University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0043
Survey Title Survey on Life Planning for Old Age, 1989
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This survey responds to our ever aging society by seeking the way private pension plans should be as a means of preparing for senior life. For the purpose, the survey highlights the middle-aged and elderly, age cohorts whose future trends attract our attention, and investigates their attitudes toward financial preparation for senior life (or consciousness in life planning) and current state of such preparation (or state of and intention for self-help efforts). This survey study is a product of delving into certain areas of investigation which appear regularly in the "Security of Life and Life Insurance"-an annual survey our Institute has conducted since 1988.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Male and female individuals aged between 35 and 54.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 1,971 effective responses from a sample of 3,000 such individuals (Rate of effective return: 65.7%)
Date of Collection 1989-09-01 ~ 1989-09-01
September, 1989
Time Period 1989 ~ 1989
Spatial Unit Japan
All over Japan (200 localities)
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Stratified two-stage random sampling
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire
Record system in which questionnaires were placed by research staff.
Investigator Japan Institute of Life Insurance The field work was performed by Nippon Research Center.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0043
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Japan Institute of Life Insurance (May, 1990) Rogo no seikatsu sekkei ni kansuru chosa [Survey on Senior Life Planning]
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Demographic and other basic items:
Sex; age, occupation, size of firm's workforce, retirement pension, and availability of temporary payment system (for Respondent and spouse); household head or not; marital status; children; age of last-born child; living with or separately from parents; financial aid to parents; annual income; annual income of spouse; annual household income; financial assets; public pension plans held (for R. and spouse); recognition of public pension benefits; main reserve funds in past year; funds desired for immediate preparation; existing but insufficient funds; monthly household consumption expenditure; breakdown of expenditure; type of dwelling; and future ownership of inherited or donated real estate.
Questionnaire items:
Financial situation; with or without future life plan; period covered by the plan;
view of life planning; degree of financial anxiety and consideration of senior life; desired living standard after aging; living expenses for decent senior life (for couple per month); ratio of living expenses that can be financed by public pension; responding to revised public pension system; wife's public pension after husband's death and means of securing livelihood; view of reserve funds for senior life; funds reserved for senior life (availability; age started; means of reserving; necessity of reserve funds; reasons for not requiring reserve funds; and planned starting age); recognition of pension plan covering couples; private pension plan (intention for/against use and its reasons; preferable type of pension plan [insurance or savings type] and its merits; method of premium payment preferred; desired age for starting to receive benefits and its reasons; and desired annual pension); whole life insurance (state of coverage; intention to use; and merits); and individual annuity insurance and tax system (recognition of preferential tax treatment; recognition of taxable interests earned; and recognition of taxable gifts received).
Date of Release 1998/04/01
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Income, property and investment/saving
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Version 1 : 1998-04-01
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.