University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0983
Survey Title 7th Survey on Marriage and Childbirth, 2013
Depositor Meiji Yasuda Research Institute, Inc.
(Former Name:Meiji Yasuda Institute of Life and Wellness, Inc.)
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The Meiji Yasuda Institute of Life and Wellness has been conducting an annual questionnaire survey on marriage and childbirth since 2005.

This survey reveals the respondents’ views on marriage, the realities of romantic love and finding a spouse, the expectations and realities of married life, views on having children, and the realities of childrearing.

The main survey items are as follows.
(1) Romantic love and finding a marriage partner
(2) Perception of marriage
(3) Marriage experience
(4) Childbirth/childrearing 
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Men and women aged 20 to 49 years in Japan
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Sample size: 3,616 people
Among them, singles: 1,344 people, married: 2,272 people
Date of Collection 2013-02-06 ~ 2013-02-09
Time Period 2013 ~ 2013
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Non-probability: Quota
A considerable number of responses were collected based on each attribute (gender, age, marital status, presence of children) from registered monitors of Macromill, Inc.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Internet survey
Investigator Meiji Yasuda Institute of Life and Wellness, Inc.,survey carried out by Macromill, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0983
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation Questionnaire
Major Survey Items Face items
Gender, age, prefecture of residence, region of residence, marital status/first marriage or remarriage, type of housing, presence of children, number of children/gender, annual household income, annual personal income, occupation, current working style of respondent/spouse, working days per week, working hours per day, respondent’s/spouse’s highest level of educational attainment, whether schools attended were coeducational or single-sex school, household family members

Type (sociable/not good at talking to someone of the opposite sex, whether there are many single people of the opposite sex at workplace, etc.), current concerns and anxieties about the future

(1) Romantic love/finding a marriage partner
- Romantic love
Presence of opposite-sex romantic partner, relationship with the person/frequency of meeting, whether considering marriage, number of past relationships/how respondent met them

- Finding a marriage partner
Services used for “partner-finding activities”/extent of use in the past year/reason for starting using them/whether it has led to marriage, reason for not participating in “partner-finding” activities

(2) Perception of marriage
- Views on marriage
Reason for being single, feelings about marriage, desired age of marriage, reason for wanting to get married, changes needed to decide to get married, reason for not wanting to get married, reason that the average age of the first marriage and lifetime unmarried rate have gone up, views on marriage

- About a marriage partner
Preferred way of meeting a marriage partner/the most preferred way, marriage partner’s annual income, minimum annual household income thought to be necessary for married life, requirements for a marriage partner

(3) Marriage experience
- Experiences leading to marriage
How respondent met the spouse, reasons respondent got married/the most important reason

- Married life
Whether marriage was the right choice/reason, level of satisfaction with current lifestyle, what respondent expects from his or her spouse, hours spent as a couple on days off and holidays, whether respondent and spouse eat meals or watch television separately, whether spouse sleeps in separate rooms/reason, experience considering divorce/reason for considering (having considered) divorce

- Relation to work
Employment status of respondent and spouse before marriage, ideal working style in different life stages of women

(4) Childbirth/childrearing
- Childbirth
Desire for children/ideal number of children, reason for wanting/not wanting children, experience with fertility examinations/treatments, attitude to/action taken (action respondent took) for childbirth

- Educational expenses
Expenses for children on which respondent wants to spend the most amount of money, desired level of educational attainment for children, presence of savings or funding arrangements for children’s education/time respondent started preparing/methods/amount per month, presence of financial support from respondent’s or spouse’s parents

- Relation to work
Views on taking parental leave, period respondent wishes to take leave, reason for not taking leave, whether or not wife continued working throughout pregnancy and childbirth/reason

- Childcare support
Information sources and advisers for childrearing, whether or not help is available for childrearing until children reach the lower grades of elementary school, childcare support services used, type of facilities used before children started school, important factors when choosing a facility for pre-elementary school children/degree of satisfaction, requests for improvement of nursery and other facilities respondent uses (extension of hours, etc.)

- Childrearing
Level of involvement of husband in childrearing/reason, husband’s daily role in childrearing, changes necessary to promote men’s participation in housework/childrearing

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2015/09/01
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Version 1 : 2015-09-01
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.