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Survey Number
Survey Title
Survey on Social and Political Attitudes among Japanese in the 21st Century (GLOPE), 2005-2007
Political Economical of Institutional Construction, Waseda University
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This is a Japan-wide public opinion survey in panel data format that comprises two waves and was conducted in November 2005 and February 2007. (The first wave is stored as SSJDA 0532.) The purpose of this survey is the systematic discovery of the positions and opinions voters have with regard to politics, their interests and knowledge about the political system and social systems, and the way they view and evaluate the state of the economy and various social issues that are beginning to arise, at a time other than during election. The survey has been designed with particular care to the following points, among others.
1. We sought to word questions so that they can be compared internationally with other data sets. 2. We included question items relating to political knowledge and identification with political parties, which had not been asked in Japan previously. 3. We included questions that should be asked now from the perspective of collecting time series data with a view of 10 years into the future. 4. We made use of six split samples to enable testing of items that had questionable validity as concepts or measurements in previous surveys. 5. We conducted pre-tests, albeit small ones, and made minor adjustments to how we asked questions, etc. 6. We ensured that bias could be reduced by creating cell weights for missing values and raking using the Population Census data/ex-post-facto stratification weighting, and weighting the data after conducting the survey. 7. We enabled analysis of response stability and changes by asking the same questions in 1st wave and 2nd wave.
Further, in 1st wave (Glope05Nov), six split samples (Questionnaires A–F) were used to test different ways of asking the same question for some items. The questionnaires contain the description “Split sample (questionnaire ___)” and list the alternatives together for each question. Accordingly, some questions have been written several ways for the same question number.
Additionally, in 2nd wave (Glope07Feb), the survey samples were divided in two at random and the same questions were asked by having survey staff record responses (PAPI: Paper and Pencil Interview) and respondents enter responses into computers brought by survey staff (CASI: Computer-Assisted Self-Interview), thereby enabling an analysis looking for differences in response distributions and patterns for questions that “socially desirable answers” may be expected for.
The Japan-wide public opinion surveys that have been conducted continually to date, including this survey, are as follows. (“Survey on Social and Political Attitudes among Japanese in the 21st Century (GLOPE 2005–2007)” refers to this survey.)
Survey title: Public Opinion Survey on Open Society in Japan (JSS-GLOPE2003-04) Survey period: 1st and 2nd wave: October to November 2003 3rd and 4th wave: June to July 2004
Survey title: Survey on Social and Political Attitudes among Japanese in the 21st Century (GLOPE2005-07) Survey period: 1st wave: November 2005 2nd wave: February 2007
Survey title: Survey on Social Attitudes and the Upper House Election in Japan (Waseda-CASI&PAPI2007) Survey period: 1st wave: June to July 2007 2nd wave: August to September 2007 Survey title: Waseda and Yomiuri Joint-Survey on Social Expectations in Japan (Waseda-PAPI2009) Survey period: February to March 2009
Survey title: Waseda and Yomiuri Joint-Survey on Social Expectations and the General Election in Japan (Waseda-CASI&PAPI2009) Survey period: 1st wave: August 2009 2nd wave: September 2009
Survey title: Waseda and Yomiuri Joint-Survey on Social Expectations and the Upper-House Election in Japan (Waseda-CASI2010) Survey period: 1st wave: June to July 2010 2nd wave: July to August 2010
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Men and women aged 20 years and older living in Japan
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
1st wave: sample size: 3,000, valid responses: 1,397 (46.6%) (of which 56 were reserve targets) 2nd wave: sample size: 1,397, valid responses: 898 (64.3%)
Date of Collection
2005-11-03 ~ 2005-11-28
1st wave: 2005/11/03 – 11/28
2nd wave: 2007/02/17 – 03/11
Time Period
2005 ~ 2005
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
1st wave: Two-stage stratified random sampling
Number of locations: 182 locations in 180 cities and ku (wards), 29 locations in 29 towns and villages, total of 211 locations in 209 municipalities
Extracted lists: Voter registration lists (some from the Basic Resident Register)
2nd wave: Carried out likewise on respondents in Wave 1
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Computer-assisted (CASI)
1st wave: Face-to-face interview
2nd wave: PAPI and CASI
Waseda University School of Political Science and Economics–Graduate School of Economics 21st-Century Center of Excellence program “Constructing Open Political-Economic Systems” (21COE-GLOPE), survey carried out by Central Research Services, Inc. |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
【 Questionnaire
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
(1) Political interest, political knowledge - Frequency of watching television news/reading newspapers - Level of interest in politics - Political reflection and political parties, elections, National Diet - Thoughts about amendments to the Constitution - Awareness of provisions on rights and obligations/clauses on the renunciation of war in the Constitution of Japan - Means of dispute resolution - Awareness of three-instance judicial system through the courts - Awareness of joint responsibility of Cabinet, names of public offices
(2) Political participation and membership of various groups - Organizations/groups respondent is a member of - Level of eagerness to participate, citizens and involvement in elections/politics - Frequency of participation in political activities, whether respondent would fight for country
(3) Attitudes and behavior on the occasion of the House of Representatives Election (September 11, 2005) - Voting in the House of Representatives Election - Political party of the candidate that respondent voted for in a single-seat electoral district - Political party that respondent voted for in a proportionally represented district - Awareness of parties’ catchphrases - Items that respondent will consider important when voting at the next House of Representatives Election
(4) Attitudes to how political and social systems should be - Awareness of/influence of/involvement in the lay judge (saiban-in) system - Awareness of election system - Thoughts on defense, government, war, the Emperor, welfare, married couples - Rain probability at which respondent would carry an umbrella, thoughts on personal relationships, reliability/functionality of organizations/groups/social systems, local referendums - Current standard of living, parents’ standard of living when respondent was a child, changes to the gap between rich and poor/reasons for them to occur, emotional temperature on the gap - Thoughts on fairness of tax burden - Possibility of unemployment in the next 5 years, savings to support the household in the future - Gender roles, foreign workers, effects/causes of declining birthrate, sorting trash, dealing with crisis situations
(5) Opinions on government policy, state of the economy, etc. - State of business activity, business activity one year ago/in one year - Level of satisfaction with living conditions, living conditions one year ago/in one year - Government’s responsibility for business activity, government’s responsibility for changes in living conditions - Agreement or disagreement with government policies affecting business activity, public comment, time spent using the Internet
(6) Support for political parties, stance on policy issues, evaluation of Cabinet performance - Emotional temperature for each political party, emotional temperature for independent members, political party supported, degree of approval or disapproval, political party respondent likes, support for the Koizumi Cabinet, level of satisfaction with politics - Political stance (conservative/progressive), level of interest in various policies, evaluation of government efforts, evaluation of the Koizumi Cabinet, stance on pension system reform and postal services privatization - Familiar political parties, feelings about people who lean towards various parties
(7) Face items - Gender, age - Highest level of educational attainment - Years at residence, type of residence - Number of years attending schools, annual household income, occupation, provider for the household, occupation of the provider for the household - Experience of living in another country/number of years - Family structure, life stages of children and the number, presence of independent children
*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release
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Political behaviour and attitudes
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1 : 2012-08-01
Notes for Users
Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.
The data provided for this survey are panel data, in which the survey data from 2nd wave has been added to that from 1st wave (SSJDA0532).