University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1262
Survey Title Survey of Childbirth Attitudes among Married Couples, 2018
Depositor Public Interest Incorporated Foundation 1 more Baby Ohendan
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary This survey was started in 2013 by the public interest incorporated foundation 1 More Baby Ouendan group (location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, board chairperson: Masako Mori). The 2018 survey is the sixth in the series.

This survey aimed to discover the real feeling of "facing obstacles in having the second child," which was defined in the survey as the "hesitation to give birth to a second child because of household financial prospects associated with living expenses and education costs, as well as work environment and age."

In this survey, in addition to about 3,000 married people, approximately 1,000 unmarried men and women between the ages of 20 and 49 were also surveyed to gain an understanding of the generation that will be responsible for the future.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Married women aged 20 to 39 years, married men aged 20 to 49 years (with wives aged 39 years or younger), unmarried women aged 20 to 39 years, unmarried men aged 20 to 49 years
Couples married for 14 years or less, unmarried people
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Number of valid responses: 2,948 married people, 987 unmarried people
Date of Collection 2018-04 ~ 2018-04
April 2018
Time Period 2018 ~ 2018
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Non-probability: Quota
Equal number of responses collected from each prefecture in Japan (84 people per prefecture except 71 in Kochi)
Equal number of responses collected from people who are married with no children/married with one child/married with two or more children
→ 47 (number of prefectures) x 4 (each category) = 21 people in each of the 188 cells, totaling 3,935 responses (The number of responses collected from people who are [married with no children] in Kochi was 8)
After collection, (1) the population ratio of each prefecture and (2) the composition ratio of the number of children per household were calculated from the statistical data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in 2015 and were weighted.

After collecting responses, (1) the composition ratio of people in each prefecture and (2) the composition ratio of the number of children per household were calculated using the 2015 (Heisei 27) statistical data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and weighted.

*The above respondents were selected using the results of a screener survey. The figures in the report are the scores after weighting.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Internet survey
Investigator Public Interest Incorporated Foundation 1 More Baby Ouendan
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1262
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Questionnaire(Screening) 】【 Questionnaire(Main Survey) 】 【 Frequency Tables
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items (1) Items related to intent to have children
- Ideal number of children, ideal family structure, reason for wanting two or more children, future intention to have a child, number of children intended, timing of childbirth, reason for not intending to have a child, degree of empathy with "the wall of the second child," perception of "the wall of the second child," factors contributing to the "the wall of the second child," factors that can eliminate "the wall of the second child," about using the company's childcare systems, etc.

(2) Items related to the childbirth experience
- Hesitation before the birth of the first child, concerns at the birth of the first child, age difference between the first child and the second child, motivation for giving birth to the second child or more, anxiety matrix for giving birth to the second child or more, satisfaction with the birth of the second child or more, what was good about having a second child or more, level of happiness

- Timing of childbirth respondent considered

(3) Child-rearing environment, etc.
- Feelings about childbirth and child-rearing in Japan, ease of raising children in respondent’s prefecture, reasons the respondent believes it is easy to raise children in his or her prefecture,
- Average time respondent/spouse gets home
- Child-rearing lifestyle items
- Matters of concern when taking maternity and parental leave
- Ideal conditions that respondent feels are important when taking and returning from parental leave

(4) Awareness of society and politics
- Thoughts on parenting

(5) Pregnancy and childbirth
- Age by which respondent wants to get married/pregnant, [after reading the text about the appropriate age for pregnancy] age by which respondent wants to get married/pregnant
- Awareness of pregnancy and childbirth
- Opportunity respondent wants to acquire knowledge about pregnancy and childbirth
- Whether the respondent wants to have an egg/sperm fertility test, whether the respondent has the opportunity to take a test, the amount respondent would spend to have a test

(6) About life
- Plans related to life, actions and plans for future actions toward a “100-year life society”

(7) About sex education
- Thoughts regarding when to start sex education, whether respondent wants his or her children attend lectures on sex education, thoughts regarding when to start sex education

(8) About residence, respondent, and family
- Spouse’s work style
- Current type of residence
- Commuting time to work
Date of Release 2019/10/17
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Version 1 : 2019-10-17
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