University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1012
Survey Title 2nd Nationwide Survey of Sexual Behavior among Young People (JASE SSJDA edition), 1981
Depositor Seishonen no seikoudou zenkoku chosa kenkyukai
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary The Japanese Association for Sex Education was commissioned by the Juvenile Problems Section in the Prime Minister’s Office to conduct the planning, research implementation, and analysis of this survey.

The primary objective was to conduct a re-survey with the same scale and question items as the “Survey of sexual behavior among young people” conducted by the Japanese Association for Sex Education in 1974, under commission from the Prime Minister’s Office, and to clarify the sexual development and successive changes in sexual behavior. The second objective was to clarify the relationship between sexual development and sexual behavior and its main determining factors, such as growing, home environment, and social and cultural factors.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Male and female students from high school to university
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Sample size: 4,990 people (2,505 boys, 2,485 girls)

A sample of 4,990 responses for analysis was extracted from the total of 21,255 survey responses collected, using a random sampling method with quotas allocated on the basis of region, school type, year level, and gender.
Date of Collection 1981-05-01 ~ 1981-06-30
1981/05/01 – 06/30
Time Period 1981 ~ 1981
Spatial Unit hokkaido
Seven cities in Japan (Sapporo, Akita, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Matsue, and Kumamoto)
Sampling Procedure From the seven cities in the surveyed area, 75 schools were first extracted as a whole, considering the number of students in each city, school type, and school size. Then, as the survey’s target group, several classes (or all classes depending on the case) were extracted from each school.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Anonymous mass questionnaire survey
Investigator Seishonen no seikoudou zenkoku chosa kenkyukai, survey carried out by JASE (The Japanese Association for Sex Education)
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1012
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Questionnaire
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items [Face Items]
Gender, age, school, year in school, current area of residence/area of residence before graduating from junior high school (industrial area/ commercial area/residential area/agricultural area, etc.), presence of siblings, presence of opposite-sex siblings, birth order of siblings, father's occupation/occupation type (office work/other than office work), atmosphere at home (up to elementary school/present), location of school currently attending, whether or not respondent has own room, person who shares a room with respondent, presence of cohabitants, whether or not there is a car respondent can freely use/type of the car, whether or not respondent has a casual part-time (arubaito) job, presence of regular income, presence of close friends, presence of opposite-sex friends, presence of opposite-sex person respondent is in love with, whether or not respondent has a hobby/details, religion respondent practices/type

(1) Physiological sexual development
- Ejaculation experience (first ejaculation)
Whether or not experienced ejaculation, location/age of first experience, experience of having wet dreams/age/ current situation/frequency

- Menstruation experience (first menstrual period)
Presence of menstruation, age/month of first menstrual period, dealing with menstrual period, whether or not respondent uses tampons, whether or not respondent has experience of keeping a menstrual record, state of measuring basal body temperature

(2) Psychological sexual development
- Interest in sexuality
Interest in sex/age of first interest, things respondent wants to know about sex, whether respondent has received sex education/location (school/home, etc.)/what was taught

- Desire for intimate contact (opposite sex/same sex)
Experience of desiring intimate contact with someone of the opposite sex/age, experience of intimate contact with someone of the opposite sex/age/partner (student/salaried worker, etc.), experience of receiving intimate contact from someone of the opposite sex/age/partner (someone respondent knows/a stranger, student/salaried worker, etc.)/place
Whether respondent has ever been sexually attracted to someone of the same sex, experience of intimate contact with someone of the same sex/age of first experience/age of the partner/partner (student/salaried worker, etc.)/current situation

- Sexual arousal
Whether or not respondent has experienced sexual arousal/age/motivation

- Desire for kissing
Desire to sexually kiss someone/age

(3) Development of sexual behavior
- Dating experience
Whether or not respondent has dating experience, age when dating for the first time/partner (single/married, etc.)/partner’s occupation, whether or not respondent is currently dating someone, description of the relationship, experience of desiring intimacy with someone of the opposite sex/age/partner (childhood friend/schoolmate, etc.), whether or not respondent has confessed his or her love to someone of the opposite sex/age/ method (meeting and telling directly/letter/phone, etc.), experience of being confessed by someone of the opposite sex his or her love to respondent/age/method

- Masturbation
Masturbation experience, age at first masturbation/motive/current situation/frequency/thoughts

- Kissing experience
Kissing experience/age at first experience/age of partner/partner (just a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.)/motivation/place

- Making out experience
Experience of making out with someone/age at first experience/age of partner/partner (just a friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.)/motivation/place

- Sexual intercourse experience
Whether or not respondent has experienced sexual intercourse/age at first experience/partner’s age/partner (single/married, etc., just a friend/boyfriend or girlfriend, etc.), whether it was the same person respondent first kissed with/motivation/place, awareness/use/method of contraception, experience of pregnancy, current situation (of sexual intercourse)/whether it is with the same person of the first experience, marital status, whether or not respondent has experience of cohabitation, knowledge of venereal diseases, experience of venereal disease/type/whether or not treated by a doctor/path of infection/partner (student/salaried worker, etc.)/age when respondent first had a venereal disease

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2015/05/26
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Version 1 : 2015-05-26
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.