University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0610
Survey Title Fact-Finding Survey on Long-term Care Work, 2005
Depositor Care Work Foundation
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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SSJDA Data Analysis Not available
Summary The Care Work Foundation is a corporation designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare under the Act on Improvement of Employment Management and Other Matters for Care Workers (1992). With a view to promoting the securement of long-term care workers and the welfare and stable employment of such workers, the Foundation’s activities creating employment opportunities and improving working conditions in the long-term care sector, and improving the management of long-term care workers. As part of these activities, it conducts data-gathering and research related to the employment and welfare of long-term care workers.

This survey comprises two surveys: the “Fact-finding survey on long-term care work in workplaces” and the “Survey of long-term care workers’ employment situation and employment attitudes” which were carried out in 2005.

“Fact-finding survey on long-term care work in workplaces” (hereinafter, [Workplace Survey]) was carried out for the purpose of delineating issues regarding the work environments of workers in the long-term care industry, through the investigation and analysis of aspects such as the state of care worker employment, wages, work hours, wage systems, and the state of human resources recruitment/retention in long-term care facilities to produce basic information for use in improving employment management in such facilities.

The Workplace Survey has been conducted every year since 2002 (Heisei 14). In addition to the annual questions on “wages, working hours and other working conditions,” this year’s survey included questions regarding “employment management, wage systems and wage management, and welfare and benefits,” yielding detailed insights into these topics by employment status and mode of work, especially with regard to home-visit long-term care workers (home helpers) and long-term care workers (those engaged in care work in institutional settings).

At the same time as the Workplace Survey, a Survey of home helpers’ employment situation and employment attitudes (hereafter the “Worker Survey”) was conducted with the aim of ascertaining employment status and conditions and attitudes toward care work among long-term care workers employed in home-visit care services (including certified care workers, hereafter “home helpers”) and engaged in home-visit long-term care provision as prescribed in the Long-Term Care Insurance Act, and thereby furnishing basic materials for the securement of working conditions for home helpers. The Worker Survey has been conducted since 2002 (Heisei 14).

Please note that the Workplace Survey contains details on wages and working hours.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe [Workplace Survey]
Workplaces that carry out long-term care services designated by long-term care insurance except workplaces providing Home Visit Rehabilitation and Guidance for Management of In-Home Medical Long-Term Care

[Worker Survey]
Employees of the above workplaces who are home helpers
Unit of Observation Individual,Organization
Sample Size [Workplace Survey]
  Sample size: 10,000 workplaces
  Number of valid responses: 2,500 workplaces
  Valid response rate: 25%
*Regarding the employment status, working conditions and other individual circumstances of long-term care workers who work in the workplaces that responded (Question 12), responses on 41,593 long-term care workers were received and have been aggregated separately.

[Worker Survey]
  Sample size: approximately 10,000 people
  Number of valid responses: 2,405 people
Date of Collection 2005-11-10 ~ 2005-12-10
Survey reference date: in principle, as of November 1, 2005
Survey period: 2005/11/10- 12/10
Time Period 2005 ~ 2005
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Simple random
[Workplace Survey]
Random sample of 10,000 workplaces from all facilities in Japan providing long-term care services designated under the Long-Term Care Insurance Act, other than Home-Visit Rehabilitation and Guidance for Management of In-Home Medical Long-Term Care.

[Worker Survey]
2,000 workplaces were sampled from among designated long-term care facilities, and around 10,000 home helpers working at these facilities were sampled.
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
[Workplace Survey]
Administered as the “Questionnaire of survey on long-term care work in workplaces.”
Self-administered mail survey.
Summarized by the Care Work Foundation.

[Worker Survey]
Administered as the “Questionnaire of survey of long-term care workers’ employment situation and employment attitudes.”
Self-administered mail survey.
Summarized by the Care Work Foundation.
Care Work Foundation
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0610
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) [Workplace Survey][Worker Survey]
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items [Workplace Survey]

(1) General overview of workplace
- Locations of workplaces (by prefecture)
- Corporate status
- Types of long-term care services provided, primary type of long-term care service
- Month and year when the long-term care business opened, opening of workplaces
- Number of employees in workplace (by employment status/gender/existence of fixed employment term/ mode of work)
- Number of non-regular employee (by gender/employment status)
- Whether or not accepting dispatched laborers (haken rodosha),number of dispatched laborers (haken rodosha) (by gender)
- Whether or not there are multiple workplaces
- Conduct of businesses other than designated long-term care services, and nature thereof
- Number of employees in entire organization,number of employees at workplaces

(2) State of employment
- Number of employees by occupation type in each long-term care service type (by employment status/mode of work/gender)

(3) Employment management
- Issuance of notifications of employment conditions,whether or not there is the employment regulations
- Number of home-visit care workers and care workers who were recruited during the past year, and number of those who left during the past year, number of employees at present (by employment status/mode of work)
- Years of employment of home-visit care workers and care workers who left their jobs (by employment status/ mode of work)
- Reason why home-visit care workers and care workers left their jobs
- Facility’s standard staff numbers and work shifts, number of late-night workers
- Home-visit care workers’ prescribed hours of work per week (by employment status, gender)
- Method of managing registered helpers’ working hours

(4) Wage systems/wage management (by employment status/mode of work)
- Factors determining base salary
- Existence of wage table
- Payment of allowances
- Existence of periodical pay raise system, existence of system for raising pay other than through periodical pay raises
- Existence of bonus system, number of bonus payments per year, factors determining bonus amounts
- Existence of retirement benefit system, number of years of employment to be eligible for payment
- Implementation of personnel evaluation system, impact of evaluation results
- Payment of wages to home-visit long-term care workers for non-service provision time
- Differences in hourly rate based on type of work undertaken by registered helpers, hourly rates by work type

(5) Benefits/welfare (by employment status,mode of work)
- Training at the time of employment
- Presence or absence of paid annual leave system
- State of conducting health checkups (health checkups at the time of employment, periodic health check-ups, other type of health checkups )
- Subscription to labor insurance, social insurance (industrial accident compensation insurance, employment insurance,health insurance, employees’ pension insurance), number of employees who are subscribed employees’ pension insurance

(6) State of human resources recruitment/retention
- Surplus or shortfall of care staff by occupation type
- Method of hiring personnel and the most effective hiring method/medium
- Points of emphasis when recruiting workers
- Operational issues

(7) Care workers’ individual circumstances
(*The data for this item (Question 12) is in a separate file.)

- Gender/age/occupation type/employment status/years of employment/mode of work/qualifications held/wage payment type/wages not including overtime/actual wages/number of hours actually worked/overtime work hours/years of employment)

[Worker Survey]

(1) Attributes, etc.
- Gender, age
- Managing entity of workplace, size of workplace by number of employees
- Employment status
- Term of employment contract
- Mode of work
- Qualifications respondent holds

(2) Employment Status -- nature of duties and mode of employment
- Years of experience as a home visit care worker (home helper) and years of employment at workplace
- Work as service provision supervisor
- Number of clients/days responsible
- Content of services provided
- Average number of hours of service provided per occasion
- Attendance at facility at start/end of work time
- Method of communicating with facility
- Times of day worked
- Means of transportation when visiting two or more sites in a single day
- Time required to reach next visit destination
- Location and number of hours required for completion of work reports
- Existence of requests to perform services other than in the home-visit long-term care plan, content thereof
- Occasions in the past year when the services detailed in the plan did not match the needs of the client, how such occasions are dealt with
- Implementation of training sessions, exchange sessions, etc., number of sessions, whether or not attended, benefits of attendance

(3)Working conditions
- Means of entering into employment contract and existence of directions on employment term, place of work, duties, etc.
- Inclusion of travel time, work report preparation time, waiting time, and training time in wage calculations
- Whether or not paid annual leave granted, number of days
- Whether or not there are employment rule, the way of notification
- Whether or not there are health checkups at workplace, and whether or not respondent does the check
- Health condition
- Presence of back pain, use of stretch bands, etc. to prevent back pain
- Measures to prevent infectious disease
- State of subscription to labor/social insurance (employment/health/employees’ pension insurance)

(4) Attitudes to work as a home-visit long-term care worker (home helper)
- Awareness of clients’ and family members’ understanding of content and objectives of long-term care services provided
- Awareness of complaints from clients and family members (existence of complaints, methods of dealing with them, causes of complaints)
- Sense of isolation in long-term care work undertaken
- Awareness of objectives of long-term care among all clients
- Effects of services provided
- Evaluation of services provided by clients and family members
- Self-evaluation of long-term care skills
- Things needed to improve long-term care skills
- Reasons for engaging in long-term care work as a long-term care worker
- Reasons for engaging in long-term care work as a registered helper, and desire to be a full-time helper
- Attitude toward work in the future
- Awareness of problems in wages and other working conditions as a long-term care worker

(5) State of work and attitudes of service provision supervisors
- Existence of concurrent work as both a service provision supervisor and home-visit long-term care worker, ratio of duties in case of concurrent work
- Years of experience as a service provision supervisor
- Number of service provision supervisors in workplace
- Number of helpers supervised (by helpers’ employment status)
- Problems relating to allocation of helpers
- Reporting from helpers supervised, reasons for inadequacies
- Implementation of work guidance and skills training for helpers supervised, evaluation thereof, reasons for inadequacies
- Existence of duty allowance for service provision supervisors
- Number of hours of overtime work by service provision supervisors
- Problems in working conditions, etc. for service provision supervisors
- Attitudes toward the role of service provision supervisors
Date of Release 2009/12/08
Topics in CESSDA Click here for details

Employee training
Working conditions
Social welfare systems/structures
Topics in SSJDA Social Security/Welfare
Version 1 : 2009-12-08
Notes for Users Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.