Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
Survey on Social Attitudes and the Upper House Election in Japan (Waseda-CASI&PAPI2007), 2007
W-CASI (Waseda Computer-Assisted Self-administered Interview) Research Project 2007
(Former Name:W-CASI Research Project 2007)
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Educational Purpose
Available for both research and instructional purposes. |
Period of Data Use Permission
One year |
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This survey comprises a national opinion poll conducted by the Waseda University 21st Century COE Program “Construction of an open political and economic system” and the 2007 W-CASI Study Group, from June 16 to July 11, 2007 (1st wave) and from August 25 to September 17, 2007 (2nd wave). It aims to clarify the attitudes, behaviors, and opinions of voters, male and female, aged 20 and older who comprised the survey subjects.
Specifically, the survey items included the following: attitudes and behavior in the Upper House election of July 2007, opinions about politics/political system/social system, forecast and evaluation of the economic situation and various new social problems that are occurring, etc.
In addition to these, in this survey, the survey design pays particular attention to the following points: (1) Survey subjects were divided into two, and half the survey was conducted using the CASI method (Computer-Assisted Self-administered Interview) on laptop computers, and the other half of the survey was conducted using the conventional interview method PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interview). In principle, by asking the same question, it was possible to analyze the difference in answer distribution by survey mode. (2) In the CASI method, by utilizing CGI and Adobe Flash, a survey environment was constructed, which is more dynamic and interactive than conventional surveys. (3) By using the technology of (2), it was possible to reduce the burden on respondents, measure the response time to each question item and the interruption time during the survey, and measure the degree of burden to respondents by question items, more effectively than when using the conventional survey method of researchers conducting interviews. (4) Applying the CASI method, it became possible to conduct the experiment using samples with external validity, which in the past was done by gathering the subjects in a laboratory and using the Internet. (5) A small preliminary test was conducted beforehand, and fine adjustments were made to the way of asking questions and arranging the screens.
The national opinion poll, which is being conducted continuously and which includes this survey, comprises the following:
Survey period Survey title
1st and 2nd wave: October to November 2003 3rd and 4th wave: June to July 2004 Survey on the social and political consciousness of Japanese people in the 21st century (JSS-GLOPE2003-04)
1st wave: November 2005 2nd wave: February 2007 Survey on Japanese Social and Political Attitudes in the 21st Century (GLOPE2005-07)
1st wave: June to July 2007 2nd wave: August to September 2007 Survey title: Survey on Social Attitudes and the Upper House Election in Japan (Waseda-CASI&PAPI2007)
February to March 2009 Waseda and Yomiuri Joint-Survey on Social Expectations in Japan (Waseda-PAPI2009)
1st wave: August 2009 2nd wave: September 2009 Waseda and Yomiuri Joint-Survey on Social Expectations and the General Election in Japan (Waseda-CASI&PAPI2009)
1st wave: June to July 2010 2nd wave: July to August 2010 Waseda and Yomiuri Joint-Survey on Social Expectations and the Upper-House Election in Japan (Waseda-CASI2010)
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Men and women aged 20 years and older across Japan
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
| Valid responses | Response rate | 1st wave (Total) | 1,553 | 42.3% | CASI method | 736 | 40.1% | PAPI method | 817 | 44.5% |
2nd wave (Total) | 1,713 | 58.9% | CASI method | 780 | 55.3% | PAPI method | 933 | 62.3% | |
*Valid Response number on 2nd Wave includes those on 1st Wave and responses of loss replacement.
Date of Collection
2007-06-16 ~ 2007-07-11
1st wave 2007/06/16 – 07/11
2nd Wave 2007/08/25 – 09/17
*The schedule of the 2007 Upper House election: the formal public announcement of the election on July 12 and voting date on July 29.
Time Period
2007 ~ 2007
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling
(Mainly from the voter registration lists, partly from the Basic Resident Register)
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Computer-assisted (CASI)
Subjects of investigation was divided into two parts; CASI (Computer-Assisted Self-administered Interview)method was applied to one half, and PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interview)method was applied to the other half.
Survey program was disclosed on following URL:
2007 W-CASI Study Group, survey carried out by Nippon Research Center Ltd. |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
【 Questionnaire
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
Voting/political participation: party and candidate to vote for in the Upper House election in 2007 (only 1st wave), participation/party to vote for/candidate to vote for in Upper House election in 2007 (only 2nd wave), participation in political/social activities and group organizations
- Political party supported/attitude toward policy issues in the election: political party supported, support for the cabinet, respondent’s political position, evaluation of the political standpoint of parties, opinion on amendment to the constitution/reform of pension system
- Expectations for society and politics: interest in and satisfaction with politics, citizens and elections/involvement in politics, future goals of Japan
- Knowledge and evaluation of politics: use of television and the Internet, etc., knowledge of political system and elections
- Respondent’s attributes/other: gender, birth month and year, residence, highest level of educational attainment, income, occupation, household economy, economic status, lifestyle
*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release
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Political behaviour and attitudes
Social behaviour and attitudes
Topics in SSJDA
1 : 2014-05-13
Notes for Users
The data provided by this survey comprise the following:
- wC&P07-Main_Ver1 (response data: [preliminary survey] (1st wave) and [post survey] (2nd wave))
The following two items were used as data only for the CASI method, and the response time to each question item and the interruption time during the survey were also measured.
- wC&P07-Time_Ver1 (response time data, interruption time data)
- wC&P07-Sequence_Ver1 (data in order of response, *for question items whose options are randomized, the number of choices that were displayed are shown, and for multiple choice question items, the answer order selected is shown.)