University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1265
Survey Title Survey on attributes of the scholarship loan recipients, 2016
Depositor Independent Administrative Institution Japan Student Services Organization
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Only available for research.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary The purpose of this survey was to understand the demographics of scholarship repayment delinquents and non-delinquents and use the results to inform future scholarship recovery strategies.

The main survey items are as follows:
 Face items
(1) Information about respondent and scholarship application
(2)Information about the primary re-payers
(3) Regarding scholarship recipient’s occupation and annual income
(4) Reasons for delinquency and prospects for future repayment (*These questions are asked to delinquent people only)
(5) Deferred repayment deadline (grace period) system
(6) Reduced repayment system
(7) Repayment status of non-delinquent people (*These questions are asked to delinquent people only)
(8) Status of the use of various information
(9) Attitudes toward JASSO scholarships
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe (1) Those whose accounts were overdue by 3 months or longer with regard to the repayment of their scholarship balance as of the end of November 2016 (hereinafter referred to as "delinquents") and (2) those who were up to date on the repayment of their scholarship balance as of the end of November 2016 (hereinafter referred to as "non-delinquents").
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Delinquents: 2,838 (14.5%)
Non-delinquents: 2,402 (24.8%)
*Reference parameters (as of 2016 year-end): delinquents: 160,580, non-delinquents: 3,649,525
Date of Collection 2017-01 ~ 2017-01
January 2017
Time Period 2016 ~ 2016
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Delinquents were stratified by year of delinquency and gender, and 19,623 were randomly selected at the end of November 2016 as the population who were delinquent in scholarship balance repayment by 3 months or longer.

For non-delinquents, those who were not delinquent in their scholarship repayment obligations were stratified by type of study and gender, and 9,695 individuals were randomly selected at the end of November 2016.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Questionnaires were distributed and returned by mail using a return envelope or via the Internet. Those who did not respond to the survey were sent the questionnaire again and asked to respond.
Investigator Independent Administrative Institution Japan Student Services Organization
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1265
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Delinquent Questionnaire 】 【 Non-delinquent Questionnaire
Frequency Tables
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items Face items
Gender, age, area of residence, type of scholarship, type of scholarship loan

(1) Information about respondent and scholarship application
-Document preparer for scholarship application
-Person who encouraged respondent to apply for the scholarship
-Time when respondent decided to apply for the scholarship
-Time when respondent learned about the repayment obligation

(2) About the primary re-payer
-Major re-payer
-Source of funds used to repay the scholarship
-Cohabiting family members

(3) Regarding scholarship recipient’s occupation and annual income
-Annual income

(4) Reasons for delinquency and prospects for future repayment (*These questions are
asked to delinquents only)
-Initial reason for delinquency
-Reason for continued delinquency

(5) Deferred repayment deadline (grace period) system
-Awareness of the grace period program
-Source of information about the grace period program
-Status of application for the grace period program
-Reason for not applying for a deferral
-Length of the grace period offered

(6) Reduced repayment system
-Awareness of the reduced repayment system
-Source of information about the reduced repayment system
-Use of reduced repayment system

(7) Non-delinquents’ repayment status (*These questions were only asked to non-delinquents)
-Whether respondent has experienced delinquency
-Reasons respondent learned about their delinquent status
-Method used to resolve delinquency
-Method of repayment that would have resolved the delinquency more quickly
-Awareness of the early repayment system
-Awareness of registration with personal credit bureaus
-Awareness of ScholarNet Personal (SukaraNet PS)

(8) Status of the use of various information
-State of checking materials Japan Student Services Organization send
-State of checking Japan Student Services Organization website

(9) Attitudes toward JASSO scholarships
-Information provided by Japan Student Services Organization
-Views of JASSO scholarships
-Ways in which the scholarship has been beneficial
Date of Release 2019/11/21
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Version 1 : 2019-11-21
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