University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1058
Survey Title Personnel Departments of Japan: Personnel White Paper, 2015
Depositor "Nihon no Jinji-bu" editorial department, iQ Co.,ltd.
(Former Name:"Nihon no Jinji-bu" editorial department, iQ Co.,ltd.)
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

- Apply to SSJDA. Depositor's approval is required.
Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
Access to Datasets Download
SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary This is a nationwide survey of around 75,000 corporate members of Personnel Departments of Japan (Nihon no Jinjibu). It addresses some topics that were singled out for attention as key challenges for personnel departments in “the fact-finding survey on personnel (jinji jittai chosa)” conducted broadly by Personnel Departments of Japan in 2013 to understand issues and measures held by companies.

In addition to the same main theme as the last time, “Recruitment” (PART I), “Development” (PART II), and “Workplace environment”(PART III),and “Workplace environment” (PART IV)

Parts I, II, and III of the previous edition (namely “Recruitment,” “Development,” and “Work Environment,” respectively,), “HR Trends” (Part IV) was added for this survey.

Since Parts I to IV are separate surveys, a single survey comprises four data sets.

The “Personnel Departments of Japan: Personnel White Paper, 2014” is published under survey number 0910.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Members of the Personnel Departments of Japan (executives and personnel of Human Resources, General Affairs, and Management Departments)
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Sample size: 2,857 people in total (2,743 companies)
Among them,
PART I: 871 people (843 companies)
PART II: 804 people (755 companies)
PART III: 654 people (629 companies)
PART IV: 528 people (516 companies)
Date of Collection 2015-03-23 ~ 2015-04-06
Time Period 2015 ~ 2015
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure
Mode of Data Collection Answers received on the website of the Personnel Departments of Japan
Investigator Nihon no Jinji-bu editorial department, iQ Co.,ltd.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1058
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
[Part I Recruitment][Part II Development][Part III Workplace environment][Part IV HR Trends]

[Frequency Table]
[Part I Recruitment][Part II Development][Part III Workplace environment][Part IV HR Trends]
Major Survey Items [Part I Recruitment]
(1) Recruitment of new graduates
- Recruitment of new graduates in 2016 (recruitment plans, important factors in the selection, etc.)
- Recruitment activity in 2016 (PR, selection schedule, etc.)
- Internships in 2016 (updated rules, recruitment plans, etc.)
- “Target schools” of 2016 (Whether there is any, number selected, etc.)

(2) Mid-career recruitment
- Mid-career recruitment in 2014 (achievements, age group and number of personnel, requirements, etc.)

[Part II Development]
(1) New recruits/junior employees
- Training (implementation, content, type, etc.)
- Cultivating new recruits (themes emphasized, turnover rate, reasons for resignation, etc.)

(2) Executives/mid-level
- Executive candidate development training (themes emphasized, selection method of candidates, etc.)
- Mid-level managers (age range of managers, expected roles, etc.)

[Part III Workplace environment]
(1) Human resource issues/female executives
- Female managers (proportion of managerial positions occupied by women, difficulties in increasing this percentage, etc.)

(2) Work-life balance
- Details of work-life balance (initiatives, objectives and results of the initiatives, etc.)

(3) Parental leave
- Parental leave (years on leave, men’s eligibility, etc.)

(4) Long-term care support
- Long-term care of employees (method of getting information, support measures)

(5) Mental health
- Mental health (implementation of measures, method of getting information of people needing help, etc.)

(6) Diversity
- Workplace diversity (merits, current diversity status, etc.)

[Part IV HR Trends]
(1) Stress check
- About “Mandatory stress check” (level of awareness of the law, issues, etc.)

(2) My Number System
- About “My Number System” (level of awareness, adoption status, etc.)

(3) Proposed revisions of Labor Standards Law
- About “white-collar exemption” (pros and cons, the effect of introduction, etc.)
- “Discretionary working system” (pros and cons, introduction status or plan, etc.)
- “Flextime system” (pros and cons, introduction status or plan, etc.)

(4) Non-regular employees/elderly people
- About Non-regular employees (percentage, assigned duties, turning them into regular employees, etc.)
- About elderly employees (support provided, issues of using them, etc.)

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2016/07/11
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Employee training
Labour relations/conflict
Topics in SSJDA Employment/Labor
Version 1 : 2016-07-11
Notes for Users PART I: “Recruitment”: Question 20 and Question 22; PARTⅢ: “Work Environment” Question 12,Question 13,Question 15,Question 18-2,and Question 20; and PARTⅣ: “HR Trends”: Question 3-3,Question 3-7,Question 3-10,Question 4-1,and Question 5-5 are not publicly available.