Abstract |
Survey Number
Survey Title
Professionals' Survey on University Education, 2009
Center for Research on University Management and Policy, The University of Tokyo
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This survey polls professionals from among the nation's university graduates to evaluate their university education, a self-evaluation of their various knowledge abilities, their desire to gain new informational skills as part of their profession, and their opinions on their future learning needs. Its objective is to contribute to university education.
Additionally, the University of Tokyo Department of University Management and Policy Research Center has already conducted two large-scale surveys on the university education process and the point of entry into university, "High-School Graduates Follow-Up Survey 0892" and "National University Student Survey 0893." This is the third of those research efforts; it continues beyond those studies to focus on the period after graduation.
Regarding funding for the implementation of this survey, we have received official support from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science's Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grants-in-Aid for Creative Scientific Research) under the title "Basic Survey Analysis for the Formulation of a High-School Education Grand Design Plan" (2005-2009, Principal Investigator, Motohisa Kaneko).
Data Type
quantitative research: micro data
All privately-managed offices in the country with more than 30 and less than 1000 employees were targeted (excluding public agencies) Population: Approximately 5.72 million offices (a)Human resources supervisors (b)Individual employees (university/graduate school graduates) University graduates (men and women enrolled in a company and between 20–59 years of age)
Unit of Observation
Sample Size
Number of offices: 50,000 [Human resources supervisors] Number of usable responses: 8,777 (17.6% response rate) [University graduate employees] Number of usable responses: 25,203 (10.1% response rate)
Date of Collection
2009-07 ~ 2009-08
July to August 2009
Time Period
2009 ~ 2009
Spatial Unit
Sampling Procedure
Probability: Cluster
Probability: Cluster: Simple random
We randomly selected 50,000 offices around the country from the "2006 Office/Workplace Statistical Survey List" and sent them our survey form. At each office, one human resources supervisor (50,000 in total, 50,000 companies * 1 individual) distributed survey forms to five university graduates each (250,000 in total, 50,000 companies * 5 individuals).
Mode of Data Collection
Self-administered questionnaire: Paper
Nikkei Research mailed and collected questionnaires from target companies
Center for Research on University Management and Policy, The University of Tokyo, survey carried out by Nikkei Research Inc. |
Sponsors (Funds)
Related Publications (by the Investigator)
Please refer to the abstract in Japanese.
Related Publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
List of related publications (based on Secondary Analysis)
Major Survey Items
[HR supervisor survey form] (1) Attributes of responding company Differences between headquarters and branch offices, number of regular employees, primary industry sector, total number of employees, location
(2) Percentage of university graduates Percentage compared to all employees Percentage of university graduates from among employees in their twenties Percentage of those who completed their master's degree in their twenties
(3) Changes in percentages of graduates from undergraduate and graduate schools Change over the last three years Thoughts on long-term personnel policies
(4) Important factors considered when hiring university graduates Specialized field when graduating from undergraduate or graduate school Grades and alma mater Achievements in clubs, etc. Growth potential
(5) Evaluation of university graduate hires Interpersonal relationship skills Reading and writing ability Foreign language ability Logical reasoning Maturity of character
(6) Percentage of terminated employees who were new university graduates
(7) Considerations made for individuals who have completed graduate degrees Master's degree holders Doctoral degree holders
(8) Evaluation of current university education and its future nature University providing students with adequate depth of study on the theories required in their field of specialization Education providing skills that would be of immediate use in the workplace University definitely helping students acquire the basic knowledge and thinking that are foundational to their field of specialty University providing non-specialized, broad-scope education
(9) Guidelines for graduate school learning
[University graduate survey form] (1) About your current job Process by which you got a job at your current place of work Attributes of your current place of work (industry sector / number of employees / location) Location of the high school where you graduated from Your job at your current place of work The tasks or responsibilities that form the bulk of your work Use of English as part of your job Thoughts on work experience Degree of satisfaction with current work
(2) About respondents themselves Respondent profile, working hours and commute time, alma mater/department, last year's income, evaluation when you were hired at your current place of work, reason you chose your current line of work, previous places you've worked at, study abroad experience
(3) Knowledge/skills necessary for work Skills necessary to perform your work Status of work-related learning/education Thoughts on working professional graduate students Objectives regarding entry into graduate school Factors preventing entry into graduate school Conditions for taking up a graduate degree on top of your job
(4) About your university life Classes you found meaningful Evaluation of the educational system of your alma mater Future outlook during your university days Importance of studying/personal life during your university days The university education you experienced and the way it might improve in the future
(5) About current university education Skills of young people at your place of work
(6) About graduates of science majors Necessary knowledge for your work Evaluation of the academic ability of young people at your place of work Thoughts on undergraduate education
(7) About students who continue to graduate school Effects of graduate school learning Evaluation of graduate school graduates at your place of work Thoughts on the way graduate schools should be
*For details on survey items, please refer to the questionnaire.
Date of Release
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Notes for Users
[University graduate employees]Question 12: university name and department name have not been made public. Variable and value labels are written in Japanese.