University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0817
Survey Title National Family Research of Japan 2008 (NFRJ08), 2009
Depositor The National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology
(Former Name:National Family Research of Japan, Japanese Society of Family Sociology)
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis SSJDA Data Analysis (online data analysis & metadata browsing system) is available for this data.
Summary “The Third National Family Research of Japan” (NFRJ08) is the third survey of the continuous national research project, the National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ) project, which began in 1998. NFRJ08 was conducted by the National Family Research Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology between January and February, 2009.

In order to analyze the trends of contemporary Japanese families, the NFRJ project has three objectives: (1) to grasp current conditions through representative datasets, (2) to construct datasets which make it possible to analyze changes and trends through continuous surveys, (3) to expand the possibilities for a joint analysis framework through opening and sharing data and to promote statistical data sharing about contemporary families. The first survey in this project, “The First National Family Research of Japan” (NFRJ98), was conducted in 1999, followed by “The Second National Family Research of Japan” (NFRJ03) in 2004. The results of these surveys are published as survey reports and as academic library resources. Each dataset was made public through SSJDA (NFRJ98: 0191, NFRJ03:0517).

NFRJ08 follows the basic design of NFRJ98 and NFRJ03 as a continuous survey to grasp trends in Japanese families. NFRJ08 has improved upon previous surveys in two ways. First, the age range of the sample has been lowered. The age range in NFRJ98 and NFRJ03 was from 28 to 77 years old; in NFRJ08 the upper age limit was lowered to 72 years old. Second, the age brackets of the questionnaires have been revised. To better facilitate survey distribution and cooperation, the two types of questionnaires (Youth, Old and Middle age) used in previous surveys have been divided into three (Youth: born between 1961 to 1980, Middle-aged: born between 1946 to 1960, Old age: born between 1936 to 1945). Furthermore, a monitoring method-based pretest has been introduced to improve upon previous questionnaires.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Men and women who were born between 1936 and 1980. (28-72 years of age as of December 31, 2008)
*Includes only men and women registered with the resident’s registry.

More precisely, the Universe consists of individuals residing in Japan (but except those who live in small islands at which it is difficult to do the fieldwork) and who meet both of the following conditions;
1. Born between 1936 and 1980 (28 - 72 years of age as of December 31, 2008)
2. Registered with the Basic Residents Register of municipalities.
Non-Japanese nationals living in Japan were excluded from the universe, as they did not meet the 2nd condition (only Japanese national holders were listed in the Basic Residents Register at the time of survey).

Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size A sample of 9,400, of whom 5,203 responded (55.35%)
Date of Collection 2009-01 ~ 2009-02
January-February, 2009
Time Period 2009 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit Japan
All over Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Systematic random
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling (121 locations in 18 cities, 201 locations in cities with more than 100,000 people, 158 locations in cities with less than 100,000 people, towns and villages, total 480 locations.)
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire
Placement (self-administered) method
The National Family Research (NFRJ) Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology The fieldwork was entrusted to Central Research Services, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0817
Sponsors (Funds)
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 2006-2009 (KAKENHI #18203030) by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Dai 3-kai Kazoku ni tuite no Zenkoku Chosa (NFRJ08) Dai 1-ji Hokokusho. [The First Report of the Third National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ08)], April, 2010, the National Family Research (NFRJ) Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology.

Dai 3-kai Kazoku ni tuite no Zenkoku Chosa (NFRJ08) Dai 2-ji Hokokusho No. 1 Kazoku to Shigoto. [The Second Report of the Third National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ08) No.1 Family and Work], September, 2011, Shigeto Tanaka and Akiko Nagai (Eds.), the National Family Research (NFRJ) Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology.

Dai 3-kai Kazoku ni tuite no Zenkoku Chosa (NFRJ08) Dai 2-ji Hokokusho No. 2 Sedaikankankei no dotai. [The Second Report of the Third National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ08) No.2 Dynamics of Intergenerational Relationships], September, 2011, Rokuro Tabuchi and Naoko Shimazaki (Eds.), the National Family Research (NFRJ) Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology.

Dai 3-kai Kazoku ni tuite no Zenkoku Chosa (NFRJ08) Dai 2-ji Hokokusho No. 3 Kazokukeisei to Ikuji. [The Second Report of the Third National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ08) No.3 Family Formation and Child Care], September, 2011, Nobutaka Fukuda and Michiko Nishino (Eds.), the National Family Research (NFRJ) Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology.

Dai 3-kai Kazoku ni tuite no Zenkoku Chosa (NFRJ08) Dai 2-ji Hokokusho No. 4 Kaiso・Nettowaku. [The Second Report of the Third National Family Research of Japan (NFRJ08) No.4 Social Stratification/Social Networks], September, 2011, Akihide Inaba and Tokio Yasuda (Eds.), the National Family Research (NFRJ)Committee of the Japan Society of Family Sociology.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items (1) Information about respondent
Sex, date of birth, age, last school attended, year of graduation

(2) Information about respondent’s experience living away from family
Experience, period and reason of living away from respondent’s parents for one year or more

(3) Employment status, Relationship between family and work, Income
Employment status, Relationship between family and work, first job, respondent’s income

(4) Marital status, Relationship with spouse, Information about spouse’s family
Marital situation, month/year of marriage, spouse’s employment, information about spouse, husband/wife relationship

(5) Norms within family
Division of labor based on expected sex roles, norms of relationship with parents

(6) Health conditions
Physical and mental/emotional health condition, anxiety and worries (CES-D), general satisfaction with life

(7) Relationship with children, Pregnancy/birth and employment
Number of children, sex, age, whether or not children live with respondent, parenting practices, employment condition after first pregnancy and birth

(8) Relationship with parents
Age of parents, last school attended, whether or not parents are alive, employment status, living place, giving or taking support

(9) Relationship with siblings
Sex, age, last school attended, whether or not siblings are alive, living place, giving or taking support

(10) Relationships with parents-in-law
Age of parents-in-law, last school attended, whether or not parents-in-law are alive, living place, giving or taking support

(11) Support networks
People and organizations respondent relies on (for general problems, financial problems, etc.)

(12) Information about household
Annual household income, type of dwelling, number of people living together, housemates, head of the household

For details of survey items, see questionnaire.
Date of Release 2012/02/15
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Version 1 : 2012-02-15
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.