University of Tokyo

Survey Number 0836
Survey Title Survey on Life Attitudes of Parents and Children, 2011
Depositor Office for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan
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Educational Purpose Available for both research and instructional purposes.
Period of Data Use Permission One year
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Summary The issue of child poverty has become critical for the entire government, and the promotion of responses to that issue has been brought up in the government’s “Children and Youth Vision” (decided by the children and youth support promotion headquarters), which was established on July 23, 2010.

The hypothesis of this survey is that “disparities in the awareness of the connection between society and family situations (motherless or fatherless families), life circumstances, regional bonds and blood relatives create disparities in parents’ sense of values, including their views on education and work. In turn, these affect children’s future prospects and their ambitions and interests, including their inclination toward learning.” This survey was conducted with the aim of obtaining basic information for considering the potential of future support methods by studying the areas where resources should be invested to rectify the main causes of the children’s disadvantages.

To create a survey plan in line with the above objectives, we conducted two surveys: a “Child Survey” targeting boys and girls in their third year of junior high school, and a “Guardian Survey” targeting their guardians. By narrowing our focus on children in the final year of compulsory education (third year of junior high school, ages 14 to 15), it is possible to grasp the situations they face immediately before academic and vocational tracking begins. This study also separately surveys the participating students’ guardians. The “Guardian Survey” results not only offer accurate information on the financial situations of students’ families, they also reveal how children’s behavior and attitudes correspond with their parents’ attitudes and ways of thinking.
Data Type quantitative research: micro data
Universe Men and women in Japan born between April 2, 1996 and April 1, 1997 (In third year in junior high school at the time of survey) and their guardians.
Unit of Observation Individual
Sample Size [Child Survey]Sample size: 4,000 people, valid responses: 3,192,response rate 79.8%
[Guardian Survey]Sample size: 4,000 people, valid responses 3,197, response rate 79.9%
Date of Collection ~
Time Period ~
Spatial Unit Japan
Sampling Procedure Probability: Stratified
Probability: Multistage
Two-stage stratified random sampling (240 locations)
Mode of Data Collection Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Self-administered survey (drop-off/pick-up method)
Investigator Office for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan, survey carried out by Shin Joho Center, Inc.
DOI 10.34500/SSJDA.0836
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator) Office for the General Promotion of Policy on Youth Affairs and Childrearing, Cabinet Office, The Government of Japan, 2012,「親と子の生活意識に関する調査 報告書(概要版)」,May 2012
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis) List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Documentation [ Children ] [ Parents ]
Major Survey Items [Child Survey]
(1) About the respondent: gender, wake-up time and bedtime, breakfast intake, frequency of brushing teeth, health condition, mental condition

(2) School/studying: Whether the time spent at school is enjoyable, grades/comprehension of lessons, hours of study on weekdays/weekends and holidays, ideal level of educational attainment/ realistic level of educational attainment, views on studying, situation/work style when respondent is 40 years old, hope for the future

(3) Family life: family mood, conversations/relationship with parents, relationship between parents, family’s living conditions, managing money

(4) Social life: relationships with friends, self-assessment of ability to communicate, community activities participated

(5) Respondent’s thoughts: self-assessment, adults around you, thoughts on the future and society

(6) Experiences: as a small child (experience such as being praised by parents), experiences at school (awards, skipping class, etc.)

(7) Everyday life: when respondent feels happy, concerns and problems, people to turn to

[Guardian Survey]
(1) Regarding respondent him or herself: gender, age, relation to survey target child, activities done in one year, employment status, highest level of educational attainment, situation when respondent was a third year in junior high school student (living conditions, grades, parents’ situation), overall satisfaction with current life, health condition, mental condition, self-assessment, talking to someone or responding when problems arise (by type of problem/to whom to turn), thoughts on the future and society, support needed for childrearing

(2) About the survey target child: number of siblings, time spent together on weekdays, conversations (about school/friends, etc.), relationship with the child, educational priorities, ideal level of child’s educational attainment/realistic level of child’s educational attainment, school currently attended, tutoring schools (juku)/after-school lessons, education-related expenses that feel burdensome, thoughts on education, hope for the child’s future

(3) Regarding household: number/structure of people in the household, household income/breakdown, family’s living conditions, financial issues (living expenses, medical/nursing expenses, educational expenses)

(4) Regarding spouse: marital status, details about the spouse (whether first marriage or remarriage, relation to the child, age, relationship with respondent, employment status/highest level of educational attainment), spouse’s intentions about child’s educational level.

*For details of survey items, please refer to the questionnaires.
Date of Release 2012/07/19
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Compulsory and pre-school education
Family life and marriage
Social behaviour and attitudes
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Version 1 : 2012-07-19
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