University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0893
Survey Title Nationwide Survey of University Students, 2007, 2009
Depositor Center for Research on University Management and Policy, The University of Tokyo
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' at SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary Improving the quality of undergraduate education has become an issue of concern in university reforms. College students' desire to learn and their academic abilities are greatly changing in response to societal shifts and the diversification of entrance exams; these have caused great problems in students' ability to respond to the rapidly changing labor market.

In this context, a basic template for the ideal characteristics of college-preparatory education in Japanese higher education, as well as strategies for implementation, are needed. In order to formulate these strategies, the current state of affairs—the hopes that university students currently hold, how they participate in their university learning, how they use that learning, and how, as a result, they are influenced by it—must be clarified in greater detail.

Given the above, the Nationwide Survey of University Students has been planned. Its objective is to properly ascertain the abilities of university students and to acquire basic data that can be used to plan the nature of reforms.

Data obtained through this initiative can not only be used as basic material for research into undergraduate education and policymaking but also as self-evaluation tools for each participating university.

This survey has received official support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science's Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grants-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research) "Basic Survey Analysis for the Formulation of a High-School Education Grand Design Plan" (2005-2009, Principal Investigator, Motohisa Kaneko).
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe University students across Japan (2007), individuals who provided consent for follow-up surveys (2009)
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size [Main Survey]127 universities, 288 departments, 48,233 university students
[Follow-up survey]3,371 people
Date of Collection 2007-01 ~ 2009-03
[Main Survey]First-stage survey: January 2007. Second-stage survey: April 2007. Third-stage survey: June 2007. Supplementary survey: October 2007.
[Follow-up survey]February to March, 2009

*Furthermore, all surveys have been administered in accordance with the academic schedules of participating universities.
Time Period 2007 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Other
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
[Main Survey]After a given university finalizes its participation in the project, it is assigned a supervisor. This supervisor then individually discusses and finalizes survey times and survey form distribution and collection with that particular university.
[Follow-up survey]Targets are those who previously indicated their consent to participate in a follow-up survey and provided their email address on the survey form. The follow-up survey was administered from February 26 to March 19, 2009, as an Internet survey.
[Main Survey]The University of Tokyo, University Management & Policy Research Center
[Follow-up Survey]The University of Tokyo, University Management & Policy Research Center, survey carried out by Libertas Consulting, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0893
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items [Main Survey]
(1) Classes
Experiences after entering university
Meaningful classes
Class types
Impression of classes
Individual students' approaches to classes
Study habits in university

(2) Evaluation of university education
Evaluation of university classes and awareness of one's own abilities
Degree of satisfaction with university
Goals while enrollment
Relationship between yourself and university classes

(3) Post-graduation path
Hopes for life after graduation
What you find important in your future job search
What you hope to gain from your future work
About your career after graduation

(4) Daily life
Commute to and from school
Life during school terms
Life during the holidays
Friends you speak with often
Type of residence
Monthly expenditures minus tuition fees
Tuition fees

(5) Experience/family
Middle/high school experiences
High school alma mater
Experiences following high-school graduation until the present
Entry exam format and desired school ranking once you found out you had passed

(6) Worries/evaluation of your university
Worries/concerns on your mind
Evaluation of current university and how you wish it to be in the future

(7) Face items
Age, gender, place of birth, parents' highest level of educational attainment

[Follow-up Survey]
(1) Form A (final school year)
Life path
Job search activities
Advance to graduate school
Graduation thesis/graduation research
Feeling of growth over your college years, etc.

(2) Form B (2nd/3rd years)
Things that have happened over the last two years
Changes over the past year
Things you put effort into while enrolled and your evaluation thereof
Skill growth while attending university
Influential classes for you and their characteristics
Days per week you attend school
Time spent on campus per day (average)
Places where you spend your time (on campus/off campus)
People you look to for advice (studying/future/daily life)
Careers you want to pursue (fields you're interested in)
Thoughts about the job search process
Intentions/thoughts about pursuing further education
Things that influenced your future life path

(3) Form C (Working professionals)
Job search process
Skills you use in your job
Workplace/nature of work
About your career path
Factors that you believe were evaluated when you were hired
Experiences and work during your college years
Desire to proceed to graduate school
Things you prioritize as the objectives for continuing to graduate school.
Obstacles to continuing to graduate school
Evaluation of the undergraduate education you received
Nature of future university education, etc.

(4) Form D (Graduate students)
The environment and life in graduate school
Graduate education
Life path, etc.

(5) Form E (Unemployed graduates)
Current situation
Activities during university
Thoughts on your life path
Job search activities
Skill growth while attending university, etc.

*For details on survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2015/08/11
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Higher and further education
Social and occupational mobility
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Version 1 : 2015-08-11
Notes for Users ・Names of universities, departments, courses/majors are not publicly available. Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.