University of Tokyo

Survey Number PH060
Survey Title Japanese Life Course Panel Survey of High School Graduates (JLPS-H) Wave 6, 2009
Depositor Japanese Life Course Panel Surveys (JLPS) project, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
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Summary The Japanese Life Course Panel Survey of High School Graduates (JLPS-H) started as a large-scale survey for the “Transformation of education and the labor market” project (2000-2006), a sub-project of the institute-wide joint research project of the Institute of Social Science (ISS) at The University of Tokyo, “The Lost Decade?: Reconsidering 1990s’ Japan” (principal investigator: Hiroshi Ishida). The survey was carried out later as part of “The empirical study of the relationship between employment behavior, the consciousness of young people, and the aged society with a low birth rate” (2004 - 2006) (senior researcher: Hiroki Sato, ISS, The University of Tokyo), a Policy Science Promotion Research Project funded by a Health and Labour Sciences Research Grant (from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare). Wave 5 of JLPS-H was conducted as part of the “Comprehensive study of behavior and attitudes among youth in contemporary Japan” (principal investigator: Hiroshi Ishida), funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research under the category of Scientific Research (S).

The purpose of this survey is to understand the career behavior, attitudes, and values of young people who will become the working generation during the advent of an aging society with a low birth rate. The research will follow the changes in young people’s behavior and consciousness by conducting a panel survey. The survey addresses four topics: (1) the life and attitudes of young people while they are in school, (2) patterns of transition from school to workplace, (3) employment behavior (non-regular employment, changing jobs, etc.), and (4) changes in their attitudes and values.

For this purpose, the survey investigates high school students, while they are enrolled and after graduation, to capture comprehensively their advancement to university or their employment behavior and their consciousness and values during their life course. Second, the survey design incorporates items that are amenable to international comparisons, increasing its utility for rigorous international comparative research.

JLPS-H, Wave 6 is composed of a follow-up survey to JLPS-H, Wave 1 (survey number PH010), which surveyed respondents from JLPS-H, Wave 1, six years since their high school graduation. The other follow-up surveys took place the first, second, third, and fifth year after high school graduation. They are Wave 2 (PH020), Wave 3 (PH030), Wave 4 (PH040), and Wave 5 (PH050) and have already been released.

Using a panel survey design, we have continued to conduct surveys annually after 2009.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Respondents to Wave 1 of the panel survey (JLPS-H)
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Number of questionnaires distributed: 1,861, valid responses: 465, response rate: 25.0%
Date of Collection 2009-10 ~ 2010-01
October 2009 – January 2010
Time Period 2009 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Among high school students who responded to JLPS-H, Wave 1 (PH010), those who agreed to participate in follow-up surveys and provided contact information (address and phone number) where they could be reached after high school.
Mode of Data Collection The questionnaire was sent to all subjects except for those whose address could not be validated by the previous survey (Wave 5) and collected by postal mail.
Investigator The Research and Planning Committee of Japanese Life Course Panel Survey of High School Graduates
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.PH060
Sponsors (Funds) Research fund of the Institute of Social Science at The University of Tokyo (2003 -)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items [Face Items]
- Gender
- Household family members

(1) About life course selection
- Way you spent time in October 2009, satisfaction level with life course selection
- Type of school you attended (or you are currently attending at) and status (graduated/dropped out/currently attending)
- Things you learned
- Experience and number of job changes since high school graduation

(2) About current work
- Starting month and year, employment status, industry, company size, occupation type
- Job application method
- Current work environment, workplace satisfaction, working hours per week
- Average monthly disposable income

(3) About current life
- Difficulties and worries in daily life, anxiety about future life
- Things important to you (success at work, having close friends, etc.)
- Quality of daily life (health, relationships with the opposite sex, thoughts about children, whether financially stable, etc.)
- Marital status, whether or not you are dating someone, desire to get married, things you have done to meet someone of the opposite sex to date
- Level of satisfaction with life in general

(4) Other
- Whether you think school education/school life have been useful
- Whether you know about the rights and responsibilities of workers
- Sense of unfairness (gender/age/level of educational attainment/employment status/environment you grew up in/region)
- Thoughts on the relationship between tax welfare spending
- Political party voted for in a proportional representation district in the House of Representatives election in August 2009
- Status identification (5 levels)

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
*These public data do not include variables corresponding to the following question items: Additional question 5-1 (free comments), Q-6 (f) (free comments), Q26 (free comments), Q28 (free comments)
Date of Release 2017/07/24
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Version 1 : 2017-07-24
Notes for Users Datasets may be upgraded due to large-scale data correction, etc. Data provided from our data archive is the newest version.