University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0699
Survey Title The Survey of the Current Status and Awareness of Shokuiku, 2009
Depositor Consumer Affairs and Shokuiku (Food and Nutrition Education) Division, Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Government of Japan
(Former Name:Office for the Food Education Promotion, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan)
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' at SSJDA website.

- Apply to SSJDA. SSJDA's approval is required.
Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary In recent years, the environment surrounding the eating habits of Japanese people has undergone drastic changes, and the impact of these changes have become apparent. For example, problems have arisen such as unbalanced nutrition, irregular meals, increases in the prevalence of obesity and lifestyle-related diseases, being excessively underweight, dependence on imported food, crisis in traditional food culture, and food safety, etc.

Given these problems, it has become an urgent task for all people, including children, to cultivate a healthy mind and body throughout their lives. In order to encourage this, it is necessary to promote dietary education in order to foster a healthy society; the Basic Act on Shokuiku (food and nutrition education) was amended to this end.

The Basic Act on Shokuiku states that shokuiku is positioned as the basis of life and should be a foundational element of academic, virtue, and physical education. Knowledge about “food” and “diet” is to be delivered through various experiences, and action to promote dietary education to encourage people to practice healthy eating habits is required. By establishing these basic items per the Act, it was decided that various strategies to promote measures related to dietary education comprehensively and systematically would be implemented.

The Office of Shokuiku Promotion has been able to gain a general understanding of the current state of dietary education, including interest in dietary education, by conducting a dietary education survey every year since 2005.

In recent years, socioeconomic and environmental factors have had a considerable effect on individual lifestyles, including eating habits. By analyzing these effects, opportunities to help people consider better eating options can be discovered. The purpose of this survey was to clarify the current status and awareness of people in society regarding shokuiku from this perspective and use the information gathered to inform future shokuiku promotion measures.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe People aged 20 years and older living in municipalities nationwide
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Sample size: 5,000 samples, valid responses: 2,936 (valid response rate: 58.7%)
Date of Collection 2009-11-26 ~ 2009-12-13
2009/11/26 – 12/13
Time Period 2009 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit Japan
Japan (210 locations in 171 municipalities)
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling
Mode of Data Collection Face-to-face interview
Face-to-face interview
Office for Shokuiku Promotion, Cabinet Office, survey carried out by Shin Joho Center, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0699
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation Questionnaire
Major Survey Items Questionnaire items:
(1) Interest in shokuiku
- Level of awareness of shokuiku
- Level of interest in shokuiku

(2) Eating habits when respondent was in elementary school
- Eating habits at home
- Family’s effort

(3) Current eating habits and lifestyle habits
- Frequency of eating breakfast
- Frequency of skipping meals
- Time at which dinner starts
- Frequency of eating balanced meals
- Frequency of consuming side dishes
- Frequency of consuming fried food
- Awareness of metabolic syndrome
- Level of practice of eating and exercise to prevent or ameliorate metabolic syndrome
- Level of practice of eating habits based on the "Spinning Top Food Guide" diagram, etc.
- Understanding of the appropriate portions and overall balance for one meal
- Satisfaction with eating habits (6 items)
- State of the community where respondent lives and the people in the community

(4) Meals with family
- Frequency of eating breakfast together
- Frequency of eating dinner together
- Attitudes to eating together (6 items)

(5) Usual efforts concerning eating and daily lifestyle
- Food-related efforts
- Daily activities

(6) Thoughts on daily life in general
- Feelings about life (4 items)

(7) Work
- Working hours per week
- Commuting time (one-way)
- Work–life balance
- Situation at or near the workplace

Face items:
- Gender, age, lifestyle, health condition, dietary restrictions due to illness, etc.
Date of Release 2010/07/15
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Life-long/continuing education
Diet and nutrition
General health and well-being
Topics in SSJDA Education/Learning
Health/Medical Care
Version 1 : 2010-07-15
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.