University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0556
Survey Title Survey of Attitudes of Contemporary Women toward Beauty, 2006
Depositor POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture was established in 1976 to engage in research into beauty and, in particular, multifaceted investigations into “cosmetic culture” through the lenses of humanities and the social sciences. The Institute makes the reports of such research publicly available through the POLA Cosmetic Culture Information Center and its website.

This survey investigates the structure of women’s consciousness concerning beauty from their attitudes about being beautiful, their opinions on aging, acceptance of aging, and other aspects of their consciousness and beauty behavior.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Women aged 20 to 59 years living in the 23-ku (wards) of Tokyo and ordinance-designated cities, excluding those themselves or their household family members are employed in market research, advertising, media, cosmetic manufacturing/sales, or hairdressing/beauty-related industries.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 2,500 people
(20–24 years of age: 283 people, 25–29 years of age: 324 people, 30–34 years of age: 380 people, 35–39 years of age: 338 people, 40–44 years of age: 295 people, 45–49 years of age: 257 people, 50–54 years of age: 280 people, 55–59 years of age: 343 people)
Date of Collection 2006-11-01 ~ 2006-11-01
Time Period 2006 ~ 2006
Spatial Unit hokkaido
Tokyo’s 23-ku (wards) and ordinance-designated cities (Sapporo, Sendai, Saitama, Chiba, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Shizuoka, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Sakai, Kobe, Hiroshima, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka)
Sampling Procedure Non-probability: Quota
Divided into 5-year segments based on the population composition ratio in the areas where the targets reside, according to the “Heisei 17 (2005) National Census.”
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Internet survey
POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0556
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture survey reports
“‘Gendai josei no utsukushisa e no ishiki’ chōsa I: ‘Kirei na josei’ shikō ni tsuite” [“Contemporary women’s attitudes toward beauty” survey I: Intentions to be a “beautiful woman”], February 15, 2007, POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (in Japanese)
“‘Gendai josei no utsukushisa e no ishiki’ chōsa II: Eijingu ishiki ni tsuite” [“Contemporary women’s attitudes toward beauty” survey II: Consciousness of aging], February 15, 2007, POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (in Japanese)
“‘Gendai josei no utsukushisa e no ishiki’ chōsa III: Josei no biyō kōdō ni tsuite” [“Contemporary women’s attitudes toward beauty” survey III: Women’s beauty behavior], May 1, 2007, POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (in Japanese)
“2006-nen chōsa repōto daijesuto” [2006 digest of survey reports], May 1, 2007, POLA Research Institute of Beauty & Culture (in Japanese)
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items (1) Intentions to be a “beautiful woman”
Image of “beautiful women,” whether wanting to be a “beautiful woman,” images of “beautiful women” that respondent aspires toward in everyday life, importance of being a “beautiful woman,” reasons that being a “beautiful woman” is important, current level of satisfaction with being a “beautiful woman,” future changes in importance of being a “beautiful woman”

(2) Consciousness of aging
Feelings about getting older, how to accept aging and how to age in terms of being a “beautiful woman,” intended anti-aging techniques for beauty, thoughts about connections between aging and “beautifulness” from middle age, difference between how old respondent feels/how old she actually is (“the age respondent feels,” “the age respondent looks,” “the age respondent wants to appear to others,” “the age respondent wants to appear to others in 10 years”)

(3) Women’s beauty behaviors
Total monthly expenditure on beauty, beauty techniques/cosmetics that respondent has tried, beauty techniques/cosmetics that respondent thinks are effective, frequency of receiving beauty treatments, types of beauty treatments experienced before, beauty treatments respondent wants to try

(4) Attributes
Marital status, co-habiting children/their development stages, annual household income, annual personal income, gender, age, presence of children, area of residence, occupation
Date of Release 2007/10/15
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Version 1 : 2007-10-15
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