University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1027
Survey Title Questionnaire on Balance between Work and Family, 2013
Depositor b-style
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' at SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This is a questionnaire survey focusing on housewives who have a desire to work. It polls their ability to balance their work and home lives. Specifically, it questions whether or not they think they can balance home and work if their nursery provides sufficient care, other things they believe are necessary to balance home and work, etc.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe b-style registrants/recruitment media "Housewife JOB Search" registrants
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 557 people(508 married women, 11 unmarried women, 28 single women who have been married before,5 married/unmarried women who did not respond, 5 men)
Date of Collection 2013/05/30 (Thursday) – 06/16 (Sunday)
Time Period
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Mode of Data Collection Internet survey (anonymous)
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo][Syukei-hyo]
Major Survey Items [Face items]
・Gender, age, area of residence
・Marital status, presence of children
・Work status, employment status, annual household income

[Questionnaire items]
・Degree of satisfaction with balance of work and home life
・Whether respondent thinks he/she would be able to balance work and the home if nursery provided sufficient care
・Things necessary to balance work and home life
・Whether there are enough professions in society that are capable of providing proper balance between work and home life

*For details on survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2017/03/08
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Version 2017/03/08 :
Notes for Users