Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
Online Survey of Attitudes toward the Declining Birthrate and Married Couples' Living Environments, 2012
Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan
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One year |
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In our country, birth rates have been declining for a long time. It has been shown that low marriage rates contribute to this, but the number of children born to married couples has also been on the decline in recent years. It is believed that lifestyle environments, economic situations, attitudes, and surrounding values held by couples are behind this trend. As a result of our interest in this issue—and in order to perform an analysis of child-rearing couples that may serve as a basic reference through which declining birthrates may be examined—we carried out a survey of married individuals in their 20s to 40s about their lifestyle environments, husband/wife attitudes, and values. The following three points are the special characteristics of the survey. (1) In order to analyze the factors thought to be related to the decline in couple child rearing and desire to have children, we have posed a variety of different questions. (2) Because our sample scale includes 10,000 people, it is possible to analyze our data across diverse cuts and categories. (3) Because we have posed questions to our survey participants regarding the situation of their spouses, we can compare the attitudes of husbands and wives and therefore perform comparative analyses of men and women that have not been performed frequently in the past.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Married individuals in their 20s to 40s
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Valid responses 10,000 people (men and women, 5,000 each)
Date of Collection
2012-10-19 ~ 2012-11-11
Time Period
2012 ~ 2012
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Non-probability: Quota
Age (Six categories: 20-24 years,25-29 years,30-34 years,35-39 years,40-44 years,45-49 years) , Gathered individuals across the twelve aforementioned age and gender categories in accordance with population composition ratios given by the 2010 census.
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Internet web survey using monitors registered to Spire, Inc., the company responsible for carrying out the survey.
Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan, survey carried out by Spire, Inc. |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
(1) Face items Gender, marital status, age, first marriage/remarriage, area of residence, highest level of educational attainment, attributes of spouse (age/whether residing in the same household/whether mother and father are residing in the same household/highest level of educational attainment), etc. (2) Marriage Age at which you met, age at which you got married, how you met, how you got married, international marriage, etc. (3) Employment/financial/cohabitation situation of you two as a couple Health status of husband and wife, employment type of husband and wife (by date)/industry, experience of leaving or changing job due to marriage/pregnancy/intentions to become employed/income/outlook on salary 5 years from now/work hours/childcare and work-life balance support environment at your workplace, housing, length of residence, etc. (4) Childbirth/parenting Number of children, age of eldest/youngest children, pregnancy, number of children you had before remarriage, ideal and planned number of children you will have, experience with infertility treatments, experience taking care of small children before getting married, values regarding having children, use of childcare leave, extent to which you want your children to pursue higher education, expectations for your children, etc. (5) Understanding of the situation regarding childcare support from your family/neighbors Person you consult about childcare, childcare support from your parents, childcare support from people other than your parents, use of neighborhood childcare support services, burdens/worries of childcare, etc. (6) Shared time as a couple, division of housework/childcare Shared hobbies, does your spouse listen to your worries and troubles, conversational / behavioral situation (different items), sharing a bedroom, division of housework, division of childcare responsibilities, various types of satisfaction (with your spouse, with your child's life, with your married life), distribution of household income and expenditure, etc. (7) Values and normative consciousness regarding family Thoughts on marriage and child rearing (different items), influence of the Great East Japan Earthquake (home life, workplace response to energy saving, thoughts of your family), etc. *For details on survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release
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Working conditions
Family life and marriage
Social behaviour and attitudes
Topics in SSJDA
1 : 2014-03-12
Notes for Users
Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.