University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0032
Survey Title Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1995
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary This survey was conducted in order to grasp and provide statistical data on the current state of, attitudes to, and future intentions for corporate welfare plans among companies. The survey focuses on three dimensions:(1) livelihood guarantee during employment (centering on group term insurance against on-duty and off-duty accidents), (2) asset formation support (centering on employee's savings schemes), and (3) livelihood guarantee after retirement (centering on corporate pension plans). For livelihood security, we also investigated how funds are reserved. Surveys of Employees Benefit Plans have been carried out every three years since 1980, meaning that this one represents the sixth.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Private companies with 30 or more regular employees in all industries except agriculture, forestry, fisheries, insurance, telecommunications, energy supply, water supply, and the unclassifiable.
Unit of Observation Organization
Sample Size A sample of 3,300, of which 1,400 (42.4%) returned valid responses.
Date of Collection 1995-05-09 ~ 1995-07-03
May 9--July 3, 1995
Time Period 1995 ~ 1995
Spatial Unit hokkaido
Japan's 12 largest cities: Sapporo, Tokyo, Kawasaki, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and Kita-Kyushu.
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Stratified: Disproportional
Stratified sampling by industry and size of workforce, from a list of private business establishments made on the basis of the 1991 statistical survey of business establishments by the Statistics Bureau of the Management and Coordination Agency. Weighted random sampling by stratum.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire
Self-administered questionnaires through visits
Investigator Japan Institute of Life Insurance Field work was performed by Chuo Chosasha.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0032
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Japan Institute of Life Insurance (February 1996) Heisei 7-nendo Kigyo no fukuri-kosei seido ni kansuru chosa (Survey of Employees Benefit Plans, 1995).
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Company profile:
Industry; year established; issued capital (investments); number of regular
Employees, their average age, women's ration; model annual salary for 35-year-old males.

Questionnaire items:
(1) Overall corporate welfare system
Measures (systems in operation for regular/temporary workers; problems; future intentions; life-long welfare; self-help support system; intentions for contracting out); reconstruction of system (current state; future intentions).
(2) Livelihood security systems during employment
Voluntary accident compensation system (availability; content; intentions of improvement; reasons for no such system and future intentions); off-duty compensation system (attitude; content; financing); group term insurance (rate of Group A insurance coverage, insurance amount, intentions for change, criteria used to select life insurance companies, reasons for no such insurance and future intentions; rate of Group B insurance coverage, reasons for adoption, content, rate of employees covered, insurance amount, improvement requests, reasons for no such insurance and future intentions, mutual-aid system); medical insurance (awareness, availability, institutions); earnings-coverage system; checkoff system for individual insurance.
(3) Asset-formation support systems
Employee's attitude; housing measures (current state, future emphasis); asset-building systems (availability; rate of employees covered; criteria for institutions, requests for improvement; reasons for no such system and future intentions).
(4) Livelihood security systems after retirement
Corporate attitude; mandatory retirement system (availability; type of system; retirement age; future response); retirement allowance system (availability; model amount; form of reserving funds; reasons for adopting mutual-aid system; future funds reserving; problems; future intentions); tax-qualified pension system (rate of adoption; reasons for adoption; content; contribution; intentions for improvement; initial financing at adoption; institutions and selection criteria; attitude to special accounting agreement; attitude to asset mobilization; problems; improvement requests; reasons for no such system and future intentions); employee pension fund system (availability; reasons for adoption; form of setup; problems; intentions for future adoption); tax-unqualified pension system (awareness; availability; reasons for no such system and future intentions for adoption); medical insurance after retirement.
Date of Release 1998/04/01
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Working conditions
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Version 1 : 1998-04-01
Notes for Users Weighting back required.
Data Sets are written in Japanese.