University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0011
Survey Title Survey of Japanese People's Life Values, 1991
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary This survey is the third of our series of research on the Japanese values, following the 1976 "Study of Japanese Values" and 1985 "Second Study of Japanese Values." Initially, a survey was to take place every decade to generate time-series data on the same topic, but unexpectedly rapid changes in the social environment has called for a mid-interval survey in consideration of the effect of such changes on people's consciousness. The 1991 Study on Japanese Values also takes into consideration that the framework for capturing people's consciousness itself has possibly been transformed. More specifically, this survey attempts to investigate dimensions of Japanese values and life consciousness from various perspectives in response to the recent changes in the population structure, the groups to which people belong, and people's livelihood base. The identified values are adult-ism (otona-shugi ) and self-centered orientation (jibun-chushin-shugi ) as well as the subcategories of humanity orientation (ninjo-shiko ), family orientation (kazoku- shiko ), orientation toward self-reliance (jiritsu shiko ), orientation toward self-exposure (jiko-kenji shiko ), and orientation toward easiness (anraku shiko ).
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Male and female individuals, aged between 16 and 70.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 1,872 responses from a sample of 2,500 such individuals (Rate of return: 74.9%)
Date of Collection 1991-08-29 ~ 1991-09-11
August 29-September 11, 1991
Time Period 1991 ~ 1991
Spatial Unit Japan
All over Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Stratified two-stage random sampling
Mode of Data Collection Face-to-face interview
Face-to-face interviews by interviewers.
Investigator Japan Institute of Life Insurance. The field work was performed by Chuo Chosa-sha.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0011
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Japan Institute of Life Insurance (July, 1992) Nihonjin no seikatsu kachikan chosa, 1991 hokoku-sho [Report of the 1991 Study on Japanese Values].
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Demographic items:
Sex, age, marital status, age at first marriage, number of children, age of last-born child, occupation, number of employees at firm, last school attended, annual income, annual household income, composition of family living with Respondent, type of dwelling, economic condition, and financial assets.
Value-seeking items:
R's abilities; R's ability to judge and decide; R's courage and spontaneity; importance of health; sense of fulfillment and achievement on the job; hobbies and recreation; pursuit of wealth; pursuit of status and power; future; financial stability and maintenance in living; mental stability in living; children's growth and education; marital relations and child-parent relations; family and home; ancestors, genealogy, and lineage; respect for the individual; humanity and personality; importance of sincerity and honesty; being "respected" and "liked" by others; importance of obligation and humane feelings (giri, ninjo ); cooperation and harmony with others; importance of mutual trust and support; neighborhood relations (e.g. interactions with neighbors); rights and privacy; responsibility for one's work; respect for freedom; equality and justice; observance of rules of society; recognition of social unrest; R's own and familial death; friends; authority; scientific and technological progress; material ownership; society, homeland, and the nation; politics; employment and labor; and young people's consciousness and trends.
Consciousness-seeking items:
Degree of satisfaction with life; consumption and action types; view of work; view of society; view of marriage; attitudes toward internationalization; and view of savings.
Date of Release 1998/04/01
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Version 1 : 1998-04-01
1.1 : 2002-10-18
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.