University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0262
Survey Title Survey on Values held by Consumers, 2001
Depositor Japan Institute of Life Insurance
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary After the first survey, titled "Survey of Japanese People's Life Values," was administered in 1976, the second survey, administered in 1985, examined significant changes in the social environment, such as the aging of the population, the advancement of women in society, and the sophistication of the information society. The third survey, administered in 1991, was conducted to examine significant changes in the social environment, such as the rise and fall of the “bubble economy.” The fourth survey, administered in 1996, was conducted in response to changes in the social environment after the bubble economy burst, such as the progress of computerization and the review of Japanese employment practices. This survey, titled “Survey on Values held by Consumers," will be the fifth and a 25-year chronological survey. It will consider the various changes in the social environment that were identified through the previous surveys in order to explore trends in consumers' values in the 21st century.

This survey has the following three objectives:
(1) Understanding consumers’ values: to grasp consumers’ values and changes in and characteristics of thinking in the four areas of "lifestyle," "work style," "family," and "society."
(2) Value extraction: based on the value consciousness of the four fields in (1), various values will be extracted using the factor analysis method.
(3) Understanding the relationship between values and lifestyle consciousness: understand how values affect basic lifestyle consciousness aspects such as relationships with family and society.

As a result, five values, namely "group oriented," "independence oriented," "pleasure oriented," "self-reliance oriented," and "cost oriented," have been extracted. Their personalization and diversification are in progress.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Men and women between the ages of 16 and 69
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size Sample size: 2,500, number of responses: 1,800 (response rate: 72.0%) (of which 40 placement questionnaires have not been collected)
Date of Collection 2001-07-13 ~ 2001-07-29
2001/07/13 – 07/29
Time Period 2001 ~ 2001
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling
Mode of Data Collection Using both face-to-face interview and placement method
Investigator Japan Institute of Life Insurance, survey carried out by Central Research Services, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0262
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Interview Questionnaire][Placement Questionnaire]
Major Survey Items [Face-to-face interview survey]
Questionnaire items:
<Life values> ability/self-realization/self-assertion/determination and judgment, confidence/aggressiveness/effort/training, emphasis on health, sense of fulfillment and achievement in work, hobbies/leisure, pursuit of wealth, pursuit of status and power, future and present life, financial stability and maintenance in life, mental stability in life, growth/education of children, marital relationship/parent–child relationship, family/home,  
family’s social standing, personal dignity, humanity/personality, importance of honesty/integrity, being "respected" and "liked" by others, etc., importance of duty and sentiment, cooperation and harmony with other people, importance of mutual trust and support, relationships with neighbors such as socializing, rights and privacy, responsibility for work, respect for freedom, equality and fairness, observance of social rules, death of respondent and family members, association with friends and people, pursuit and sacrifice to live the way respondent wants to, customs, authority, progress in science/technology, possession of goods, community activities/society/hometown/country, employment and labor, balance between family and friends, balance between children’s life and respondent’s own life, sharing of housework and child rearing tasks, decision making and feeling of dependence, willingness to try new things
<Life consciousness> Life satisfaction and anxiety, attitude to Japanese society.

Face items:
Gender, age, existence of spouse, desired age of marriage, desired age to have first child, age at marriage, number of children, age at birth of firstborn, life stage of child, ideal number of children, occupation, number of employees at work, desired employment status and reasons, whether and how many times respondent has changed jobs/type of occupation/become independent, job changes/independent experience, future intention for job changes/to become independent, until what age respondent wants to work, occupation of spouse, highest level of educational attainment, composition of household family members, type of residence, parental support in purchasing a house, age of home ownership, ratio of the house under respondent’s name, desired age of home ownership, total number of years living at current place of residence, place of residence at the age of 15, annual income, whole household annual income, family’s income source, whole household’s balance of financial assets, total monthly living expenses/ housing expenses/educational expenses/pocket money, whether respondent pursues self-development and associated expenses

[Placement survey]
<Life consciousness> Important things in one’s "current life" and "future life," daily items kept in mind regarding personal and family financial condition, life planning, attitude to financial relationships with parents and children, involvement in social activity
<Financial products> Ownership and type of financial products, composition ratio of insurance premiums by type, important features and reasons, financial products to add in the next two to three years and important features and reasons, desired financial asset balance ratio in the next two to three years.
<Life in old age> Whether engaging in financial preparation for old age/starting age/method, whether or not enrolled in life insurance and individual annuity insurance/purpose and reason, purpose and reason to enroll in the future
<Communication with family/friends> Time spent with family, degree of communication with family, non-household family members and relatives respondent depends on on a daily basis, friends and acquaintances respondent depends on on a daily basis, whether or not respondent uses the Internet, number of e-mails sent and received from family and friends, Internet use time
<Education> The role of the "home," child's educational content expected to be provided at school, child’s educational content expected to be provided at home, what respondent wants the child to learn, thoughts on children’s education and educational expenses
<Relationship with spouse> Matters (sharing housework tasks, consumption and savings, etc.) decided independently without spousal consultation
Date of Release 2003/02/14
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Version 1 : 2003-02-14
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.