University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0783
Survey Title 4th Social Survey on Fear of Crime in Japan, 2010
Depositor The Nikkoso Research Foundation for Safe Society
(Former Name:Research Foundation for Safe Society)
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' at SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary This study examines public awareness concerning experiences of crime victimization, anxiety about being a victim of crime, and local public safety and crime prevention measures. It was conducted with the objective of providing source material for understanding the awareness of public safety. In order to examine crime-related problems that resurface from time to time, this survey features police patrols and contact, electronic monitoring of people with a history of sexual crimes, and reporting child abuse.

Furthermore, this study has been conducted periodically to understand the interim changes in public awareness. The first survey was conducted in 2002, the second in 2004, the third in 2007, and this is the fourth survey.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Men and women aged 20 years and up living in municipalities across Japan as of September 1, 2010
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Number of survey responses: 1,978 people
Date of Collection 2010-09-09 ~ 2010-11-10
- Self-administered survey (placement method, picked up): 2010/09/09-09/26
- Self-administered survey (placement method, returned by mail): 2010/10/21-10/24, return by mail by November 10.
Time Period 2010 ~ 2010
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Multistage
Mixed probability and non-probability
With the enactment of the Personal Information Protection Law, the access to the Basic Resident Register of local governments, if not for the purpose of surveys related to the federal government, has become restricted. For this reason, the respondents of this survey were selected using the following methods:

1) As a primary extraction, the total population of the districts chosen was summed up, and 150 streets in the survey area were extracted.
2) As a secondary extraction, 12 households were extracted randomly from the residential map (1,800 households in total) in advance at the headquarters of the survey company.
3) The sampling was performed as follows:
- Considering that the percentage of households living in housing complexes is increasing, a total of 1,240 households (68.9%) living in separate houses and 560 households (31.1%) living in housing complexes were extracted. The number of separate houses and housing complexes in each location was defined based on the properties of the survey area.
- Starting from the block address (banchi) with the second lowest number, every third house was extracted. The ones that could be clearly identified as shops and companies were excluded from the samples. In the case of housing complexes such as apartments, it is not possible to know the number of floors or rooms from the residential map. So, the number of samples to be extracted from each housing complex was defined based on the respective size, and every third household was extracted. Further, to make the floor of the households living in housing complexes as unbiased as possible, half the survey locations were extracted from the first floor and the other half from the top floor.
- The extracted households were checked on the residential map and assigned a number so that the surveyor could identify each unit.
4) Based on the residential map and an attribute specification table, the surveyor visited the selected households and requested them to participate in the survey if they met the criteria. However, if multiple members in a single household met the criteria, only one person in that household was requested to participate. Further, to reduce the bias in the response attributes, the extraction was performed according to the gender and age allocated in the specification table.
5) If the 12 criteria could not be completed in a single location due to the impossibility to survey the selected households (including when the gender or age classification did not match), more households were visited to extract a respondent whose gender, age, and residential classification met the missing criteria until the 1,800 answers were collected.
6) Further, given the difficulty in obtaining the collaboration from single-dweller households in past surveys, a single dweller was randomly searched from each of the 150 streets and surveyed, separately from the survey above.
7) Moreover, in 294 households, out of the 1,800 households extracted from the residential map, no one was home at the time of the visit. Three weeks after the completion of the main survey period, the survey staff deposited the questionnaire in the mailbox of these households unavailable during the first round and requested them to complete the questionnaire and return it by mail.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
See Sampling Procedure
The Nikkoso Research Foundation for Safe Society, survey carried out by Shin Joho Center, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0783
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items (1) Experience as a crime victim and filing police reports
All types of personal crime victim experience and that of family members of the same household/number of times/number of reports, reasons for not reporting

(2) Anxiety and risk perception toward crime victimization
Frequency of feeling anxious about crime victimization, anxiety about household family members encountering crime, degree of anxiety about encountering each type of crime, perception of the possibility of oneself and one’s family encountering each type of crime (risk perception), estimate of the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime compared with others of the same sex and age group, locations that cause anxiety about crime, anxiety about walking alone after 11pm (self, family members)

(3) Local public safety and crime prevention measures
Public safety in the local area compared with the previous year, public safety in Japan compared with the previous year, public safety and crime prevention awareness from the perspective of individuals, neighborhood, and police, local crime prevention activities (neighborhood patrols, municipal patrol cars, police patrol cars, police patrols, police working in a neighborhood police station), patrolling visitations by police, awareness of bulletins published by the police, experiences with defenseless and careless behavior in the past month, respondent’s own crime prevention measures, requests for the police, requests for the government, crime prevention activities by local residents, intention to participate in the crime prevention activities, reasons for not participating in crime prevention activities, assessment of important details for crime deterrence (individual crime prevention measures, local resident activities, municipal efforts, improvement of police activity, efforts by businesses), opinion about the installment of crime prevention cameras in public spaces, the importance of installing a crime prevention camera, opinion about releasing the information of people with a history of sex crimes, opinion about electronic surveillance of people with a history of sex crimes

(4) Juvenile delinquency/crime
Perception of quantitative/qualitative trends in juvenile delinquency, tighter control on juvenile delinquency/crime, whether the respondent warns unknown young people about smoking, whether the respondent warns known young people about smoking, reporting child abuse

(5) Local area conditions and relationship with the local area
Years of residence in current area, residents’ awareness of local area conditions, presence of people in the neighborhood respondent can consult with and mutually help, awareness of local elementary and junior high school students, level of participation in neighborhood associations and residents’ councils, participation in local volunteer organization activities

(6) Attributes
Gender, age, marital status, number of household family members, type of residence, residence structure, housing complex with number of floors/floor of residence, situation of household family members, habits related to the media (newspaper articles, TV news, internet news), occupation, annual household income
Date of Release 2011/12/28
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Version 1 : 2011-12-28
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.