University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0071
Survey Title Survey on Job Conversion Ability, 1994
Depositor JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
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Educational Purpose Only available for research.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The structure of industry is expected to change enormously due to the strong Yen and the progress of de-regulation. It is also expected that the structure of the labor market will change dramatically as the Japanese labor population as a whole ages. In order to deal with the changing nature of the society, companies are in the process of introducing a personnel management system based heavily on merits. Also, workers will be more career oriented in studying and learning and will more likely switch jobs in order to build their career. This survey, aiming to serve as basic data for investigating the social foundation required for the mobilization of the labor force, was conducted in order to understand the workers' sense of belonging to the company in the years to come, their capacity for switching jobs and the factors that are preventing them from changing jobs.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Those Members of the JTUC-affiliated unions who are in their late 20s to their 40s, and those who are 30 years of age or above working for banks and trading companies whose names are listed on the directory of company employees.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size [18 JTUC-affiliated industrial unions] 750 responses from a sample of 1,500 people (rate of return: 50%)[Directory of company employees] 73 responses from a sample of 500 people (rate of return 14.6%)Total: 823 responses from a sample of 2,000 people (rate of return 41.2%)
Date of Collection 1994-12 ~ 1995-01
December 1994 - January 1995
Time Period 1994 ~ 1995
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Among the members of the JTUC-affiliated 18 industrial unions, those in their late 20s to 30s (50%) and those in their 40s (50%) were chosen as samples together with 20% of those holding section manager position and 20% of those who have experiences switching jobs (excluding those transferred from the original companies). Those who are 30 years of age or above working for either banks or trading companies and holding section manager position were randomly sampled from the Diamond directory of company employees.
Mode of Data Collection As for the union members, survey sheets were distributed through unions and were collected directly by each respondent through mail. As for those working for banks and trading companies, survey sheets were distributed through direct mailing and were collected also by mail.
Investigator JTUC (Rengo) Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0071
Sponsors (Funds) The Ministry of International Trade and Industry sponsored research
Related Publications (by the Investigator) JTUC-RIALS (March, 1995) Heisei 6 nendo Koreisha no Koyo-kankyo no Seibi Chosa Kenkyu(Sarari-man no Kigyo Kizoku Ishiki to Shokugyo Noryoku Tenkan ni Kansuru Chosa) [Study on the Needed Environment for Aged People's Employment (Study on the Business Men/Women's Sense of Belonging to the Company and their Capacity for Switching Jobs)]
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Schools attended and major in schools; experience of changing jobs; reasons for changing jobs (size of the company previously worked for, type of employer's business, job held, how one got the current job); age at which one joined the company; the gap between the current company and one's ideal company; the extent to which the company or the industry have grown since the time one joined the company; attachment to company, home, etc.; the way one receives criticism toward the company; type of employer's business; position; number of subordinates; total number of employees; job content; jobs experienced; jobs one feels confident of doing besides current job; jobs one feels capable of doing and years of experience; self-evaluation of job capacity one feels most confident of; view on acquiring capacity which is usable outside the company; self-evaluation of management capacity usable outside the company (command of foreign languages, organization management skills, capacity as manager; accounting and sales skills, engineering skills and information processing skills); license obtained; view on improving one's job capacity; basic skills required of business men/women; view on the coming of the era of mass business men/women changing jobs; number of workers with whom one joined the first company worked for; current situation of the workers with whom one joined the company; outlook on employment status around the retirement age; experiences of thinking of switching jobs; current thoughts on switching jobs; preference for next job (size of company, type of business, job, position, wage, relationship with company currently working for, area, most profitable way of switching jobs); job hunting; awareness of personnel dispatching business; view on dispatch work and regular work; obstacles to changing jobs (ones related to company currently working for, ones related to other companies or labor market, ones related to family and oneself); increase in quitting work before retirement age.
Date of Release 1999/09/20
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Version 1 : 1999-09-20
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.