University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0057
Survey Title Questionnaire Survey on Home-help Service Work, 1997
Depositor JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
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Educational Purpose Only available for research.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary In order to study and verify the phenomenon of regional welfare building which began busily in the 1990s, our Institute established a Committee for Studying Localized Welfare Society in January 1996, using the keywords of "welfare" and "decentralization." Since then, we have conducted five surveys for the common purpose of "suggesting future issues by clarifying the actual state of local welfare service systems for the elderly-in particular, the current state and problems of human resources and facilities." The five surveys are "A Survey of Welfare Services for the Elderly," "A Fiscal Survey of Welfare Services for the Elderly," "A Survey of Access to Local Government Welfare Services," "A Survey of Regional Welfare Service Providers," and "A Questionnaire Survey of the 'Home-Help' Service Occupation." As such, this survey represents the fifth of the series under discussion.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe "Home helpers" (of both general and registered types) who are considered to be working at 71 randomly sampled local governments.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 8,663 individuals (3,491 general, 5,172 registered) covered; 2,068 responded (1,391 general, 697 registered); a rate of return of 24%.
Date of Collection 1997-02 ~ 1997-03
February--March, 1997
Time Period 1997 ~ 1997
Spatial Unit Japan
17 To, Do, Fu, and Prefectures nationwide
Sampling Procedure Total universe/Complete enumeration
Complete enumeration as a principle. (For registered helpers, only those who seemed to be currently employed were chosen. Also, for specific cities, the number of subjects was limited to 300 at most.)
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
A record system in which questionnaires were distributed to the subjects through employers and staffing agencies and were mailed back by the subjects themselves.
Investigator JTUC (Rengo) Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0057
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) JTUC-RI ALS (September, 1997) Koreisha fukushi to homu herupu shoku chosa (Survey of Welfare for the Elderly and the Home-Help Occupation)
JTUC-RIALS (May, 1997) Chiiki ni okeru koreisha fukushi s-abisu ch-osa hokokusho (Report of the Survey of Regional Welfare Services for the Elderly)
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Ippan gata helper you Chosa-hyo][Toroku gata helper you Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items [Questionnaire for full-time, part-time, and temporary helpers]
1. Demographic items (sex, age, experience of care in R's own family, main place of work, institution/organization where R works, a total number of years worked as helper, form of employment); previous occupation; occasions/reasons for and merits of working as helper; qualifications R holds and seeks; training R wants to receive.
2. State of employment and working conditions: state of service (number of days worked/visited per month, number of households visited per month, weekend/ holiday visits and early morning/late night visits, etc.); availability of paid vacation system and number of days paid; form of wage; average monthly wage; availability of lump-sum payment system and amount paid; availability of annual income adjustment service for tax and social security concerns, and office's response; public pension and health insurance coverage; union membership.
3. Job details: state of household visited (condition of elder person, family composition); household switches/rejections experienced; whether R received explanation on household; details of services in physical care, housekeeping, and consultation/advising; duties other than visiting; length of briefing among helpers; coordinating functions; consulting system for user relations; training period and opportunities; sufficiency of home-help services; problems in user-helper relations; social evaluation of helpers; pride in work; volume of work; worry about and dissatisfaction with work; worry about and dissatisfaction with treatment; future intentions for helper's work.
4. Employer (self-government body): recognition of the "Health Maintenance and
Welfare Plan for the Elderly"; sufficiency in work force, and form of employment if/when expanding it.
5. Free space for R's opinion of work, employer, and state/local governments.

[Questionnaire for registered helpers]
Mostly the same items as above. The few exceptions include the following items: job other than home helper's, and work assignments in past month and reasons for not working then (if R did not work).
Date of Release 2000/02/09
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Working conditions
Social welfare systems/structures
Topics in SSJDA SocialSecurity/Welfare
Version 1 : 2000-02-09
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.