University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0698
Survey Title National Survey on Life Insurance, 2009
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The purpose of this survey was to provide basic statistical data by gaining an understanding of chronological shifts in people’s attitudes to life security, with a focus on the actual state of enrollment in life insurance in common households. This survey has been conducted by the Life Insurance Association of Japan almost once every three years since 1965. It was handed over to the Japan Institute of Life Insurance following its foundation in 1976. The method of this survey was changed and its content was revised in 1988, and some minor revisions have been made since then.

In this survey, added questions ask about Kanpo insurance, which was established in October 2007 with the privatization of postal insurance, and co-op (seikyo)/ Zenrosai (the National Federation of Workers and Consumers Insurance Cooperatives). It also includes new items on the actual situation of long-term care, such as long-term care costs and the period of long-term care. The main items of the survey are as follows:
(1) State of enrollment in life insurance (private, Kanpo, postal, JA, co-op/Zenrosai insurance)
(2) State of enrollment in personal pension insurance
(3) State of enrollment in private life insurance with specific coverage and riders
(4) Life insurance (private insurance) enrolled in recently
(5) Cancellation/expiration of private life insurance
(6) Sufficiency of coverage
(7) Thoughts on life security
(8) Intention to acquire life insurance in the future
(9) Experience of long-term care/reality of long-term care.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Common households with two or more members
Unit of Observation Household
Sample Size Number of responses: 4,054 
Date of Collection 2009-04-01 ~ 2009-05-19
2009/04/01 – 05/19
Time Period 2009 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit Japan
Japan (436 locations)
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Placement (self-administered, drop-off/pick-up) method
(Head of household was requested to fill out the survey)
Japan Institute of Life Insurance, survey carried out by Shin Joho Center, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0698
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation Questionnaire
Major Survey Items Questionnaire items:
(1) State of enrollment in life insurance
- Types of life insurance respondent has purchased (private life insurance, Kanpo Insurance, postal insurance, JA (Nokyo) mutual aid life insurance, co-op or Zenrosai mutual aid life insurance)
- Status of enrollment in life insurance by type and household member, number of enrollments, number of children enrolled
- Number of unmarried pre-school and school-age children enrolled
- Reasons for not enrolled in any insurance
(2) Purchase amount, etc. for private life insurance
- Amount of death insurance payment (for head of household/spouse/other family members)
- Daily amount of illness hospitalization benefit (for head of household/spouse)
- Enrollment in life insurance and riders with specific coverage
1. Medical insurance/medical insurance rider
2. Cancer insurance/cancer rider
3. Specified disease insurance/specified disease rider
4. Specified injury rider
5. Disabling disease and injury rider/severe chronic illness rider
6. Long-term care insurance/long-term care rider
7. Outpatient hospital care rider
  - Whether or not enrolled in 1 to 7 above (head of household/spouse/other family members)
- Daily amount of cancer hospitalization benefits (head of household/spouse)
- Monthly amount of long-term care benefits (head of household/spouse)
- Total annual household premiums (insurance fee) paid
- Number of private-sector insurers respondent has purchased life insurance from
- Private life insurance enrolled in recently (2004 onward)
  - Year of enrollment
- Purchase method (new purchase or use of trade-in system (conversion system))
- Person enrolled (main insured person)
- Person who decided on purchase
- Person who pays premiums
- Premium payment method
- Total annual premiums, one-time premiums
- Insurance type
- Pathways for obtaining information when purchasing
- Experience of comparing products when purchasing
- Reasons for enrollment
- Purpose of enrollment
- Purchase method (purchase channel)
- Acquaintance with sales staff
- Areas of satisfaction with the insurance company
- Level of satisfaction with the insurance company
- Areas of satisfaction with the life insurance product
- Level of satisfaction with the life insurance product
- Level of satisfaction with products/services in general
- Areas concerning life insurance company that respondent evaluates positively

(3) Purchase amount, etc., for Kanpo life Insurance (enrolled on or after October 1, 2007)
- Amount of death insurance payment (for head of household/spouse/other family members)
- Daily amount of hospitalization payment (for head of household/spouse)
- Total annual household premiums (insurance fee) paid
- Reasons for recent enrollment in Kanpo life Insurance

(4) Purchase amount, etc. for post-office postal life insurance
- Amount of death insurance payment (for head of household/spouse/other family members)
- Daily amount of hospitalization payment (for head of household/spouse)
- Total annual household premiums (insurance fee) paid
- Reasons for recent enrollment in post-office postal life insurance

(5) Purchase amount, etc. for JA (Nokyo) mutual aid life insurance
- Amount of death mutual aid insurance payment (for head of household/spouse/other family)
- Daily amount of hospitalization mutual aid insurance payment (for head of household/spouse)
- Total annual household premiums paid

(6) Purchase amount, etc. for co-op and Zenrosai mutual aid life insurance
- Amount of death mutual aid insurance payment (for head of household/spouse/other family members)
- Daily amount of hospitalization mutual aid insurance payment (for head of household/spouse)
- Total annual household premiums paid

(7) Thoughts on contents of purchased coverage
- Sense of sufficiency regarding contents of purchased coverage
- Amount of premiums (insurance fee) respondent can afford to pay

(8) State of enrollment in personal pension
- Whether or not enrolled and the type
- Insured person
- Annual amount of basic pension (for head of household/spouse)
- Payment method and total annual premiums paid/total one-time premium paid
- Age at which pension begins (head of household/spouse)
- Period of benefit (head of household/spouse)

(9) Thoughts on life security
- For each of the following items: necessary funds/number of years required, anxiety about preparing funds, expected means for financial preparations
1. Protection in case something happens to the head of household
2. Protection in case the head of household is hospitalized for two to three months
3. Protection for respondent and spouse’s life in old age
4. Protection in case the head of household or spouse requires long-term care
5. Protection in case the head of household becomes unable to work

(10) Intention to purchase life insurance in the future
- Whether or not respondent intends to purchase
- Reasons for not intending to purchase or add
- Person to be insured in the future
- Type of life insurance if purchasing (for head of household/spouse/unmarried children under or of school age)
- Purchasing channels desired in the future
- Intention to purchase private life insurance or Kanpo life Insurance/reasons for preference

(11) Cancellation/expiration of private life insurance
- Experience of cancellation/expiration in the past three years/number of times
- Duration of period
- Person enrolled (insured person)
- Purpose of purchase
- Use for cancellation refund (refunds)
- Reasons for terminating early
- Life insurance that respondent switched to
- Reasons for switching

(12) Life insurance premium deduction and intention to enroll/continue
- Thoughts on public protection and private protection in life security
- Enrichment of support for self-assistance efforts or enrichment of public protection
- Thoughts on system of deduction for life insurance premium/system of deductions for personal pension insurance premiums
- Response if insurance premium deduction system is reduced/abolished
- Thoughts about enrolling in/adding life insurance if the insurance premium deduction system is expanded

(13) Experience of long-term care/reality of long-term care
- State of experiencing long-term care in the past three years
- Period of long-term care
- Long-term care location
- Whether or not respondent has used services under public long-term care insurance/level of care required
- Total amount of costs incurred once only/monthly long-term care costs

Face items:
- Head of household’s gender
- Age (head of household/spouse)
- Family structure
- Number of household family members
- Household family members (relation to head of household)
- Number of unmarried children under/of school age
- Number of unmarried children under/of school age attending public or private school and by school
- Number of unmarried children who have completed schooling
- Head of household’s main occupation, (if a permanent employee) whether in a private-sector/public-sector
- Size of workplace by number of employees
- Spouse’s occupation
- Head of household’s annual income
- Spouse’s annual income
- Annual household income
- Type of housing/whether or not respondent has a loan
- Annual total of home loan repayments/total management costs
- Annual total of rent, etc.
- Annual expenditure on educational expenses, lessons, etc.
- Means of financial preparation for educational expenses, etc.
- Total household financial assets
Date of Release 2010/12/09
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Consumption and consumer behaviour
Specific social services: use and availability
Topics in SSJDA Social Security/Welfare
Version 1 : 2010-12-09
Notes for Users This survey includes Kanpo life insurance, which was established in October 2007 with the privatization of postal life insurance, and co-op/Zenrosai as subjects of the survey. For this reason, some question items have different definitions for “all life insurance” and “private life insurance” to previous surveys. Please keep in mind that these items do not lend themselves to a simple longitudinal comparison.