University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0692
Survey Title Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2008
Depositor Care Work Foundation
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This survey is the 2008 (Heisei 20) edition of the “Fact-finding Survey on Long-term Care Work” that has been conducted annually since 2002 (Heisei 14), and it comprised of two surveys: the “Fact-finding Survey on Long-term Care Work in Workplaces (hereinafter, Workplace Survey) and the “Survey of Long-term Care Workers’ Employment Situation and Employment Attitudes” (hereinafter, Worker Survey).

Of these, the survey on workplaces was conducted by a questionnaire survey of workplaces extracted from places in Japan that conduct long-term care insurance service businesses, inquiring about the state of working conditions, the state of employment management, the state of education and training, and the state of benefits and welfare of long-term care workers working at long-term care workplaces. By contrast, the survey on workers was conducted by a detailed questionnaire survey of long-term care workers working at the above workplaces, inquiring about the state of work, the state of working conditions, and the state of attitudes to employment. This survey design enables researchers to learn about and reveal the realities of long-term care work in workplaces and the realities of the employment of long-term care workers. The purpose of this survey is to make use of the survey results with a view to improving working environments for long-term care workers and providing higher-quality long-term care services.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe [Workplace Survey]
Workplaces in Japan that provide long-term care insurance designated services

[Worker Survey]
Workers involved in long-term care at the above workplaces (no more than 3 people selected per workplace)
Unit of Observation Individual,Organization
Sample Size [Workplace Survey]
Samples extracted (numbers of questionnaires distributed): 17,350 workplaces
Valid surveys (excluding business closures and cessation, etc.): 17,142 workplaces
Number of valid responses: 5,929 workplaces
Valid response rate: 34.6%
*For the surveys of the employment status, working conditions, and other individual circumstances of long-term care workers who work in the workplaces that responded (Question 31), responses on 58,961 long-term care workers were received from 5,929 workplaces and have been aggregated separately.

[Worker Survey]
Number of valid target workers: 51,426 people
Number of valid responses: 18,035 people
Valid response rate: 35.1%
Date of Collection 2008-11-01 ~ 2008-12-10
The [Workplace Survey] and [Worker Survey] were conducted simultaneously.
Time Period 2008 ~ 2008
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Non-probability
Mixed probability and non-probability
[Workplace Survey]
17,350 workplaces were extracted from facilities listed on the Welfare and Medical Service Agency’s WAMNET as of October 1, 2008 as providing long-term care services designated by long-term care insurance. Of these, ¼ were extracted by non-probability sampling and ¾ were extracted at random.

[Worker Survey]
Managers at workplaces extracted in the survey on workplaces were requested to select and distribute questionnaires to no more than 3 applicable workers. They were requested to select the 3 workers from different occupation types and different employment types among the employees engaged in the primary long-term care services provided at the organization.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
[Workplace Survey]
Questionnaires were distributed and collected by mail by the Care Work Foundation and aggregated at the Care Work Foundation.

[Worker Survey]
Self-administered mail survey by the Care Work Foundation (distributed and collected by mail)
“Questionnaires for the workplace survey” and “questionnaires for the worker survey” were distributed to workplaces extracted for the survey on workplaces; “questionnaires for the worker survey” were distributed by managers at the workplaces to no more than 3 applicable workers, and questionnaires were collected from respondents by mail in separate envelopes.
Investigator Care Work Foundation
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0692
Sponsors (Funds) Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Related Publications (by the Investigator) “Heisei 20-nendo kaigo rōdō jittai chōsa: Jigyōsho ni okeru kaigo rōdō jittai chōsa: Kekka hōkokusho” [2008 fact-finding survey on long-term care work: Fact-finding survey on long-term care work in workplaces: Report of results], Care Work Foundation (in Japanese)
“Heisei 20-nendo kaigo rōdō jittai chōsa: Kaigo rōdōsha no shūgyō jittai to shūgyō ishiki chōsa: Kekka hōkokusho” [2008 fact-finding survey on long-term care work: Fact-finding and attitude survey on long-term care worker employment: Report of results], Care Work Foundation (in Japanese)
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items [Workplace Survey]

1. General overview of organization and workplace
- Corporate status (management entity)
- Conducting businesses other than long-term care services designated by long-term care insurance
- Whether or not there are multiple workplaces, number of employees in entire organization, transfers between workplaces, etc., expansion of similar designated long-term care service businesses
- Locations of workplaces (by prefecture), locations of workplaces (by municipality)
- Proportion of computed long-term care compensation by regional division
- Opening of workplaces, month and year when the long-term care business opened
- Types of long-term care services provided, maximum number of patients that can be admitted, number of users
- Primary type of long-term care service, level of long-term care required on average
- Number of employees in workplace (by employment status)
- Number of employees by occupation type
- Number of registered helpers
- State of accepting dispatched laborers (haken rodosha)

2. State of employment management
- Whether or not employment regulations have been prepared for non-regular employees
- Method of clarifying working conditions for non-regular employees at the time of employment
- Surplus or shortfall of employees by occupation type, reasons for shortfall
- State of hiring/leaving of home-visit care workers/care staff, years of employment of employees who left, presence or absence of temporary hires
- Routes for hiring personnel and the most effective hiring method/medium
- Whether or not periodic recruitment of new graduates is pursued
- Evaluation of number/quality of newly hired employees
- State of employee retention/retention rate
- Strategies for preventing early leaving/promoting retention, most effective strategy
- Systems concerning work-life balance support, etc.
- Employment status of female regular employees
- Method of managing home-visit care workers
- Appointment of employment managers/state of attending lectures

3. State of education/training for home-visit care workers and care staff
- Efforts for personnel development (comparisons with competitors)
- Strategies for personnel development
- Problems with efforts for personnel development
- Education/training at the time of employment
- OJT methods
- Implementation of education/training, etc. in a year

4. State of provision of benefits/welfare for home-visit care workers and care staff
- State of granting paid annual leave
- State of conducting health checkups
- Subscription to employment insurance, health insurance/employees’ pension insurance, etc.

5. Operational issues, etc.
- Changes in business income
- State of responding to management efficiency
- Future direction of long-term care services
- Problems in operating long-term care services
- Service quality management
- Sharing business philosophy
- Collaboration between occupation types, community collaboration
- State of revenue and expenses of long-term care business

6. Workers’ individual circumstances
(*The data for this item (Question 31) is in a separate file.)
- Attributes (gender, age, occupation type, employment status/mode of work, registered helper,
qualifications held, recruitment (new graduate/mid-career), years of employment)
- Wage payment type
- Wages not including overtime, actual monthly wages
- Number of days/hours actually worked

[Worker Survey]

1. Current job
- Location of workplace (by prefecture), location of workplace (by municipality)
- Corporate status (managing entity) of workplace
- Size of workplace by number of employees, whether or not there are multiple workplaces, size of the entire organization by number of employees
- Primary type of long-term care service at workplace
- Jobs respondent is engaged in (occupation type), years of experience, rank at work
- Years of employment
- Employment status, mode of work, ratio of non-regular employee’s prescribed working hours to regular employee’s, whether respondent is a registered helper
- Qualifications respondent holds or wants to acquire

2. Working days/working hours, etc.
- Explanation of working conditions at the time of hiring
- Working days per week, working hours, hours directly involved in long-term care and number of overtime hours
- Whether respondent works at other workplaces
- Late-night work (presence or absence, total hours at work, state of taking naps or breaks)

3. Wages, etc.
- Form of wage payment, hourly wage amount, daily wage amount
- Monthly income before tax
- Annual income last year
- Desires for wages, allowances, etc.

4. Skill development
- Presence or absence of training at the time of employment
- Presence or absence of someone in charge of guidance for a certain period after employment
- Whether or not superiors, etc. provide guidance, etc.
- Whether or not respondent has attended training sessions in the past one year and the number of sessions attended
- State of attending long-term care staff basic training
- Learning method by which and provider from which respondent received or wishes to receive long-term care staff basic training

5. Thoughts about jobs
- Reasons for choosing current job
- Thoughts about current job and workplace
- Level of satisfaction with current job
- Intention to continue current job at current workplace, period desired to continue
- Intention to use workplace’s long-term care when respondent needs long-term care
- Collaboration with workplace and other workplaces
- Workplace characteristics

6. Worries, concerns, dissatisfaction, etc., with work and experiences while providing long-term care services
- Worries, concerns, dissatisfaction, etc., with working conditions, etc.
- Worries, concerns, dissatisfaction, etc. with personal relationships in the workplace, etc.
- Worries, concerns, dissatisfaction, etc., with users and their families
- Resolving worries, concerns, dissatisfaction, etc., with the state of efforts in the workplace and with work
- Whether or not there have been work-related accidents or near-miss incidents
- Experiences on the job (sexual harassment/violence, etc.) and allocation of managers, presence of consultation

7. Attributes, employment history, etc.
- Whether or not respondent had a job between graduating and starting the current job and the details of the job
- Whether or not the job right before the current job was related to long-term care services
- Employment status in the previous job and reasons for leaving
- Reasons for accepting the job at the current organization
- Gender
- Age
- Marital status
- State of the primary household earner
Date of Release 2011/02/24
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Employee training
Working conditions
Social welfare systems/structures
Topics in SSJDA Social Security/Welfare
Version 1 : 2011-02-24
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.