Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
Survey of Men's and Women's Attitudes toward the Use of their Ability and Life Planning, 2009
Gender Equality Bureau, Cabinet Office
(Former Name:Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office)
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To achieve a gender-equal society, it is very important that an environment be created in which both men and women can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest extent. To that end, the importance of awareness-raising and of women continuing to work has been indicated.
This questionnaire survey was conducted of young to middle-aged people who will be or are experiencing the life events such as marriage and raising children to understand the effects of work status and work experience on demonstration of abilities and attitudes to life plans, to analyze the current state of attitudes to role-sharing at home, and to provide a reference for future policymaking.
The main survey items are previous employment status and work experience (previously experienced employment status/circumstances of first and current jobs, experience of leaving a job for marriage or childbirth and the reasons thereof), future desire to work and skills development, attitudes to and realities of the division of labor at home, life consciousness, and so on.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Men and women aged 20 to 44 years (excluding people currently in school and have not yet entered the workforce)
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Sample size: 10,000 people
Date of Collection
2009-02-27 ~ 2009-03-05
2009/02/27 (Fri) – 03/05 (Thu)
Time Period
2009 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Non-probability: Quota
- After calculating the male-female population by age group and regional block according to the “Population/demographics and the number of households based on the Basic Resident Register (as of March 31, 2008 (Heisei 20)): population by age group by prefecture,” the population excluding the proportion of students aged 20 to 29 in the Labor Force Survey (2008 average) was calculated, and the target number of responses for a total of 10,000 per 90 divisions by gender in five age groups in nine regional blocks (hereinafter, “the target number of responses per division”) was set.
- Considering the target number of responses and response rate per division, based on access panel registration information, nine regional blocks nationwide were allocated per gender and age. Requests to participate in the questionnaire were sent during the survey period, and a total of 14,946 responses were collected.
- When requests to participate were sent to the Nikkei Research access panel first, and then for divisions for which collected responses were expected to be relatively small and insufficient due to relatively small size of the access panel, the access panels for Company A and Company B were also sampled.
- From the collected responses, 10,000 were sampled by the following procedure and used for the summary.
(1) Out of 14,946 total responses collected, four were deleted for still being students and not yet entering the workforce, and, thus, ineligible as survey subjects. 14,942 were considered valid responses.
(2) The required number of responses obtained from registered people of the Nikkei Research access panel and Company A access panel were randomly sampled per division referencing the target number of responses and sample size. Furthermore, in the case of men in their 20s, only from a Chugoku block and Shikoku block for whom shortfalls had arisen, the required number (six in total) was similarly randomly sampled per division from samples obtained from a registered people of the Company B access panel and included in the sample.
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Computer-assisted (CASI)
Internet survey using survey company-registered access panels (Nikkei Research, Company A and Company B) as subjects
*The Cabinet Office indicated to the access panel members that the survey was to be a referenced for future measures and data for academic research.
Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, survey carried out by Nikkei Research Inc. |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
【 Questionnaire 】
Major Survey Items
(1) Attributes
Gender, age, whether currently a student, age when completed school, place of residence (city size, regional block), number of people in the household, cohabitants, annual household income
(2) First job after completing school
Highest level of schooling, whether or not graduated from specialized training college, desired job and work style after completing school and entering the workforce for the first time, presence or absence of work experience after graduating, state of work status since graduating until now, age at first hiring after graduating, number of times respondent has left jobs
(3) Workplace of the longest years of employment within five years after first job: Company A (“first job”)
Employment status at first job, reason for not being a regular employee at first job, occupation type at first job, size by number of employees at first job, conditions of workplace at first job (ease of taking time off from work, details of work, fairness of treatment and utilization of women), annual income at first job, whether respondent has left the first job
(4) Current job
Employment status at current job, reason for not being regular employees/regular officials at current job, number of years of experience required for current (or most recent) job, occupation type at current job, workplace size by number of employees at current job, conditions at current job workplace (ease of taking time off from work/details of work/fairness of treatment and utilization of women), annual income at current job, level of difficulty of current job compared to first job, average working days per week/average actual working hours per week at current job, commuting time to current job, degree of satisfaction with workplace at current job, state of workplace management, whether or not respondent currently hopes to find a job, reasons for not currently working
(5) Future work style
Desired employment status in the future, desire for future job and work style, steps taken to get a desired job or workstyle or reasons for not doing anything to achieve the goal
(6) Marriage and childrearing
Marital status, spouse’s employment status, spouse’s annual income, role-sharing with spouse, whether or not respondent has experience leaving a job for marriage/reasons for leaving (general/work-related), reasons for continuing to work when respondent got married (general/work-related), ideal role-sharing with spouse, presence of children, number of children and age of the youngest child, whether or not respondent has left a job for pregnancy/birth/childrearing, timing of leaving a job, reasons for leaving a job (general/work-related), reasons for continuing to work through pregnancy/childbirth/childrearing (general/work-related)
(7) Life attitudes
Life course ideal for woman, influences on thoughts of ideal life course, thoughts on balancing home life and work, idea that “husbands work outside and women protect the family,” degree of satisfaction with life outside of work, current worries and anxieties
Date of Release
Topics in CESSDA
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Working conditions
Family life and marriage
Gender and gender roles
Topics in SSJDA
1 : 2010-05-27
Notes for Users
- In this survey, due to machine control of the response input screen, all questions must be answered. The number of responses invalidated owing to logic error during data check are counted as “unanswered” in the summarized results for each question.