Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
Survey on the Securing of Human Resources to Provide Nursing Care Services, 2009
Elderly Service Providers Association
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To ensure quality nursing care services, it is essential that the quality of human resources involved in the field are improved as well as employment/labor conditions. This has been stated before, but currently, due to low wages and difficult working environments, the jobs-to-applicants ratio has risen to nearly twice the average for all industries. Furthermore, turnover rates are high, and talent shortages are becoming more severe. Therefore, this survey research project ascertains and analyzes current efforts and issues associated with securing home care providers, and by identifying the factors behind them, seek out policies for improved securing of talent so care providers can live with a sense of dignity and security.
Furthermore, in addition to this business survey, an interview survey of leading businesses in the field has been conducted.
This survey was conducted as the 2008 “Survey on the Securing of Human Resources to Provide Nursing Care Services” of the Aged Society Welfare Foundation.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Home care businesses
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
646 businesses
Date of Collection
2009-02-17 ~ 2009-02-27
2009/02/17 – 02/27
Time Period
2009 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Sampled business facility data:
WAM net “home care business” data: approximately 26,000
Data of business operators who have acquired the elderly service mark (“Silver Mark”): approximately 260
Approximately 3,000 business facilities were sampled from the above data, one-half from metropolitan commercial areas and the other half from 47 prefectures.
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Questionnaires were distributed to target businesses by mail and returned by mail in enclosed envelopes (postage paid by the survey project).
Home care business supervisors or personnel management officers were asked to respond.
Elderly Service Providers Association |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
(1) Responding business attributes
Type of affiliated corporation (management entity), location, year of establishment, whether or not there is a facility in a different location, number of facilities affiliated with the corporation, 2007 nursing business revenues, number of home care workers and number of those employed for two or more years (regular employees: overall/service supervisors/full-time helpers; non-regular employees: overall/full-time helpers/helpers on short working hours-based employment like part-timers/registered helpers, etc.)
(2) Salary, etc. provided by the businesses
Amount of salary and years of employment (for regular employees: service supervisors/full-time helpers; for non-regular employees: full-time helpers/helpers on short working hours-based employment like part-timers/registered helper, etc.; furthermore, for high-paid/average-paid/low-paid helpers), number of qualified helpers (nursing support specialists/nursing welfare workers/1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-class home helpers), factors determining helpers’ salary (raises), whether or not allowance is paid based on qualifications and amounts thereof
(3) Helper recruitment/hiring
Important points when hiring a helper (quality or quantity), adequacy of personnel (state of securing quality and quantity), information listed when posting job for helpers/at the time of hiring, one-year retention rate (out of every 10 people), rate of retention compared to three years ago, recruiting/hiring issues, percentage of time service supervisors spent on work as a helper
(4) Securing/retaining helpers
Steps implemented to secure/retain helpers (36 items), effective steps for securing helpers, effective steps for retaining helpers, effective steps for improving helpers’ motivation, effective steps for improving helpers’ current job skills, steps that appear to have motivated helpers to pursue mid/long-term career advancement, etc.
Date of Release
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Social Security/Welfare
1 : 2010-03-16
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