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Survey Number
Survey Title
Survey on the Condition and Needs of Care Work, 2012
Life Care Partners
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This survey titled "Survey on the Condition and Needs of Care Work" was conducted by Life Care Partners Co., Ltd. between May and June 2012. It was designed and carried out in collaboration with the Work-Life Balance Promotion Research Project of the Institute of Social Science of the University of Tokyo (Representative: Professor Hiroki Sato).
The main items of this survey are presented below: (1) Nursing care conditions (information on the care receiver, period and location, and symptoms of the care receiver) (2) Approach to nursing care (division of responsibilities, nursing care time and cost bearing, utilization of services, and so on) (3) Employees' perception of nursing care (initial feeling while nursing care became necessary, sense of burden of nursing care, views on nursing care costs and nursing care leave system, and so on) (4) Possibility of nursing care (potential care receiver, possible caregiver, and so on) (5) Relationship with the employer concerning nursing care (consultation services, acknowledgment and use of benefits systems, prospect of continuing to work, imagined approach to nursing care, situation at the employer or workplace, and so on)
(6) Necessary support and information
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Employees of three customer companies of Life Care Partners Co., Ltd.
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Number of survey targets: 22,499 (including non-regular employees and employees aged under 40 years) Number of responses: 8,136 people * The analysis was based on 7,419 regular employees aged 40 years and above (valid response rate: 33.0%)
Date of Collection
2012-05 ~ 2012-06
May – June 2012
Time Period
2012 ~ 2012
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Online survey (the participants were asked by the company to type their answers on the screen.)
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
(1) Nursing care conditions (information on the care receiver, period and location, and symptoms of the care receiver) ・Experience with care work ・Relationship with the care receiver and relationship with the person who the respondent nurses as the "main caregiver" ・Period of nursing care, main workplace, and distance to the main workplace from home ・Nursing care level ・Behavior of the care receiver and frequency of symptoms (wandering, difficulty with communication, and others), diagnosis of presence/absence of dementia in care receiver
(2) Approach to nursing care (division of responsibilities, nursing care time and cost bearing, utilization of services, and so on) ・Nursing care services used (visit service, day care service, and others) ・Division of nursing responsibilities (body caring, domestic chores and life support for the care receiver, and others) ・Nursing care time, bearer of nursing care costs, and monthly nursing care costs borne by the respondent
(3) Employees' perception of nursing care (initial feeling while nursing care became necessary, sense of burden of nursing care, views on nursing care costs and nursing care leave system, and so on) ・Initial feelings when nursing care became necessary and sense of burden of nursing care ・Thoughts on nursing care leave period (period for building a balance between work and nursing care and period dedicated to nursing care) ・Views on nursing care costs (the care receiver should bear his or her own expenses/the caregiver should also contribute if necessary, and so on) ・Self-perception of stress tolerance and confidence in own physical strength
(4) Possibility of nursing care (potential care receiver, possible caregiver, and so on) ・Possibility of having to nurse a family member or relative in the next five years ・Relationship between potential care receiver and possible caregiver ・Worries about nursing care
(5) Relationship with the employer concerning nursing care (consultation services, acknowledgment and use of benefits systems, prospect of continuing to work, imagined approach to nursing care, situation at the employer or workplace, and so on) ・Consultation services at the workplace and use of workplace's nursing care support system ・Prospect of continuing to work ・Imagined approach to nursing care (quit the current job and dedicate oneself exclusively to nursing care; use the leave system when nursing care is necessary and then go back to work, and so on) ・Situation with the employer or at the workplace
(6) Necessary support and information ・Support from the employer required for balancing work and nursing care (eliminate or reduce overtime, reduce scheduled working hours, and so on) ・Necessary information for nursing care (information on nursing care service offered by public insurance, information on domestic chores services, and others) ・Level of awareness of nursing care support systems at the workplace and level of awareness of nursing care services offered by public insurance
[Face items] ・Gender, age ・Whether the parents are still alive and in good health, ages of father and mother ・Presence of spouse, work status of spouse ・Whether spouse's mother and father are alive, ages of spouse's father and mother ・Presence of children ・Employment status, official position, occupation type, average work hours per week
Date of Release
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1 : 2017-08-23
Notes for Users
* This data includes 8,136 samples, of which 7,419 had valid answers. One of the companies included non-regular employees aged under 40 years among the respondents, but in order to unify the surveyees of the three companies in the report, only the answers from regular employees aged 40 years or above were considered valid. Further, to compare men and women, the samples with no gender specified were excluded. As a result, the final number of valid answers in the report was 7,419 (valid response rate: 33.0%).