Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
National Survey on Life Insurance, 2015
Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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This survey aimed at understanding how the consciousness of life security changes over time based on the status of enrollment in life insurance in typical households and offers basic statistical data. Since 1965, this survey was conducted once every three years by the Life Insurance Association of Japan. It was handed over to the Japan Institute of Life Insurance following its foundation in 1976. The method of this survey changed, and its content was revised in 1988, and minor revisions were made in the years that followed.
The major survey items are listed below. This edition added new items concerning knowledge of life insurance and personal pension insurance. (1) Enrollment in life insurance (private life insurance, Kanpo Insurance, postal life insurance, JA, prefectural mutual aid (kenmin kyosai )/co-op (seikyo), and others) (2) Enrollment in personal pension insurance and pension-type products (3) Enrollment in life insurance or special agreement with specific security functions (4) Private life insurance enrolled in recently (2010 onward) (5) Cancellation/expiration of private life insurance (6) Satisfaction with insurance coverage (7) Thoughts on life security (8) Intention to acquire life insurance in the future (9) Knowledge of life insurance (10) Experience with long-term care
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Common households with two or more members
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
The number of samples collected: 4,020
Date of Collection
2015-04-02 ~ 2015-05-17
2015/04/02 – 05/17
Time Period
2015 ~ 2015
Spatial Unit
Japan(436 locations)
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire
Leaving survey (visit and leave or visit and collect)
Japan Institute of Life Insurance, survey carried out by Shin Joho Center, Inc. |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
[Face items] ・Family structure, gender (of the head of the household), age of the respondent (head of the household), profession, organization type (private company, public servant), number of employees in the organization (in case of a private company), and annual income of the respondent (head of the household) ・Age of spouse/occupation/annual income, sum of income of family members ・Existence of residential loans, education costs, how to deal with and prepare education costs, and total amount of assets
(1) Enrollment in life insurance (private life insurance, Kanpo Insurance, postal life insurance, JA, prefectural mutual aid (kenmin kyosai )/co-op (seikyo), and others)
・Type of life insurance acquired, number of subscriptions, number of insured members, and reason for not acquiring any insurance ・Death insurance amount, daily benefit for sickness or hospitalization, installments (premium) for the household (in the case of private life insurance, Kanpo Insurance, and postal life insurance) ・Death mutual aid amount, daily amount of hospitalization mutual aid, and installments of the household (in the case of JA, prefectural mutual aid (kenmin kyosai )/co-op (seikyo), and others)
(2) Enrollment in personal pension insurance and pension-type products ・Type of personal pension subscription and relationship with the insured person ・Amount of pension received in one year, premium amount, and premium payment method ・Age when benefit begins and period of benefit
(3) Enrollment in life insurance or special agreement with specific security functions ・Enrolled services (by type of special agreement) ・Type of special agreement (medical-care insurance/special agreement, cancer insurance/special agreement, security insurance/special agreement for specific diseases, special agreement for specific injuries, disease security special agreement/severe chronic disease security special agreement, long-term care insurance/special agreement, special agreement for hospital visits) ・Daily benefit for hospitalization (cancer insurance/special agreement) and monthly benefit (long-term care insurance/special agreement)
(4) Private life insurance enrolled in recently (2010 onward) ・Insured members, who made the decision to enroll, premium payment method, and type of insurance ・Means of obtaining information and experience with product comparison ・Reason for purchase, objective, and method ・Level of satisfaction (with the life insurance company/product) ・Aspects assessed in the life insurance company, etc.
(5) Cancellation/expiration of private life insurance ・Experience with cancellation or expiration, duration, insured members, and objective of enrollment in a cancelled or expired life insurance ・How the cancellation refund was spent, reason for cancellation, etc.
(6) Satisfaction with insurance coverage ・Satisfaction with insurance coverage, amount of money that can be spent on premium in one year
(7) Thoughts on life security ・Status of preparation of life security or intention of preparing for it (the head of the household/spouse/children) ・Security in case something happens to the head of the household or if he or she is hospitalized for two to three months ・Security for the couple after retirement and security if the head of the household or spouse requires long-term care ・Security in case the head of the household is no longer able to work ・Thoughts on the balance between public and private securities and others
(8) Intention to acquire life insurance in the future ・Life insurance or personal pension insurance considered for the future ・Intention of acquiring it (if there is no intention, why), insured persons, and type of life insurance to be acquired ・Life insurance premium deduction and intention to purchase or maintain life insurance ・Thoughts on inheritance tax exemption measures for death benefits and intention to acquire or maintain it ・Intention to acquire private life insurance and Kanpo Insurance, reason for the choice, and other issues
(9) Knowledge of life insurance ・Things to learn more about (mechanism of life insurance and personal pension insurance, what kind of security is necessary, and so on) ・Self-assessment of knowledge (reasonable knowledge/almost no knowledge)
(10) Experience with long-term care Experience with long-term care in the last three years, period and place of long-term care, use of public long-term care insurance services, and long-term care cost
Date of Release
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1 : 2016-11-29
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