University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0968
Survey Title Questionnaire on Relationship with the Company and Daily Life, 2013
Depositor Yuji GENDA
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

- Apply to SSJDA. SSJDA's approval required.
Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis SSJDA Data Analysis (online data analysis & metadata browsing system) is available for this data.
Summary This survey was conducted with the objective of supplementing the Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' "Basic Study on Social Life" by helping to understand and analyze the actual status of solitary non-employed persons (SNEPs), a group that is believed to have increased recently.

For this survey, we designed our survey form to account very specifically for items not encompassed by the "Basic Study on Social Life." In particular, we have polled on past history such as employment experience and childhood interpersonal relationships, treatment/care status/health status, and other factors likely to influence solitary non-employment.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Unemployed, unmarried men and women between the ages of 20–59 who are not currently students and are registered to Intage Corp. (a survey implementation company).
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Number of usable answers: 3,622
After excluding 458 individuals that were either divorced or whose partners had passed away, here is the subject makeup
20s: 1,420, 44.9%
30s: 915, 28.9%
40s: 570, 18.0%
50s: 259, 8.2%
Total: 3,164, 100.0%
Date of Collection 2013-02-07 ~ 2013-02-12
2013/02/07 – 02/12
Time Period 2013 ~ 2013
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure Non-probability: Quota
Keeping the age-based composition ratios of unmarried unemployed individuals less than 60 years old as determined by the "Basic Study on Social Life" in mind, we determined the following allocation ratios for respondents.
20s:30s:40s:50s = 14:10:7:4
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Internet survey
Investigator Intage Research Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0968
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items [Screening survey]
・Gender, work patterns, school enrollment status, marital status

(1) About your daily life
Health status, treatment/care status, frequency with which you go out, going out after 9 pm, waking up between 6 and 9 AM, cleanliness of your house, feelings during daily life (depression, anger, enjoyment), hobbies and interests that allow you to do fun things (sports, travel, etc.)

(2) About recent conversations, etc.
Did you meet and converse with family/friends/acquaintances recently (yesterday/day before yesterday), the person you most recently met and conversed with (yesterday/day before yesterday), people who currently live with you, presence/absence of people that live with you that need care

(3) About your friendships
Presence/absence of friends/acquaintances you meet with regularly, number of such friends/acquaintances you have, frequency with which you meet friends/acquaintances, presence/absence of friends/acquaintances you can discuss your problems with, whether participating in SNS (social network systems) like Facebook or Mixi, whether participating in regional events/festivals/volunteer activities, etc., whether current place of residence is the same one you resided in when in middle school, whether you want to live somewhere else in the future, etc.

(4) About your school years
Presence/absence of good friends in middle school, were there adults you spoke to in middle school outside of family members, people at school, at cram school, presence/absence of experience with bullying, presence/absence of teachers you respect, etc.

(5) About work
Length of unemployment, work hours at your previous job, current desire to work, presence/absence of experience as a full-time employee, reason you stopped being a full-time employee, presence/absence of experience with part-time (arubaito) or dispatch work (being a "freeter"), reason you stopped part-time (arubaito)/dispatch ("freeter" work), conversations with family members regarding your future life and work, whether you think your family worries about you

(6) About you, yourself
Desire to get married, voting attitudes, thoughts on receiving lifestyle care, anxieties about growing older, presence/absence of savings/assets

[Face items]
・Gender, age, highest level of educational attainment, area of residence, marital status, occupation, number of children residing in the household

*For details on survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2015/03/10
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Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.