Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
46th Fact-finding Survey on Student Life, 2010
National Federation of University Co-operative Associations
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One year |
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The “Fact-finding Survey on Student Life” has been conducted every October since 1963 with the objective of clarifying the state of university students’ lifestyles, especially, financial life, and the views and behavior of university students, to enhance the lives of university students through the implementation of the results in the activities and operations of university co-operatives. The 2010 survey is the 46th survey.
In this survey, in addition to the common survey items set in prior surveys (such as living expenses and consumption behavior), items have been added on prospects and aspirations for the future. These items are likely to be useful in examining how the economic recession following the global financial crisis has affected students’ lives and perceptions.
This kind of examination is pursued in the report as well. The report sheds light, for example, on how most students’ perceptions, in the form of uncertainties surrounding graduate employment and their future, are influenced by contemporary conditions: the increasing difficulties experienced by those living away from the family home resulting from the need to derive more income from scholarships and part-time work as financial support their families declines, the rising expenses associated with longer graduate job search periods as companies rein in their hiring of new employees, and the economic conditions resulting from these situations. At the same time, however, the survey results also reveal that despite their anxieties, students express ambitions for the future in the form of a desire to contribute to society and to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to do so.
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
Undergraduate students in national/prefectural/municipal and private universities
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Number of responses: 9,871 people
*To more accurately capture changes over time, the tabulation and analysis in the report utilizes the 9,871 cases collected from the 31 University Co-ops targeted every year.
Date of Collection
2010-10 ~ 2010-11
October to November, 2010
Time Period
2010 ~ 2010
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Simple random
Probability: Stratified
Probability: Stratified: Proportional
Random sampling (Sampling was performed using the student lists, etc. of each University Co-op.)
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Self-administered mail survey. Co-ops used students lists, etc. for a random sampling to send out and collect the questionnaire forms by mail (by hand in some cases).
National Federation of University Co-operative Associations |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
【 Questionnaire
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
(1) Attributes - Major, year in school, age, gender, marital status, university entrance exams, type of residence/layout and size/bathroom,mode of transportation to commute to school, commuting time (2) University life,daily life and activities - University life: number of days per week attending university/time of arriving at and leaving from university, number of classes, whether current university/major was respondent’s first choice, reason for choosing the current university, classes, level of satisfaction with university facilities and environment, level of satisfaction with relationships with people, atmosphere, and program - Employment: planned pathway, worries, initiatives to find work in desired occupation/job type, decision with respect to desired occupation/job type,
(3) Daily life - Reading, student club activities, situation of hospitalization/receiving outpatient services, meals, worries in daily life, people to confide in about worries, interest in society and future outlook on life
(4) Consumption behavior - Whether respondent has a PC/usage level, travel abroad
(5) Content of Co-op activities, evaluation and use of Co-ops - Co-op books division, Co-op retail division, Co-op cafeteria, level of awareness regarding Co-op activities
(6) Economic life - Conditions of lifestyle, scholarship funds, part-time (arubaito) job, living expenses and savings,extra expenses in the past six months, extra expenses expected in the next six months), occupation and annual income of father and mother
*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release
Topics in CESSDA
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Consumption and consumer behaviour
Higher and further education
Topics in SSJDA
1 : 2012-06-20
Notes for Users
Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.
- The number of cases in this dataset is 21,698 (91 University Co-ops), which does not match the number of respondents (9,871) to the survey.
- Information on the universities used in the report are not included in this dataset.