Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
5th Nationwide Survey of Sexual Behavior among Young People (JASE SSJDA edition), 1999
Seishonen no seikoudou zenkoku chosa kenkyukai
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This is the fifth “Survey of Sexual Behavior among Young People” conducted by the Japanese Association for Sex Education; this survey has previously been conducted four times, in 1974, 1981, 1987, and 1993.
The purpose of this survey is as follows. (1) To clarify the progress status of the age of having sexual experience of Japanese youth, and its changes over time, in terms of physiological, psychological, and behavioral aspects. (2) To clarify the realities of sex-related crimes, which have not been sufficiently analyzed to date, and contraception use in the light of AIDS, etc. (3) To clarify the actual state of consciousness concerning sexual activity of young adults and to examine the relationship between individual differences in sexual experience, social background, etc.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Male and female students from first year of junior high school to fourth year of university
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Sample size: 5,492 people (2,846 boys, 2,646 girls) A sample of 5,492 responses for analysis was extracted from the responses collected from twelve locations in Japan, using a random sampling method with quotas allocated on the basis of region, school type, year level, and gender, taking into account the distribution of the student population nationwide.
Date of Collection
1999-11 ~ 2000-01
November 1999 – January 2000
Time Period
1999 ~ 2000
Spatial Unit
12 locations in Japan Four large cities with populations in excess of one million (Sapporo City, Tokyo Metropolis, Kyoto City, Fukuoka City), four medium-sized cities (Akita, Shizuoka, Matsue, Kumamoto Cities), four small municipalities (Higashiiwai County in Iwate Prefecture, Shimotsuga County in Tochigi, Kahoku County/Nomi County in Ishikawa Prefecture, Itano County/Katsuura County in Tokushima Prefecture)
Sampling Procedure
From among the universities/junior colleges (in large and medium-sized cities only), high schools, and junior high schools in the survey sites, a total of 58 schools were selected taking into account student population, school type, and school size, and several classes from each year level in these schools were selected to take the survey.
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Collective survey
Seishonen no seikoudou zenkoku chosa kenkyukai, survey carried out by JASE(The Japanese Association for Sex Education) |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
【 Questionnaire
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
[Face Items] Gender, school, year in school, area of residence up to the time of graduation from junior high school (population of one million or more/500,000 or more/100,000 or more/town or village, etc.), parents’ occupation, parents’ occupation type (office work/other than office work), presence of siblings, impression of “household” and “school” (from elementary school to university), impression of friendships at school (from elementary school to university), impression of school classes (from elementary school to university), location of school current attending, respondent’s possessions (car, own room, TV, etc.), frequency of calling friends and boyfriend/girlfriend, frequency of part-time (arubaito) jobs, presence of friends of the same sex, presence of friends of the opposite sex, presence of a boyfriend/girlfriend
(1) Physiological sexual development - Ejaculation experience (spermarche) Whether or not experienced ejaculation/age
- Menstruation experience (first menstrual period) Presence of menstruation/age
(2) Psychological sexual development - Interest in sex Interest in sex/age, thoughts about sexual activities, thoughts about marriage, thoughts about division of labor by gender, thoughts about sexual experience, things respondent wants to know about sex, whether respondent has received sex education/what were taught/whether or not it has been useful, impression of the word “sex” and “sexual intercourse,” factors affecting sexual behavior and consciousness/factors most affecting these, frequency of discussing sexual issues with friends, degree of curiosity about friends’ sexual behavior and experience, experience of using the sex industry (watching adult videos/going to dating clubs, etc.)
- Sexual arousal Whether or not experienced sexual arousal/age
(3) Development of sexual behavior - Dating experience Experience of desiring intimacy with someone of the opposite sex/age, whether or not respondent has dating experience, age when respondent first started dating, whether respondent is currently dating someone, which one initiates going out on a date, who pays when out on a date
- Masturbation experience Masturbation experience/age/current situation
- Kissing experience Experience of sexually kissing someone/age/situation/motivation
- Sexual intercourse experience Whether or not respondent has experienced sexual intercourse/age/partner (boyfriend/girlfriend, just a friend, etc.), partner’s age/situation/motive, what respondent felt during the sexual intercourse experience/reason, number of people respondent has had sexual intercourse with, presence of a sexual partner now/what kind of person he or she is (boyfriend/girlfriend, just a friend, etc.), concern about venereal diseases, concern about the possibility of pregnancy, use of contraception/method/reason/situation/reason for not using contraception
(4) Sex-related crimes Types of sex-related crimes experienced/person who did it
*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release
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1 : 2015-05-26
Notes for Users
Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.