Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
1st Basic Survey on Curriculum Guidance, 1997
Benesse Educational Research and Development Institute
(Former Name:Benesse Corporation)
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Educational Purpose
Available for both research and instructional purposes. |
Period of Data Use Permission
One year |
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This survey was conducted on junior high school teachers in Japan to investigate the actual state of curriculum guidance in schools.
The characteristics of this survey are as shown below.
(1) Shows changes over time
The survey has been planned for the purpose of longitudinal investigation, and survey items have been considered so that they can be used with every survey.
(2) Allows broad appreciation of the actual state of curriculum guidance
The survey looks beyond curriculum guidance, regular exams, assessment methods and other facts about teaching in schools and incorporates other survey items with a range of contents, such as teaching methods for study at home and teachers’ own time use/views of education, to grasp the actual state of curriculum guidance in a broad sense.
(3) Carefully considers the selection of a survey sample
The survey has been conducted by selecting sampled areas from six districts throughout Japan and then dividing them into three areas: prefectural capitals/other city areas/rural areas.
Incidentally, the 2nd Basic Survey on Curriculum Guidance conducted on elementary school teachers (SSJDA survey number 0734) has survey items common with this survey and has been structured to enable comparisons of the realities of curriculum guidance between elementary and junior high schools.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Public junior high school teachers (excluding school principals, assistant principals, assistant teachers, teachers of special support schools, nursing teachers, part-time teachers)
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Number of questionnaires distributed: 5,100 (Iwate: 850, Niigata: 850, Tokyo: 850, Okayama: 850, Fukuoka: 850, Kumamoto: 850)
Number of valid Responses: 1,368 (Iwate: 209, Niigata: 264, Tokyo: 196, Okayama: 294, Fukuoka: 205, Kumamoto: 200)
Response Rate: 26.8%
*The data provided consist of only the data for teachers in charge of Japanese (kokugo)/social studies/mathematics/science/foreign language (N=938).
Date of Collection
1997-12 ~ 1998-1
Time Period
1997 ~ 1998
Spatial Unit
Six districts in Japan
The prefectural capital, other city areas, and rural areas of Iwate, Niigata, Tokyo, Okayama, Fukuoka, and Kumamoto prefectures
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Systematic random
Systematic sampling (random) from the educational staff lists of the six districts above
Mode of Data Collection
Voluntary mail survey
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
(1) Everyday life
- Time when respondent arrives at and leaves work, time spent reading newspapers/books, time spent watching television, etc., time spent doing school work at home, time spent sleeping
(2) Curriculum guidance
- Frequency/amount/contents of assigned homework, guidance on study time at home, teaching methods, guides for lesson pacing
(3) Regular exams
- Method of writing questions for regular exams
(4) Views of education/outlook for the future
- What respondent considers important in classes and student guidance
- Outlook for the future in life as a teacher
(5) Attributes
- Gender, age, years of teaching experience, subjects that respondent teaches, whether respondent has a homeroom class, school size, school location
*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire
Date of Release
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1 : 2013-01-23
Notes for Users
Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.
The following data are not publicly available.
- Q1 F, H
- Q2 A, B, C, D, E, F
- Q3 A, B, C, D, E, F
- Q4 A1)–17), B1)–4), C, CSQ
- Q5 ASQ2, C1)–4)
- Q8 A, ASQ1–2, B, BSQ, C1)–10), D1)–10)
- Q12 E, G, H