Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1980
Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Under the circumstance where companies face an aging society in the midst of a stabilized economy, we consider it important to begin summarizing issues of corporate welfare and to accumulate and analyze relevant data so that accurate and concrete measures will be taken in the future. This survey, a product of a joint study with Mitsubishi Research Institute, aimed at quantitatively grasping the current state of employees benefit plans and the perceptions of the future among relevant corporate staffs. It did so by focusing on three areas of investigation in accordance with the employee's life cycle: (1) livelihood guarantee during employment (centering on group term insurance against on-duty and off-duty accidents), (2) asset formation support (centering on employee's savings schemes), and (3) livelihood guarantee after retirement (centering on corporate pension plans). For livelihood security, we also investigated how funds are reserved. This survey is to represent the first of a time-series survey.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Private non-agricultural companies with 30 or more employees
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
A sample of 1,970, of which 1,303 (66.1%) returned valid responses.
Date of Collection
1980-08 ~ 1980-09
August-September, 1980
Time Period
1980 ~ 1980
Spatial Unit
Japan's 12 largest cities (except Hiroshima): Sapporo City, Tokyo, Kawasaki City, Yokohama City, Nagoya City, Kyoto City, Osaka City, Kobe City, Fukuoka City, and Kita-Kyushu City.
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Stratified
Stratified sampling (involving 8 strata of industries and 4 strata of companies of different workforce sizes). Sampling ratios were adjusted to secure a level of accuracy.
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaires through visits.
Japan Institute of Life Insurance |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Japan Institute of Life Insurance and Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (July 1981) Kigyo no fukuri-kosei ni kansuru chosa (Survey of Employees Benefit Plans).
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
Company profile: Industry; year established; issued capital; sales for FY 1979; number of regular employees, their average age, and women's ratio; ordinary income for FY 1979.
Questionnaire items: (1) Present and future benefit plans (current and future areas of emphasis; reasons for emphasis). (2) Present and future security during employment Security against accidents (dangerousness of workplace; state and content of voluntary accident compensation, (if no such compensation) its reasons and future intentions; state of voluntary survivor benefits, model amount for 35-year-old males, financing); compensation for off-duty accidents (financing; intentions); livelihood guarantee via group term insurance scheme (mandatory group life insurance coverage, reasons for coverage, insurance amount, intentions for improving insurance amount, reasons for no coverage and future intentions; voluntary group life insurance coverage, reasons for coverage, rate of employees covered, average insurance amount, aid in premium payment, improvement requests, reasons for no coverage and future intentions; availability of mortality security system based on self-help; availability of group damage insurance scheme; availability of whole life group insurance scheme and future intentions). (3) Present and future asset formation systems Corporate attitudes to employees' asset formation; present and future asset formation systems; present and future housing measures; measures for housing loan insolvency; employees' savings, general asset-building, and asset-building savings schemes (period adopted; participation rate; reasons for adoption; number and type of financial institutions involved, selection criteria, future intentions for expansion): improvement requests; reasons for no general asset-building and asset-building housing schemes, and future intentions; awareness of asset-formation allowance and asset-formation funds systems; availability of employee's savings promotion system. (4) Present and future security after retirement Income sources to be emphasized after retirement; response to lowered corporate/employee pension eligibility age; mandatory retirement system (current state; model retirement allowance; financing, its rationale, and future financing; problems and intentions for improvement); tax-qualified pension system (availability; period of adoption; level of payment and intentions for improvement; form of transition from retirement allowance to tax-qualified pension; financial institutions involved and criteria for selection; problems; improvement requests; reasons for no such system and future intentions); employee pension fund system (availability; form of setup; period of adoption; form of payment; intentions for future adoption and form of setup, if intended).
Date of Release
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1 : 1998-04-01
2 : 2004-01-30
Notes for Users
Data Sets are written in Japanese.