Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
7th Nationwide Survey of Sexual Behavior among Young People (JASE SSJDA edition), 2011
Seishonen no seikoudou zenkoku chosa kenkyukai
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This is the seventh “Survey of Sexual Behavior among Young People” conducted by the Japanese Association for Sex Education; this survey has previously been conducted six times, in 1974, 1981, 1987, 1993, 1999, and 2005.
The purpose of this survey is as follows. (1) To clarify the progress status of the age of having sexual experience of Japanese youth, and its changes over time, in terms of physiological, psychological, and behavioral aspects. (2) To clarify the actual state of consciousness concerning sexual activity of young adults and to examine the relationship between individual differences in sexual experience, social background, etc. (3) To clarify the realities of sex-related crimes, etc. (4) To clarify the effect of information flow, such as mobile phones and the Internet, on young adults.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Male and female students from first year of junior high school to fourth year of university
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Sample size: 7,640 people (3,992 boys, 3,648 girls)
A sample of 7,640 responses for analysis was extracted from the responses collected from 11 locations in Japan with quotas allocated on the basis of survey site, year level, and gender to weight, taking into account the distribution of the student population nationwide based on the 2011 “School Basic Survey” by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan.
Date of Collection
2011-10 ~ 2012-02
October 2011 – February 2012
Time Period
2011 ~ 2012
Spatial Unit
11 locations in Japan Four large cities with populations in excess of one million (Sapporo City, Tokyo Metropolis, Kyoto City, Fukuoka City), four medium-sized cities (Aomori, Hirosaki, Matsue, Kumamoto Cities), four small municipalities (Miyagi, Tochigi, Kochi Prefectures)
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Stratified three-stage sampling method
[Junior high school and high school students]
A total of nine junior high schools and 11 high schools in the survey sites were selected taking into account region size, school type, student population, etc., and classes in these schools were selected to take the survey following discussion with the school and obtainment of consent.
[University students]
31 universities were selected, taking into consideration school type, etc., in four locations in large cities and four locations in medium-sized cities from the survey locations.
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
[Junior high school students/high school students]
Collective survey (self-administered)
[University students]
Classroom teachers were engaged to distribute the questionnaire sheets contained in envelopes and explain the purposes of the survey. Students agreeing to participate in the survey filled out the questionnaire at home and returned it, principle, during class a week later.
Seishonen no seikoudou zenkoku chosa kenkyukai, survey carried out by JASE (The Japanese Association for Sex Education) |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
【 Questionnaire
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
[Face Items] Age, gender, school (except for junior high school students), year in school, impression of school classes, cohabitants (except for junior high school students), time spent on part-time (arubaito) jobs (except for junior high school students), presence of own room, whether good at sports, self-esteem, time use on days off and holidays (studying/using the Internet)
(1) Sexual experience/sexual behavior - Ejaculation/menstruation Whether or not experienced, age of first experience
- Sexual interest Whether or not experienced, age of first experience
- Experience of confessing one’s love Whether or not respondent has confessed his or her love to someone/someone has confessed his or her love to respondent
- Dating experience Whether or not experienced, age of first experience, current state, initiating dating/bearing the cost of dating
- Kissing experience Whether or not experienced, age of first experience, initiating kissing, motivation
- Sexual intercourse experience Whether or not experienced, age of first experience, partner’s age (older or younger), initiating sexual intercourse (except for junior high school students), motivation (except for junior high school students), how it felt (except for junior high school students)/reason (except for junior high school students), use of contraception (except for junior high school students), number of people respondent has had sexual intercourse with (except for junior high school students), most recent situation (except for junior high school students), whether or not dating someone, presence of a sexual partner
- Concerns about sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy (except for junior high school students) Concerns about the possibility of pregnancy, whether respondent can communicate with a partner about not wanting to have sexual intercourse, whether respondent talks to a partner about contraception, use of contraception, contraceptive method, use of condoms, reason for not using contraception
- Masturbation experience Whether or not experienced, age of first experience, thoughts
(2) Sexual norms/sexual consciousness - Impression of sex Impression of the word “sex” and “sexual intercourse”
- Gender consciousness View of marriage, consciousness of gender roles, consciousness of sexual differences, thoughts on sexual acts between people of the same sex
- Sexual norms (except for junior high school students) Loveless sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse involving exchange of money, sex with people other than boyfriend/girlfriend, sexual intercourse with someone just met, marriage due to pregnancy
(3) Sexual misconduct Violence in dating (except for junior high school students), sexual harassment (whether or not experienced, person who did it)
(4) Sex education and sexual knowledge/information - Sex education Items respondent learned in school sex education, evaluation of sex education (whether respondent felt it was useful)
- Interest in sex knowledge Things respondent wants to know about sex
- Source of information on sex About sexual intercourse/contraception methods (influence of friends/school/teachers/media, etc.)
- Knowledge of sex (except for junior high school students) Knowledge of contraception and sexually transmitted diseases
(5) Friendships Frequency of going to the city to have fun with friends and boyfriend/girlfriend, presence of a friend of the same sex/opposite sex that respondent talks to frequently, whether respondent is dating someone/period, number of people respondent has dated until now, interest in sex experiences of friends, level of conversation about sex
(6) Family relationship Image of household, mother’s occupation, composition of siblings
(7) Media usage Frequency of sending text messages to friends and boyfriend/girlfriend, whether respondent has own TV/video player/personal computer, frequency of mobile phone use, Internet usage (including SNS)
*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release
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1 : 2015-05-26
Notes for Users
Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.