University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0283
Survey Title Survey on Employment and Treatment of Engineers in Hi-tech Industries, 1998
Depositor Hiroki Sato
(Former Name:Former Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Labor)
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Summary Recently, employment mobility in the labor market seems to be increasingly dynamic. However, it is difficult to say that the actual conditions and problems have been fully clarified. Moreover, these conditions and problems are expected to differ greatly by industry, company size, occupation type, etc.

Small and medium-sized enterprises with good performance in the manufacturing industry in Tokyo during the “Heisei recession” are focusing on research and technological development in terms of both equipment and human resources. Therefore, the purpose of this survey is to clarify the actual situation and problems of "fluidization" in high-tech-related mainstay and medium-sized enterprises (machinery-related manufacturing industry, information services industry) in terms of industry and scale. This survey places particular emphasis on engineers. Specifically, how are people hired and trained in such a well to do company, and what is the actual situation of mid-career hiring and headhunting? This survey also investigates in detail the characteristics of employment management and how engineers’ careers unfold.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Small and medium-sized and mainstay enterprises in Tokyo in sectors such as the machine-related manufacturing and the information services industry
Unit of Observation Organization
Sample Size a. Number of companies in the sample population
b. Number of companies surveyed
c. Number of valid responses (valid response rate)

a b c
Industry total 5,119 4,333 993 (22.9%)
Machine-related manufacturing 2,965 2,827 597 (21.1%)
Information services industry 2,154 1,506 396 (26.3%)
Date of Collection 1998-09-01 ~ 1998-09-01
Time Period 1998 ~ 1998
Spatial Unit tokyo
Sampling Procedure Mixed probability and non-probability
Data were extracted under the following conditions for each of the machinery-related manufacturing industry and the information industry using the "Heisei 8 (1996) Business Office Statistics List" of the Statistics Department of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of General Affairs as a sample population.
- All companies were selected from the four manufacturing industry categories, namely "29. general machinery and equipment manufacturing industry,” "30. electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry,” "31. transportation machinery and equipment manufacturing industry," and "32. precision machinery and equipment manufacturing industry.” The respondents were all companies (main offices and branch offices) in Tokyo (excluding islands) with 20–999 employees. Of the 2,965 businesses, 138 businesses with 50–999 employees were excluded because they overlapped with the survey target of the Institute’s labor management relations department.
- Two service industry subcategories, namely "821. software industry" and "82A. information processing service industry,” in Tokyo (excluding islands) with 10–999 company employees were extracted. Of the 2,154 businesses, some with 50–999 employees were excluded because they overlapped with the survey target of the labor-management relations section. The sample was randomly shared with the Institute’s female labor department.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Mail survey
Investigator Tokyo Metropolitan Labor Research Institute
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0283
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [Chosa-hyo]
Major Survey Items (1) Corporate attributes:
Industry, size by number of employees, year of establishment, capital/business relations, number of patents, other characteristics: whether it is a high-tech company, etc.
(2) Business status:
Recent sales, operating income trends, etc.
(3) Personnel composition, turnover status:
Breakdown by occupation, regular/non-regular, etc. and comparison with three years ago, engineers’ specialized field, ratio of women, ratio of elderly people, number of employees who have left the company recently
(4) Mid-career hires’ career trajectory:
Mid-career engineer’s previous job (industry, company size, occupation), age at the time of mid-career hiring, highest level of educational attainment, path for hiring, specialized field, presence or absence of a core engineer, etc.
(5) Engineer turnover status:
Whether the core engineer has left their job, situation after leaving, etc.
(6) Compensation system for engineers:
Wage determinants, average annual income of engineers around 40 years old, rating of mid-career engineers, wage level and disparity within the same age group, consideration for high performers, etc.
(7) Developing engineers’ skills:
Present situation and policies of human resource development, way to acquire new expertise
(8) Lead engineers’ background:
Career and attributes of lead engineer (employment status, official position, age, highest level of educational attainment, expertise, whether the lead engineer has been with the company from the beginning of his or her career or hired in mid-career, age at the time of mid-career hiring, path for hiring, previous job, expectations and conditions, etc. at the time of hiring for the person to assume a leadership role
Date of Release 2003/05/09
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Social and occupational mobility
Business/industrial management and organisation
Topics in SSJDA Employment/Labor
Version 1 : 2003-05-09
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.