University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0121
Survey Title Survey on Company Benefit and Welfare Systems, 1998
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The objective of this survey is to grasp the current state of corporate welfare plans to explore future directions. More specifically, the survey attempts not only to grasp the entire corporate welfare system but to grasp, with view to securing employees' economic life, the present and future of livelihood guarantee during employment, asset formation support, and livelihood guarantee after retirement. Surveys of Employees Benefit Plans have been carried out every three years since 1980, and this one represents the seventh. We have partially modified the questions in order to fit the changing environment.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Private companies with 30 or more regular employees in all industries except agriculture, forestry, fishery, insurance, telecommunications, energy supply, water supply, and the unclassifiable.
Unit of Observation Organization
Sample Size A sample of 3,265, of which 1,400 (42.9%) returned valid responses. (Note that we usually keep sampling until we secure a total of 1,400 respondents.)
Date of Collection 1998-06-22 ~ 1998-09-04
June 22--September 4, 1998
Time Period 1998 ~ 1998
Spatial Unit tokyo
Japan's 12 largest cities: Sapporo, Sendai, Chiba, Kawasaki, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Kita-Kyushu and Tokyo's 23 Wards.
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Stratified sampling by industry and size of workforce, from a list of private business establishments made on the basis of the 1996 statistical survey of business establishments by the Statistics Bureau of the Management and Coordination Agency. Weighted random sampling by stratum.
Mode of Data Collection A self-administered questionnaire was handed to/from each company's welfare or personnel manager(s).
Investigator Japan Institute of Life Insurance Field work was performed by Chuo Chosasha.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0121
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Japan Institute of Life Insurance (March 1999) Heisei 10-nendo Kigyo no fukuri-kosei seido ni kansuru chosa (The 1998 Survey of Employees Benefit Plans).
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items Corporate profile:
Line of business; industry; year established; capital; sales turnover and ordinary profit; number of regular employees and their average age; model annual salary for 35-year-old males; ratio of female regular employees; trends in mid-career hiring and job switching; number of temporary employees.

Questionnaire items:
(1) Present and future corporate benefit plans: plans in use (15 items) and future intentions; problems of plans in general; transfer of services to other groups and organizations; efforts at life-time welfare; efforts at program reconstructing; reasons why reconstruction is difficult.
(2) Livelihood security programs during employment: voluntary accident compensation program (availability; content; intentions for improvement; [if not available] reasons; level of voluntary survivor benefits and funding); off-duty compensation program (attitude; availability; content; funding); comprehensive welfare group term insurance (availability; premium; [if not available] reasons); voluntary group term insurance (availability and reasons; rate of employees covered; average amount of insurance; availability of premium payment assistance program; carry-over program for retirees); mutual aid program; checkoff service for the individually insured; medical (group) insurance (awareness; availability; institutions; payers); voluntary earnings-coverage system (availability; agents).
(3) Asset-formation support systems: attitude; employees' housing policy (measures in operation; future emphasis); asset-building systems (availability; ratio of participants; requests for improvement; [if not available] reasons).
(4) Livelihood security programs after retirement: attitude; mandatory retirement program (adopted or not; retirement age under common program and under variable program; future operation); retirement allowance program (availability; model amount; problems); form of reserving retirement funds (form of reserving funds for retirement allowances; reasons for adopting small companies' mutual-aid program and specified retirement allowance mutual-aid program; future intentions); tax-qualified pension program (availability and reasons; eligibility age; eligibility period; model pension per month; contribution and employee's share; methods of initial capital raising, form of transition, transfer rate; institutions used; availability of special account clauses; attitude to investing tax-qualified pension assets; problems; tax-related requests for improvement); employee pension fund program (availability; why adopted; problems); tax-unqualified pension program (with employees' contributions) (awareness; availability and future intentions; [if not available] reasons); attitude to medical security after retirement.
(5) Directions of corporate welfare plans: attitude to performance-based benefits; attitude to incorporation of welfare into wages; basic attitude to welfare; efforts at cafeteria-style programs; awareness of and attitude to defined-contribution pension scheme.
Date of Release 1999/08/04
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Version 1 : 1999-08-04
2 : 2002-06-11
3 : 2004-01-30
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.