and lived experiences of workers with regard to “social welfare system and public burden,” and “work/life balance.”

The findings of this survey suggest that the recent upturn in the economic climate is finally producing some signs of improvement in employment and living conditions. The findings show that viewed from the standpoint of workers’ jobs and lifestyles, the Japanese economy is entering a delicate phase.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Private company employees in their 20s to 50s who live in the Greater Tokyo Area and Kansai region
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size
Number of questionnaires distributed  Valid responses  Valid response rate
      900 people     802 people    89.1%

Although this survey targets “employees working at private companies,” the sample contains some respondents who are not employees, owing to a change in their employment status from the time they registered for the access panel and the time the survey was conducted. 34 of the respondents in the current survey fall under this category of non-employees. Excluding these, the sample totals 768, making a response rate of 85.3% for employees only.
Date of Collection ~
Time Period ~
Spatial Unit kanto
The Greater Tokyo Area: 64.1%,  Kansai region: 35.9%
Sampling Procedure Other
The sample allocation criteria were prepared taking into account the population size of private-sector employees in the Greater Tokyo Area and Kansai region and in consideration of the distribution of employees by gender, age group, and employment status of the “2002 (Heisei 14) Employment Status Survey.”

In accordance with these allocation criteria, 900 residents of the Greater Tokyo Area and Kansai region were sampled from among the access panelists (approx. 220,000 nationwide) registered with INTAGE, Inc.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Questionnaires for self-administered mail survey were distributed
Investigator Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards, survey carried out by INTAGE Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0514
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Questionnaire
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items [Questionnaire items]

(1) Economic trends and business situation at place of employment
Evaluation of the current Japanese economy compared to one year ago, reasons for feeling the economic climate is good or bad, economic forecast for Japan one year later, work status, current business situation at place of employment

(2) Restructuring at the place of employment and unemployment concerns
Implementation of recession policies in the past year (staff reduction, downsizing of a business division, restrictions on overtime, temporary transfers, relocations, wage cuts), anti-recession policies implemented, anxiety about work and about deteriorating working conditions, changes in the situation that are currently occurring or could occur in the future at the place of employment, experiences at work and regarding working conditions, desire to change place to work and reasons, measures for self-protection against unemployment, anxiety about becoming unemployed in next one year, reemployment under the same conditions after unemployment, nearby experience of bankruptcy, unemployment, etc. and to whom it happened

(3) Income, consumption and living conditions (comparison with one year ago/forecast one year later)
Increase or decrease in personal wage income, increase or decrease in household income, reasons for increase or decrease in household consumption and reasons for the change, sense of fluctuation in prices, changes in household living conditions, situation to increase household consumption in the future

(4) Satisfaction level with life
Satisfaction level with daily life (income, assets, living environment, leisure and spare time, work, inner happiness, life in general)

(5) Social security system/public burden
Enrollment in social insurance (employees’ pension insurance/national pension system, health insurance, employment insurance), perception of national government measures pertaining to pensions and taxation (narrowing of the spousal special exemption for income tax and residential taxes, raising of employees’ pension and national pension premiums, raising of employment insurance premiums, strengthening of taxation measures for public pension income of those aged 65 and over, narrowing of tax incentive for home loans, abolition of fixed-rate reductions for income tax and residential tax), support/opposition for the one-half abolition of the fixed-rate tax reductions, support/opposition for the complete abolition of fixed-rate tax reductions in the 2006 fiscal year, attitude toward raising of the consumption tax rate, reasons for opposing the raising of the consumption tax rate and criteria therefor

(6) Work and life balance
Real hours of work per week, allocation of time to work and non-work activities, reasons for wanting to reduce/increase hours of work, frequency of engaging in housework, presence of infant children, frequency of engaging in childrearing, sense of burden of housework, division of responsibilities for housework

[Face items]
Gender, age, marital status, highest level of educational attainment, annual wage income of respondent, annual household income, presence of household members who earn wage income besides respondent,primary breadwinner,employer’s industry, size of company by number of employees, occupation type, years of continuous employment, experience of changing jobs,labor union at place of employment (presence, membership status, intention of becoming a member), necessity of labor union

In addition, the access panel registration information was used for area of residence, household structure, type of residence, and years of residence.
Date of Release 2007/03/01
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Economic conditions and indicators
Labour relations/conflict
Working conditions
Specific social services: use and availability
Topics in SSJDA Employment/Labor
Version 1 : 2007-03-01
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.