University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0860
Survey Title Web-based Survey on Unmarried Men's Attitudes to Marriage and Works, 2011
Depositor Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

- Apply to SSJDA. SSJDA's approval is required.
Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This survey was conducted with a focus on unmarried men, particularly non-regular employees, to analyze from objective data the relationships between their attitudes toward marriage and forming a family, their attitudes toward work, the state of their lifestyles, and the state of their employment.

Earlier studies on the desire to marry have analyzed the effects that the distinction between regular employees and non-regular employees has on the desire to marry, grouping all non-regular employees together, but this survey allows non-regular employees to be captured by type of employment, as in “contract workers and workers on a short-term contract (shokutaku),” “dispatched workers (haken shain), etc.” and “part-timers/casual part-timers (arubaito).” Moreover, it enables analysis based on distinctions in employment status, such as income and working hours. In addition, the survey prepares a sample size and question items sufficient for analysis of how differences in age group, type of employment, and employment status relate to attitudes to marriage and work. The questions have
been broadly divided into two sections: attitudes toward marriage and forming a family and attitudes toward employment status and occupational career.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Unmarried men aged 20 years and older and younger than 55 years
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Target valid responses: 10,000 or greater
Responses: 10,072
Date of Collection 2011-09-09 ~ 2011-10-14
2011/09/09 – 10/14
Time Period 2011 ~ 2011
Spatial Unit Japan
Japan (except Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima)
Sampling Procedure Non-probability: Quota
Allocated by age group/employment status
*To compare regular and non-regular employees, more samples were deliberately allocated to non-regular employees.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Questionnaire to monitors registered with the entrusted survey company and collaborating companies
Investigator Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan, The fieldwork was entrusted to NetMile, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0860
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items - Face items: month and year of birth, highest level of educational attainment, household family members, level of happiness, occupation, parents’ ages/highest level of educational attainment, etc. [Attitude to marriage and forming a family] - Marriage/relationships: reasons for not being married, reasons for not encountering a suitable partner, whether or not respondent is in a relationship, where respondent met his partner, desire to marry in the future, etc. - View of marriage/marriage assistance services: views of marriage, respondent’s and partner’s annual income at the time of marriage, use of and desire to use marriage assistance services, desire for children, etc. - Socializing/relationships with others: others’ expectations for respondent’s marriage (parents, relatives, superiors at work, etc.), frequency of socializing (friends/acquaintances, work colleagues), relationship with parents, etc. [Attitude toward employment status and occupational career] - Employment status: current employment status and reason for choosing it, provisions in employment contract for term of employment, concerns about unemployment, etc. - Current job/workplace: years of employment, occupation type, number of employees, level of satisfaction with work, etc. - Job skills/education and training: education and training at workplace (OJT, Off-JT), current occupational skills, etc. - Income/savings/social insurance: income from work, amount of savings, subscription to employment insurance/health insurance/public pension, etc. - Working hours: working hours, respondent’s work time, overtime, working on holidays, etc. - Job-hunting/desire to be a regular employee: workplace where respondent first worked after graduating from school, desires for future work style, reasons for wanting to be a regular employee/reasons for wanting to continue in a type of employment other than as a regular employee, measures respondent wants administration to take for employment stability, etc. *For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2013/06/26
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Working conditions
Family life and marriage
Topics in SSJDA Employment/Labor
Version 1 : 2013-06-26
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.
[This survey] The data for Q26 are not publicly available.