University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1152
Survey Title 62nd Fact-finding Survey on the Students' Life in University of Tokyo, 2012
Depositor Student Committee of The University of Tokyo
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The University of Tokyo Student Committee Student Life Survey Office has conducted the “Fact-finding Survey on Student Life at the University of Tokyo” of University of Tokyo students every year since 1950, excluding 1952 (the year of the basic survey on student health insurance) and 1968 (the year of the University of Tokyo Protests).

The initial aim of the survey was to delineate the situation of hardship in student life, with a focus on economic aspects, or, in other words, to investigate levels of poverty. After the period of rapid economic growth, however, the survey was expanded to investigate a wide variety of aspects of student life in addition to economic aspects, including campus life, worries and anxiety, expectations of university, and values.

The 62nd survey targeted male and female undergraduate students. As such, the focus of the survey items was on the lifestyles of undergraduate students. Specifically, items relating to enrollment/advancement to higher education/studies, employment, anxiety and worries, expectations of university, family situation, state of living expenses, commuting and residence, scholarships, and part-time work (arubaito), etc., were included.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Male and female undergraduate students enrolled in the University of Tokyo
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Sample size: 3,346
Response rate: 45.3%
Date of Collection 2012-11 ~ 2012-12
Late November to late December 2012
Time Period 2012 ~ 2012
Spatial Unit tokyo
Within the University of Tokyo
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
1/4 of currently enrolled students were randomly sampled by department and specialization.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
self-administered mail survey
Investigator Student Committee of the University of Tokyo
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1152
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Questionnaire 】 【 Frequency Tables
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items (1) Basic Items
Gender, affiliated division/department, year in school, year of enrollment, type of high-school graduated from, admitted straight from high school (geneki) or admitted after additional year preparing for entrance exams (ronin), year of advancement to the latter half of the undergraduate program

(2) Regarding admission, advancement to higher education, and studies
Level of desire to enter university, motivation to enroll, whether respondent had decided on department/major at the time of admission, level of satisfaction with department/major, satisfaction with first-stage general education classes, views on system of separating advancement into two periods, whether advancement (informal approval) went as planned [only for those who have already been informally approved to advance to the latter half of the program/students currently enrolled in the latter half of the program], satisfaction with current curriculum, whether current curriculum is manageable, path after graduation, reason for advancing to graduate school [only for respondents advancing to graduate school], average weekly hours spent on each activity (during school term/break), frequency of being on campus outside of regular hours (night, weekends/public holidays), pros and cons of fall admission, etc.

(3) Regarding employment 
Occupation in desired field (civil servant, private enterprise, etc.), desired occupation, reason (to help people and society, to have a sufficient income, etc.).

(4) Anxiety and worries
Anxiety and worries regarding student life (studies, employment, future direction, etc.), person available to confide in (father/mother, friend in the same department or research lab, etc.), experiences and worries over the last six months, health problems over the past year and treatments, use of and satisfaction with university health services

(5) Requests to university
Requests/expectation to university (curriculum reform, support for study abroad, promoting internationalization, adequate consultation for job hunt and academic path, etc.)

(6) Regarding home situation
Location of parents’ home, family composition, financial provider in the household, parent’s occupation/employment status/scale of the place of employment/annual income

(7) Regarding living expenses
Living expenses (income and expenditure items), burden of tuition (remittance from home, scholarships, etc.)

(8) Regarding residence and commuting
Area of residence, type of residence (own house/other than own house), type of residence if not own house, intention to live in dormitory/student residence hall if new one is built, transportation used to commute, commuting time, etc.

(9) Regarding scholarships
Whether respondent regularly receives scholarship money from Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), reason for “not receiving” a scholarship-type allowance, whether respondent wants to receive a scholarship in the future, in what ways scholarships are of use, whether respondent regularly receives scholarship money from an organization other than JASSO, reason for “not receiving” a scholarship-type allowance, whether respondent wants to receive a scholarship in the future, in what ways scholarships are of use, etc.

(10) Regarding part-time work (arubaito)
Part-time work (arubaito) over the past year (type, time, income, purpose, obstacles to study), current living conditions

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release 2018/03/26
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Version 1 : 2018-03-26
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