University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0558
Survey Title Questionnaire on Living and Society, 2006
Depositor JTUC Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
(Former Name:Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards)
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary In January 2006, the Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards (RENGO) established the “New Road to a Modern Welfare State – Comprehensive Strategy for Japan” study group, which proceeded to study new visions for a sustainable welfare state and welfare society and pathways and strategies for realizing such a vision. In March, the study group started a survey project that conducted and analyzed a questionnaire survey of the current state of the lives of laborers and retirees, their values, and their social outlook, for the purpose of obtaining basic information to explore future living and the state of society.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe RENGO members and members of Japanese Confederation of Retired Persons
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Constituent organizations (hereinafter, “active duty”)
Number of questionnaires distributed: 4,030
Number of valid responses: 2,243
Valid response rate: 55.7%

Confederation of Retired Persons (hereinafter, “retirees”)
Number of questionnaires distributed: 1,000
Number of valid responses: 524
Valid response rate: 52.4%
Date of Collection 2006-06 ~ 2006-09
Time Period 2006 ~ 2006
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Distributed and collected through constituent organizations and the Japanese Confederation of Retired Persons
Rengo Research Institute for Advancement of Living Standards
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0558
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items (1) Current living situation
<Personal life>
Current life anxieties, living conditions, average work day time use (wake-up time, time leaving for work, clock-in time, work-starting time, work-ending time, clock-out time, time respondent gets home, bedtime), level of satisfaction regarding how respondent spends free time (weekdays, weekends), level of satisfaction with current home, health condition, someone to talk to when respondent has issues, level of satisfaction with childrearing/education
Current work (employment stability, discretionary and decision-making authority, sense of reward), thoughts regarding state of work and employment
<Housework/childrearing/social activities/politics>
Level of participation in housework/childrearing/social activities in the past year, political party supported

(2) Evaluation of current living status and future lifestyle
Living “my own life,” way of life (central life interests), things considered important for life in the future

(3) Happiness five years ago, present, and 10 years later
Level of happiness five years ago/present/10 years later, things respondent considered in deciding the level of happiness 10 years from now, areas that should be focused on to improve future happiness level

(4) View of Japanese society
Thoughts on whether Japan is currently an equal society, what the inequalities in Japanese society are, the factors behind inequalities, thoughts on the current state of people’s life and public assistance

(5) Fairness
Thoughts on fairness

(6) Current state of and issues facing social security
Thoughts on the current state of social security, problems currently facing social security/social insurance system, thoughts on the relationship between tax/social insurance premium contributions and the level of social security, thoughts on the relationship between insurance premium contributions and public pension benefits

(7) Welfare society and role of government
Sort of society associated with the term “welfare society,” important things in improving welfare, the issues facing people’s life and the responsibility of government

Face items:
Gender, age, highest level of educational attainment, family structure of those who share the same household income, number of people who share the same household income, number of children, whether or not there is someone who requires long-term care, type of residence, place of residence, place of residence around age 15, main industry of the company/place of business to which respondent belongs, size of employer by the total number of employees, occupation type, respondent’s employment-related status, respondent’s number of work days per week, spouse’s employment-related status, current occupation type of retiree, mode of work, source of household income, respondent’s non-wage income, respondent’s total annual income for previous year, total household income for previous year, labor union membership and whether or not respondent has been an officer
Date of Release 2007/12/18
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Working conditions
Social welfare policy
Specific social services: use and availability
Social behaviour and attitudes
Social conditions and indicators
Topics in SSJDA Society/Culture
Version 1 : 2007-12-18
Notes for Users