University of Tokyo

Survey Number 1088
Survey Title Japanese Panel Study of Employment Dynamics, 2016
Depositor Recruit Works Institute
Restriction of Use For detailed information, please refer to 'For Data Users' on the SSJDA website.

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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary The Japanese Panel Study of Employment Dynamics (JPSED) involves an annual survey of individual work patterns, incomes, and occupations in the previous year, with results to be tracked from year to year. Data from the survey will be used to create and publish the Works Index* as well as to grasp changes in the dynamics of employment and income in Japan. The present study constitutes the inaugural JPSED survey. (For details, please refer to the official JPSED website:

*Works Index composition
The Works Index was created to provide a benchmark of the ideal conditions in which individuals can work actively on an ongoing basis. Following discussion within the Recruit Works Institute, the following five essential indices were formulated.
I. Security 
II. Self-living 
III. Work Life Balance (WLB)
IV. Development 
V. Decent work (DW)

Components known as indicators (see below) are assigned to each index, with points calculated on a scale from 0 to 100 for each index based on survey results related to each indicator. A score of 100 represents the ideal state.

Indices and Indicators in the Works Index
I. Security 
- Working, or possessing the will to work even if not working
- Enrolled in unemployment insurance or receiving benefits therefrom
- Short duration of out-of-work periods
- High prospect of ongoing employment

II. Self-living (economic)
- Own work income sufficient to meet own living needs
- Small variance between actual income and average self-living income

III. Work Life Balance (continuity)
- Little or no overtime work
- Ability to take leave from work
- No obligation to leave work due to childbirth/parenting or care duties
- High degree of freedom in working hours and location

IV. Development (education and training)
- Responsibility for high-difficulty, diverse tasks
- Opportunities for OJT
- Opportunities for Off-JT
- Engagement in self-study

V. Decent Work (DW)
- Appropriate work volume and burden
- Fair and equal workplace
- Smooth interpersonal relationships with no harassment
- Guarantee of workers’ rights
- Safe workplace and healthy workers
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Men and women aged 15 years and older in Japan
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size 49,131 valid responses (145,102 responses solicited, valid response rate 33.9%)
Date of Collection 2016-01-14 ~ 2016-01-25
2016/01/14 – 01/25
Time Period 2015 ~ 2015
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Other
Sample was distributed by gender, age group, work status, regional block, and educational history, based on data in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ “Labour Force Survey.” The distribution was made to reflect the profile of the universe, but smaller samples were taken from the non-labor force population aged 15-19 and the 65 and over age group. The actual categories used are shown below.

- Gender: man/woman
- Age: 15-19/20-24/25-34/35-44/45-54/55-64/65-69/70 and over
- Work status: labor force population/non-labor force population
- Work patterns: self-employed/family business employee/executive/regular/non-regular/fully unemployed
- Education: below university graduate/university graduate or above/currently enrolled
- Place of residence – 11 areas: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Southern Kanto, Northern Kanto/Koshin, Hokuriku, Tokai, Kinki, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu, Okinawa

The number of samples collected in the non-labor force age group of 15-19 and the age group of 65 and over were smaller than the actual populations of these categories, so weightings were added to ensure that the results reflected the overall population profile (gender x age x work status x education; the number of responses after weighting was 49,130).

The report shows the results after weighting and not including students with no experience of working after graduation (pre-weighting figure is shown for overall number of responses collected).
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Web-based (CAWI)
Internet (monitor) survey. Responses solicited from survey monitors registered with survey firm.

The sample from which responses were collected in the 2016 inaugural survey will be asked to complete further surveys in January each year.
Investigator Recruit Works Institute; actual survey implemented by INTAGE Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.1088
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Recruit Works Institute,2016,『Works Report 2016 Works Index 2015―日本の働き方の定点観測―』 May, 2016
Recruit Works Institute,2016,リクルートワークス研究所 「全国就業実態パネル調査」プロジェクト,2016,『Works Report 2016 全国就業実態パネル調査2016〔データ集〕 Japanese Panel Study of Employment Dynamics』,May, 2016
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation Questionnaire 】 【 Summary sheet
Major Survey Items [Face items]
- Gender, age, month/year of birth, place of residence
- Marital status, number of children, age of children
- Cohabitants, main household provider, type of housing
- Highest level of educational attainment, year level, history of withdrawal
- Work status each month

[Information as of December last year]
(1) Work status and work style as of December last year
- Work status, employment status 

- Reasons for working, reasons for taking time off work, capacity to start work immediately if available
- Desire to work, degree of desire to work
- Engagement in job-seeking activities, reasons for not seeking work
- Reasons for not working, reasons for not wanting to work

(2) Place of work and content of job as of December last year 
- Industry, size by number of employees, occupational category
- Length and number of renewals of employment agreement
- Enrollment in employment insurance/receipt of unemployment benefits
- Number of days and hours of work (in one week), official position, overtime work
- Wage payment method, hourly wage
- Mode of commuting to work and commuting time
- Flexibility of work
- Hours worked in side-job(s) (in one week)
- Number of times resigned/left a job

[Information for the whole of last year (January to December)]
(3) Life last year (January to December) 
- Lifestyle satisfaction, life events, work events, study activities
- Leave from work, proportion of paid leave entitlements used
- Health condition (stress)

(4) Income last year (January to December) 
- Source of income for living expenses
- Method of meeting living expenses

(5) Study/training at work last year (January to December) 
- Increase in complexity of work
- Opportunities for OJT and Off-JT
- Self-improvement activities

(6) Workplace environment last year (January to December) 
- Workplace conditions, job characteristics, job satisfaction, career prospects

(7) Work-life balance last year (January to December) 
- Stress in balancing work and home life
- Causes of stress

[Information on the past and future]
(8) First job
- Mode of work, industry, size by number of employees, occupational category

(9) Previous job
- Mode of work, industry, size by number of employees, place of work,
occupational category
- Days of work, hours of work, annual income
- Way of getting job
- Order of leaving previous job and finding current job, reason for leaving previous job
- Past experience of job-hunting activities

(10) Careers of women with children  
- Work status before/after birth of youngest child, systems used at time of birth of youngest child
- Experience of leaving work before/after birth of youngest child, reasons for leaving work before/after birth of youngest child

(11) Past experience and future work intentions 
- Places of residence to date (at age 15, at age 20, at time of first job)
- Grades in third year of junior high school
- Month/year of graduation from educational institution attended before entering the workforce, month/year of commencing and leaving first job, month/year of commencing current (as of December last year) job
- Month/year of commencing and leaving previous job
- Income for the whole of last year (from job, side job(s), and sources other than work)
- Work status of spouse, annual income of spouse
- Value of household savings and securities investments
- Job-hunting experience
- Future preferences, determination of work pathway after graduation
- Intention to change jobs/find a job
Date of Release 2016/11/09
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Employee training
Working conditions
Family life and marriage
Social and occupational mobility
Topics in SSJDA Employment/Labor
Version 1 : 2016-11-09
2 : 2019-06-18
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