University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0034
Survey Title "Survey on Changes among Women:" Women's Life Today and in the Future, 1980
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The Japan Institute of Life Insurance and Nomura Research Institute conducted a joint study of women in order to grasp, from the most comprehensive perspective possible, "changes in the social environment surrounding women" and "the actual state and consciousness of women in the fields of life and work." As part of the study, two questionnaires are introduced here: one directed to citizens at large and the other, to businesspersons. The study also includes interviews with and a questionnaire survey of well-informed people as well as an analysis of data. The citizens' questionnaire aims at clarifying women's life structure, values, and work consciousness, and its items include life structure, values, consciousness about security of life, state and consciousness of work, and activities outside the household. The purpose of the business people's questionnaire is to investigate women's changes as observed by a section-managing class of the corporate management, and it looks into changes in selected attributes of employed women, changes in the form of employment and job description, changes in women's consciousness, and other related matters.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe 1. Businesspersons' questionnaire
2,500 managers at section management levels at listed companies nationwide, and 500 personnel department managers at listed companies nationwide.
2. General citizen's questionnaire
Women aged between 18 and 59.
Unit of Observation Individual,Organization
Sample Size 1. 581 responses from a sample of 3,000 managers (Rate of return: 20.6%)
2. 2,423 responses from a sample of 3,000 women (Rate of return: 80.8%)
Date of Collection 1980-07 ~ 1980-10
1. July - August, 1980
2. October, 1980
Time Period 1980 ~ 1980
Spatial Unit Japan
2. All over Japan (220 localities)
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
1. Section managers born in 1935 and after were randomly sampled from the Diamond directory of company employees. (Note that the sampling ratio was adjusted to avoid a wide inter-company variation in the number of individuals sampled.) Personnel department managers were randomly sampled (one per company) from listed companies. (Note that their representativeness of the population is limited due partly to unavailability of lists. )
2. Stratified two-stage random sampling
Mode of Data Collection Face-to-face interview
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
1. Record and mail systems
2. Record and interview systems
Investigator Japan Institute of Life Insurance and Nomura Research Institute
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0034
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Japan Institute of Life Insurance (September, 1981) "Josei no henka chosa: josei no seikatsu no genjo to shorai-dai-III-ki wo chushin toshite [ The "Survey of Women's Changes" The Present and Future of Women's Life: Centering on Phase III]
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Kigyojin Chosa-hyo][Ippan shimin Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items 1. For businesspersons
Number of full-time employees at the dept, women's ratio and its change, and ratio of married women; occupation of full-time female employees; ratio of part-time homemakers employed; educational background of full-time female employees and its change; changes of full-time female employees and their age group; job description for full-time female employees and its change; state of marriage/maternity retirement; view of marriage retirement and its reason; qualities of full-time female employees, and conditions required of them; and future ratio of women and reasons for its rise.
2. For general citizens
Demographic items: age; education; size and composition of family; household head; age of last-born child; economic circumstances; occupation of household head; type of dwelling; annual household income; occupation; full- or part-time; marital status; and number of children.
Questionnaire items: knowledge of the UN Conference of the Women's Decade; degree of satisfaction with life; what makes one's life worth living; image of ideal family; view of women's life (work and children, wife's life insurance coverage, marriage, housekeeping and childraising, and employment); anxieties; homemaker's view of work/employoment; degree of work satisfaction among learned people; intention for work; purpose of work; type of funds to which income is allocated; barriers against employment; matters of importance upon employment; economic circumstances of learned people after loss of income; importance of job, family, and leisure; unmarried learned people's intention for work after marriage/maternity; center of family; stage in life-cycle, work experience, intention for future work, and intention for full-time employment; seniority; number of days worked per month; number of hours worked a day; time spent on commutation; number of employees at workplace; job description; children's care during work; intention of job switching and retirement; life consciousness (values; human relations; view of ie, sex, and married couple; community, etc.); hours in life (housekeeping time; free time; and out-of-home time); activities outside home, number of days out, and future intention; use of nursery schools or children's homes; wife-husband division of domestic labor; decision-making rights between wife and husband; number of jobs/companies switched; state of ownership of durable consumption goods; monthly pocket money; annual income; savings; personal purpose of savings; and activities in life.
Date of Release 1998/04/01
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Version 1 : 1998-04-01
Notes for Users Data Sets are written in Japanese.