University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0153
Survey Title Survey on Appraisal of Vocational Abilities and the Role of Qualifications, 1998
Depositor The Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
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Educational Purpose Only available for research.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary A variety of macro-socioeconomic changes such as globalization of economic activities, a low economic growth, aging of society, and the emergence of a highly educated population have urged companies to make active use of human resources and workers to orient themselves to professional occupations and acquisition of skill qualifications. Accordingly, the Labor Ministry is now studying preparation and expansion of a system of evaluating occupational skills in our society. This survey was conducted in order to contribute to the Ministry's effort by grasping the needs on the part of companies for the preparation of such a substantive system. Specifically, it asks the personnel managers and managers of various other divisions about the corporate evaluation system, assessment of employees' occupational skills, use of qualifications and certification via testing, and other related matters.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Personnel/education managers at small companies (with 30 to 299 employees) as well as managers at large companies (with at least 300 employees) of (1) personnel and education divisions, (2) R&D and technology divisions, (3) sales, marketing, and service divisions, and (4) production, construction, and transport divisions.
Unit of Observation Organization
Sample Size [Small companies] 2,500 sampled; 367 responded (rate of effective responses at 14.7%).
[Large companies] 2,500 sampled; (1) 353 responded (14.1%); (2) 145 responded (5.8%); (3) 197 responded (7.9%); (4) 132 responded (5.3%).
Date of Collection 1998-10 ~ 1998-12
October--December, 1998
Time Period 1998 ~ 1998
Spatial Unit All over Japan
Sampling Procedure Non-probability: Quota
2,500 companies with 30 to 299 employees and another 2,500 companies with 300 or more employees were sampled from the nation-wide companies in all industries, present in the corporate data base of Teikoku Data Bank.
Mode of Data Collection A mailing system.
[Small companies] One type of questionnaires were sent to the personnel and education managers.
[Large companies] Four types of questionnaires were sent to the personnel and education managers, who were asked to allocate them to the relevant divisions (see (1)--(4) above).
Investigator The Japan Institute of Labour
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0153
Sponsors (Funds) The Skill Promotion Division at the Human Resources Development Bureau, the Ministry of Labor.
Related Publications (by the Investigator) The Japan Institute of Labor (March, 1999) Shokugyo noryoku hyoka oyobi shikaku no yakuwari ni kansuru chosa hokokusho. Chosa-kenkyu hokokusho No. 121. (Research Study Report No. 121. Report of Research on the Role of Occupational Skills Development Appraisal and Qualification.)
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items There are a total of five questionnaires (by company size and division) each with three sets of questions (about the company, the division, and Respondent's own views). Below is the content of the small companies' questionnaire, which contain all the items in the four other questionnaires.
I Company profile: business; number of regular employees.
II Personnel system and evaluation of occupational skills: reformed or revisioned wage system, personnel evaluation system, and other personnel/labor management systems; background of such reforms/revisions; occupational skills evaluation policy; elements of personnel evaluation; important hiring criteria for new graduates; elements of personnel evaluation.
III Management of occupational skills information: availability of skills and work tables; grasping of occupational and educational/training backgrounds; acquisition of the ISO9000 certificate, period of acquisition, and education/training responses.
IV Qualifications and certification: R's evaluation of qualifications and certification; company testing and use of testing and qualification by industrial entities; testing and qualifications, mandatory and encouraged; use of the system provided by the Labor Ministry; need for regulating private and industrial testing and qualification; institutions to lead reconstruction of the occupational skills evaluation system; occupational qualifications for international trading and overseas business development; position of important exams and qualifications, their support and rewards, their relationship with promotion or upward mobility, reasons for encouragement; need for setting industrial standards of occupational skills.
Date of Release 2000/04/07
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Vocational education and training
Topics in SSJDA Employment/Labor
Version 1 : 2000-04-07
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